All the Pretty Little Horses


All the Pretty Little Horses est une berceuse américaine traditionnelle.

Par analogie, elle peut être comparée au « Fais dodo, Colas mon p'tit frère » français.

Paroles modifier

Dorothy Scarborough, 1925 modifier

Hush-a-by, Don't you cry,
Go to sleep, little baby.
And when you wake, You shall have,
And all the pretty little horses
Dapples and Greys, Pintos, and Bays
All the pretty little horses
So hush-a-by, Don't you cry,
Go to sleep, little baby.

Vers supplémentaires (inclus dans certaines versions) modifier

Way down yonder
In de medder
There's a po' lil lambie,
De bees an' de butterflies
Peckin' out its eyes,
De po' lil lambie cried, "Mammy!"

Version populaire modifier

Hush-a-by, Don't you cry
Go to sleep, you little baby
When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses
Dapples and grays, pintos and bays
All the pretty little horses
Hush-a-by, Don't you cry
Go to sleep, you little baby
When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses

Interprètes modifier

Source de la traduction modifier