Opération Yevusi

opération militaire

L'opération Yevusi (מבצע יבוסי} est une opération militaire du Palmah durant la guerre israélo-arabe de 1948 pour assurer le contrôle des juifs sur Jérusalem et faisant référence à la tribu des Jébuséens.

Opération Yevusi
Description de l'image PikiWiki Israel 20755 The Palmach.jpg.
Informations générales
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Palmah Milices arabes
Yitzhak Sadeh

Guerre israélo-arabe de 1948

Les quatre objectifs étaient Nabi Samuel, le point le plus élevé de la région, Sheikh Jarrah (quartier du caveau de Simon le juste שמעון הצדיק) , un village sur la route du mont Scopus, Katamon, et Augusta Victoria à l'est de la vieille ville de Jérusalem[1],[2] commandée par Yitzhak Sadeh, qui eut lieu du au .


  • Collins, Larry & Lapierre, Dominique (1972) O Jerusalem! History Book Club edition by arrangement with Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Page 301. Sadeh to Rabin: "If we can get away with this Jerusalem will be all ours forty eight hours after the British leave."
  • Kimche, Jon et David (1960) A Clash of Destinies. The Arab-Jewish War and the Founding of the State of Israel. Frederick A. Praeger. Library of Congress number 60-6996, p. 136
  • Kimche, page 135, 136. Has "over 40 killed". The Palmach memorial website has 2 killed on 22 April, 32 killed on 23 April.
  • Collins/Lapierre. Page 306. "35 Palmachniks killed."
  • Herzog, Chaim (1982) The Arab-Israeli Wars. War and Peace in the Middle East. Arms and Armour Press. (ISBN 0-85368-367-0). Page 40. "due to poor timing."
  • Collins/Lapierre. Page 306. 6pm 27 April and withdrawal to Mount Scopus.
  • Kimche. Page 136. 80 Arabs dead, "attacking force suffered 10 killed." Page 138. Closing the road from Hebron.
  • Herzog. Page 40. Numbers of Battalions, number of men attacking and 40 dead. Mentions Iraqi Arab Liberation Army irregulars.
  • Glubb, Sir John Bagot (1957) A Soldier with the Arabs. Hodder and Stoughton. Pages 72,73.
  • Collins/Lapierre. Pages 309, 313. Dov Joseph's order and Sadeh's departure.
  • Dov Joseph, "The Faithful City. The siege of Jerusalem, 1948" . Simon and Schuster, 1960. Congress # 60 10976. Page 34
  • Collins/Lapierre. Pages 309, 313. Dov Joseph's order and Sadeh's departure.
  • Cattan, Henry (1981) Jerusalem. Croom Helm. (ISBN 0-7099-0412-6). Page 51. Number of Arab districts under Jewish control.
  • Asali, K.J. (1989) Jerusalem in History. Scorpion Publishing. (ISBN 0-905906-70-5). Page 259. Estimate of number of refugees. (Michael C. Hudson)
  • Journal of Palestine Studies, 160 Volume XL, Number 4, Summer 2011. Amit, Gish Salvage or Plunder? Israel's "Collection" of Private Palestinian Libraries in West Jerusalem. Page 8. Puts the pre-war non-Jewish population of Qatamon, Talbiyya, Baq'a, Musrar, the German and Greek Colonies, and Abu Tor at 28,000.

Notes et références

  1. (en) David Tal, War in Palestine, 1948: Strategy and Diplomacy, Routledge, (ISBN 978-0-7146-5275-7, lire en ligne)
  2. (en) Ervin Birnbaum, In the Shadow of the Struggle, Gefen Publishing House Ltd, (ISBN 978-965-229-037-3, lire en ligne)