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Prix Atomium


Bonjour TheDragonhunter ! J'ai vu passer votre modif sur Prix Atomium et je dois vous avouer ma perplexité car, comme indiqué en tête d'article, ces prix ont été créés en 2017... et vous utilisez des liens internes vers des prix qui existaient auparavant. Est-ce que vous avez une source pour expliquer que les atomium se confondent avec ces prix antérieurs ? Cordialement, — Bédévore [plaît-il?] 20 septembre 2019 à 18:47 (CEST)Répondre

Bonsoir Bédévore. (en) First of all, I'm a contributor at the Dutch Wikipedia. I also participate in the Dutch version of Projet:Bande dessinée. Though we're in my opinion quite lacking in comparison to frwiki. Anyways, I can read French quit well, but I'm terrible at speaking or writing it. So my apologies for answering in English. If you insist, I can give it a try afterward. I don't mind if you answer in French.
Regarding your question, first a little background in case you don't know. nl:Stripgids is a Flemish (Belgian) magazine with information about comics or authors. It also has a few comics (not always), but not even close to magazines like Spirou, Tintin or Pilote. It was in Belgium one of the first in its kind. The organisation behind the magazine afterwards organised a comic festival "Stripgidsdag" or "Stripgidsdagen" ("dag" means "day" or "jour", dagen means days, see also nl:Stripgids Festival) and an award "Stripgidsprijs" (later nl:Bronzen Adhemar). Later a few other awards followed like the "Willy Vandersteenprijs". In 1985 the magazine disappeared, but the festival and award got continued by volunteers. Around 2003-2005 things changed. The volunteers quitted and a new organisation was founded with funds from the Flemish government. That organisation (Strip Turnhout or Stripgids) continued the original magazine (with permission from the original editor), the festival and the award. Near the end of 2016 the future of that new organisation wasn't looking too good. A request for a continuation of the funds from the Flemish government was denied. It got approved eventually in januari 2017, but some things changed. (See this article for example (Dutch) or this article on their own site (also Dutch)) Those changes includes changes to the magazine and the festival disappeared. Things seem to be unsure of their awards as well. After all, there was no Bronzen Adhemar in 2017, but there was a Willy Vandersteenprijs in 2017. There was a Bronzen Adhemar in 2018 that got suddenly awarded in Brussel with the other Prix Atomium. There was in 2018 no Willy Vandersteenprijs (normally every year except one at the beginning). This year was there no Bronzen Adhemar, but there was a Willy Vandersteenprijs instead. Both are from Stripgids.
I didn't found a clear source of what's going on actually, but they are the same:
  • This article on their own (Stripgids) site says that Wauter Mannaert won the award Willy Vandersteenprijs at Stripfeest (Fête de la BD (Bruxelles)). Furthermore, this Willy Vandersteenprijs was awarded by the same organisation (stripgids), it has the same scope (comic book in Dutch language), it has even the same amount of prize money.... . That article also mentioned the previous winner Wilbert Van der Steen. However, he didn't get the award in Brussels, but in a comic museum (nl:Suske en Wiske museum in Kalmthout (a bit above Antwerp). See also here or here (both Dutch). This French article about 2019 also names the previous winners.
  • This article on their own (Stripgids) site says it even clearer. It says Jeroen Janssen received the Bronzen Adhemar at Stripfeest in Brussels. It's the same as the one from 1977. The scope didn't changed either. See also here. They just didn't mention what happened between 2015 and 2018, why it's suddenly in Brussels,... . This French article calls it "Prix Bronzen Adhemar" and mentions "Stripgids", the Flemish government and the city Turnhout (where the festival was held).
It confuses me as well, though. It's the same price, but it seems after it got financial trouble that it got suddenly awarded in Brussels. I'm not entirely sure what happened around 2015-2018. I just don't really find a good source that stated what happened... . I suspect that the Bronzen Adhemar and Willy Vandersteen will switch each year. Normally the Bronzen Adhemar is awarded every 2 years. However, the Prix Atomium seems to be every year. So I presume the Willy Vandersteenprijs takes that roll. However, I don't have a good source for that and it's a suspicion of my own. I don't put my suspicions in articles. Those 2 links seemed to be ok in my opinion. Unfortunately, I seemed to have given mostly Dutch sources, but comics aren't always given so much attention in the media and in general French media pays less attention to Dutch or Flemish comics then French or comics from Brussels or Wallonia (That's normal, though. It's the other way around as well.) So if even Dutch/Flemish sources aren't so clear about a Flemish organisation... . Anyways, my apologies for mostly giving Dutch sources and the length of this answer... . I'm terrible with that. If you want more, I can look for it. Well, the background about Stripgids and its relation to the Bronzen Adhemar and Willy Vandersteenprijs was to make the mentioning of "Stripgids" more convincing. Kind regards.TheDragonhunter (discuter) 20 septembre 2019 à 20:40 (CEST)Répondre
