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Attention ce n'est pas nwn mais nwnw et c'est de là qu'est sorti le soleil dans le mythe de la création d'Héliopolis!!

Salut! Je veux ecrire dans d'Anglais parce'que mon francais est tres mal. I have looked for the writing of the God's name in the Hannig, a German hand-dictionnary for the Egyptian language. There are very good lists of the God names, and Nwn stands there in another writings: only three nw-crocks, or three nu-crocks with an heaven-symbol as determine; other variations with an waterline n before the crocks and a little chick behind it. I remember also an writing with only three waterlines, but the writing which is in the article is new for me. I have never seen Nwn, determined with a God. Can you please write the book, where you have took it from? I am not registered in this wikipedia, in the German one as Felis. Good-bye, and sorry for not using French.

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