DescriptionSultanat of Ternate and Tidore en 1800.png
English: The dark orange area is core realm of Sultanate of Tidore. The light orange area is vassal states of Sultanate of Tidore. The pale yellow is outer realm or independent states from TIdore. The red area is Sultanate of Ternate (under the control of VOC).
(en indonesian) IPS Terpadu (Sosiologi, Geografi, Ekonomi, Sejarah), PT Grafindo Media Pratama, p. 219 ISBN : 9789797583378.
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Les zones en orange foncé representent le sultanat de Tidore à proprement dit. Les régions en orange pâle constituent les états vassaux du Sultanat de Tidore. La zone rouge est le Sultanat de Ternate (sous l'autorité de la VOC).
The dark orange area is core realm of Sultanate of Tidore. The light orange area is vassal states of Sultanate of Tidore. The pale yellow is outer realm or independent states from TIdore. The red area is Sultanate of Ternate (under VOC).