Hello TheDragonhunter, no need to worry about writing in English, I guess I can understand. Émoticône sourire Thanks for collecting information in Dutch and for all the explanations, although I'm sorry I can't understand a word in Dutch, so opening the links won't actually help me. (Smiley oups) I didn't know about what happened with the previous awards, thanks for looking it up, it would be great to add further information on the main prix Atomium page. I also noticed the names Adhémar / Vandersteen prize in French-speaking media when I was reading documents to create the page about Atomium awards. However, it wasn't clear to me from the news: the editors wrote about Atomium awards. Adhémar / Vandersteen prizes seemed like synonymous of "award granted for Dutch-speaking comics", without further explanation. I found it quite strange, since neither of the prize was created in 2017 along with the other Atomium prizes. Since it was unclear to me, I decided not to mention it until it would become clearly stated. There are indeed clues that Atomium for Dutch-speaking comics = either Adhémar or Vandertseen award, but I couldn't find any reference explaining how and why they chose the name. I was hoping you would have a reliable reference about it. I'll leave it as it is now, since I share your conclusions, however I'd be glad to read a reference that formally states that Atomium de la BD néerlandophone = prix Adhémar = prix Willy Vandersteen. Please tell me if you find such a reference, I'll also keep an eye open should any editor write about it. Sorry about my bad English, usually I only read, I don't write in English. Kind regards, — Bédévore [plaît-il?] 20 septembre 2019 à 22:27 (CEST)Répondre
Hello Bédévore, I agree on that, but it seems like something wasn't entirely clear. Probably due the length of my post... . Atomium de la BD néerlandophone = prix Adhémar = prix Willy Vandersteen isn't correct. Prix Adhémar and Prix Willy Vandersteen are 2 different awards. Prix Willy Vandersteen is for albums. Prix Adhemar is awarded to (Flemish) authors for their careers. If you would compare it to Angoulême, then the Prix Adhémar is more like the Grand prix de la ville d'Angoulême and the Prix Willy Vandersteen is more something like Fauve d'or : prix du meilleur album. Both Prix Adhémar and Prix Willy Vandersteen are both awarded by the same organisation, but they have a different purpose. Kind regards.TheDragonhunter (discuter) 21 septembre 2019 à 00:00 (CEST)Répondre
Thanks for correcting me. I quite misunderstood indeed ! Émoticône Anyway, please let me know should you find further details about the prize granted along with Atomiums. Émoticône sourire Kind regards, — Bédévore [plaît-il?] 21 septembre 2019 à 00:05 (CEST)Répondre
Btw. It seems like it isn't just the Bronzen Adhemar and Prix Willy Vandersteen. At this page (French) on their site (Fête de la BD (Bruxelles)), you see a white area at the bottom with some logos. The one at the right is Stripgids, but the first one is the Association Raymond Leblanc. So if they are involved as well, then the Prix Raymond Leblanc might exist longer as well. (see their site (French) or articles like these (French)) The Prix Raymond Leblanc was also awarded at the Fête de la BD before the existence of the Prix Atomium. (like page 38 on this pdf (French) or this article (French). Eventually, I found this article (French) with some background, I guess, but the Prix Atomium didn't get mentioned yet. Hmm, I'll need to look better at it another time. Perhaps some of the other awards might exist before as well. Kind regards.TheDragonhunter (discuter) 24 septembre 2019 à 20:58 (CEST)Répondre
Hello TheDragonhunter, thanks for having looked it up. I also noticed the Fondation Raymond Leblanc, which needs closer attention - news items were allusive and did not explain who is doing what and how and why. For the 2019 edition, for instance, I couldn't find the detailed awards in each catégory. I will read what you brought in a few days and include it right away in my "to do list". I'm working on an artist tonight but I'll look again in the media about Atomium once I'm done. Please notify me ({{notif|name}}) or leave me a message when you find further information. It won't be lost, I'll work again on prix Atomium sooner or later. Émoticône sourire Kind regards, — Bédévore [plaît-il?] 24 septembre 2019 à 21:40 (CEST)Répondre
Hi Notification Bédévore :, I finished looking at it for now. With that, I finished making a Dutch article. (nl:Atomiumprijzen) It's in Dutch, so I don't know if it's useful for you. It doesn't mention much more, but I just mention it here in case. Over half of the references are French. I found one more award that exists longer (Beside Prix Adhemar, Prix Willy Vandersteen and Prix Raymond Leblanc): The Prix Cognito de la BD historique. The other seems to be new. In the message above I talked about a white area with some logos on their official site. One of them is "Cognito". For example this mentions some information about Prix Cognito de la BD historique. It's awarded by a Fondation Cognito and it mentions a site. On their site, I found this and this. It seems to go back to 2012. Kind regards.TheDragonhunter (discuter) 1 octobre 2019 à 23:04 (CEST)Répondre

