English: Şehzade Mosque, a 16th-century Ottoman imperial mosque located in the district of Fatih, on the third hill of Istanbul, Turkey.
It was commissioned by Suleiman the Magnificent as a memorial to his favorite son Şehzade Mehmed who died in 1543. It is sometimes referred to as the "Prince's Mosque" in English.
Suleiman is said to have personally mourned the death of Mehmed for forty days at his temporary tomb in Istanbul, the site upon which the imperial architect Mimar Sinan would construct a lavish mausoleum to Mehmed as one part of a larger mosque complex dedicated to the princely heir. The complex was Sinan's first important imperial commission and ultimately one of his most ambitious architectural works, even though it was designed early in his long career.
العربية: جامع شهزاده باسطنبول، أمر ببنائه السلطان سليمان القانوني لابنه الشاهزاده محمد الذي توفي في عمر 22 عاما في مانيسا سنة 1543، وبناه المهندس المعماري العثماني: معمار سنان الذي أنهى بناء المسجد عام 1548. ويَعتبر بعض المؤرخين هذا المسجد التحفة الأولى من تحف المعماري سنان آغا.
Türkçe: Şehzade Camii (Şehzade Mehmet Camii ya da Şehzadebaşı Camii olarak da bilinir), İstanbul'un Fatih ilçesinde yer alan ve Mimar Sinan tarafından yapılan cami.
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