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À propos du club de golf de Sainte-Pétronille, la plupart des sources identifient le club de Golf Royal Montréal, fondé en 1873, comme étant le premier en Amérique du Nord (voir notamment : [1]), mais autant le site internet de Golf Orléans [2] que la Commission de toponymie du Québec dans «Noms et lieux du Québec», ouvrage de paru en 1994 font remonter les origines de ce club de golf à 1868, ce qui en ferait le plus ancien en Amérique du Nord. Qu'en pensez-vous tout le monde ?

--Nicogag 5 septembre 2006 à 15:28 (CEST)Répondre

The Royal Montreal Golf Club was, in fact, the first Golf Club to be formed in Canada, and also in North America, in 1873. There has been some confusion about this point, mainly because people played golf on (very roughly laid out, to be sure) courses in Canada and elsewhere for many decades, and even centuries, before the formation of any official Clubs -- for example, William Burnett, the Governor of Albany, New York, had 'gouff' balls in his personal effects upon his death in 1729. However, a Golf Club and a place where golf is played are two very different things. A Golf Club is an incorporated entity, with legally-binding Articles of Incorporation and a official Membership Roll. The fact that a few holes were laid out near Sainte-Pétronille on Timothy Dunn's property at the tip of the Île-d'Orléans says nothing about the formation of a Golf Club there. James A. Barclay's Golf in Canada: A History (ISBN: 0-7710-1080-X) is very clear about who takes precedence: "The Royal Montreal GC, founded in 1873, was the first Club in North America whose members played golf." (p. 11) The only way to disprove this assertion would be for a Club to produce its articles of incorporation showing an earlier date, and none has been able to do that. So, this page must be changed dès que possible!

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