Prix Töpffer


Bonjour TheDragonhunter, Belle page d'utilisateur que je copierais probablement. Les principes fondateurs, c'est essentiel de les revoir régulièrement. Question sur ce prix Töpffer. Vous êtes visiblement un cador en BD. Comment sont attribués les prix lorsqu'il est possible de connaître le lauréat deux mois avant la remise du prix? Je me faisais un bonheur de, pour une fois, arriver à compléter à partir de l'actualité, mais côté Mandryka tout allait bien, mais pas côté PriX Töpffer. Déception. Mais j'aimerai en savoir plus. Bien cordialement, --Suzy1919 (discuter) 3 décembre 2019 à 10:19 (CET)Répondre

Excuse my French ! Hello, Nice user page I will probably copy to mine. The founding principles must be reviewed regularly. Question about this Töpffer prize. You're obviously a comic book cadet. How are prizes awarded when it is possible to know the winner two months before the award ceremony? I was delighted to be able to supplement it with current events for once, but everything was fine on the Mandryka side, but not on the PriX Töpffer side. Disappointment. But I'd like to know more about it. Kind regards --Suzy1919 (discuter) 3 décembre 2019 à 10:24 (CET)Répondre

Hi. I can understand French quit well, but I'm just terrible at writing it. So it's fine. It depends on the award, but some of them are announced long before the actual ceremony. However, if news media pays attention to a price, they usually at most only mention it after the actual award ceremony unless it's a really big award. There are some sites (or magazines,...) that focus on news regarding comics. For example sites such as (Dutch) or (French). Such sites usually pay more attention to such things (comics). In this case, actuabd mentioned it a couple months ago. So I added the name here. See my edit summary (this link). Not all awards do that. Since I'm not that good at writing French, I'm a bit reluctant with making too big edits here on the French Wikipedia, but just adding a name seemed fine to me. Have a nice day.TheDragonhunter (discuter) 3 décembre 2019 à 21:14 (CET)Répondre