Presentation of the WikiMOOC
This page presents the WikiMOOC project conducted in 2015-2016 on french Wikipedia.
Here is detailed both what a MOOC is, for what purpose the WikiMOOC was designed, in what consisted the courses, how the project was conducted and finally what is the result of this first MOOC about Wikipedia.

(fr) French version

Table of contents

An online course to learn how to edit Wikipedia

MOOC = Massive Open Online Course.
A MOOC is an online course characterized by the large number of participants and the strong interactions between them, which create a caring community. The WikiMOOC is hosted on the public platform France université numérique (based on open software edX).

Which content ?

• Courses, which are available in two equivalent versions (chosen by the learner):
     – video (3-8 minutes per video)
     – Illustrated text
• One or two quizz per week
• A peer evaluation at week 4 (each student submits a draft of an article on Wikipedia and reviews drafts of three of his/her peers)
• A discussion board

(fr) See also the WikiMOOC course plan

What temporality?

• 5 week courses (weekly course becomes available at the end of the previous one)
• Approx. 3 hours work per week
• A statement of achievement (if> 60% success with quizzes and peer evaluation)

What goals?

For the users:
     – Discover how Wikipedia works ;
     – Learn how to contribute (edit pages, create an article, interact with the community, etc.).

For « us » (Wikipedians and Wikimédia France):
     – Public awareness-raising ;
     – Recruiting new contributors ;
     – Diversity: recruit more women and people from "non-Western" countries.

Origin of the idea

The idea of a MOOC about Wikipedia came from a Wikipedian. The project was then built around a group of contributors. The association Wikimédia France provided financial, logistical and coordination support.

The team

• 15 Wikipedians designed the MOOC (all Francophone: Cameroon, Canada, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Switzerland) ;
• 1 Wikipedian both volunteer and employee of the association Wikimédia France ;
• approx. 20 other Wikipedians who provided help ;
• 9 volunteers were involved in beta tests (non wikipedians).

(fr) Here is the exhaustive authors' credit

Project management

• 1 Wikipedian coordinator ;
• Work (design courses, other content, discussions between designers, etc.) directly on Wikipedia, on a dedicated project page ;
• Meeting on a weekly basis at fixed days and times (time: 1 hour to 2 hours 30) on IRC and Framapad ;
• In addition, email communication for private or strategic informations (such as the choice of the provider and platform).


• 8 months of design (june 2015-february 2016)
• > 2 000 hours of work
• 5 weeks of facilitation (february-march 2016)

See also the project schedule


• Hosting (public platform France université numérique): 2 500 
• Filming videos « facing the camera » and production/editing of all videos: 5 000  (with a specialized non-profit organization ; forecast more than double with a professional/for-profit)
• Shooting of screenshots' videos: 0  (made by ourselves with Open Broadcaster Software)


Important: literature on MOOCs reports a completion rate of MOOCs around 10%. This means that only one-tenth of the registered attendees end MOOC: some registered never start it, some stop in some way, either because the course does not meet their expectations or is too complex or because they had not aim to achieve the course.

6 107 attendees (registration were open for appro. two months), with:
     – 36 % of women;
     – 19 % of people living in Africa.
• Number of responses to quizzes (good indicator of the number of participants):
     – week 1 : 2122 (sequence 1), 1580 (seq. 2)
     – week 2 : 1353 (seq. 1), 1258 (seq. 2)
     – week 3 : 1019 (seq. 1), 986 (seq. 2)
     – week 5 : 699 (single sequence)

• Articles submitted to the peer assessment (week 4): 531
On Wikipedia

• > 1 000 accounts created
• approx. 300 articles created

Consult the list of articles created

Final survey

A survey was sent by email to every registered, at the WikiMOOC end. 397 people answered it; except for 23 of them, they attended all or part of the course. The statistics below are those of the attendees who really attend the WikiMOOC, not people only enrolled.

Useful links

Some useful links:

(fr) Guestbook
WikiMOOC videos on Commons
WikiMOOC Youtube channel
(fr) WikiMOOC forum on Wikipedia (opened the week 3-5)
(fr) WikiMOOC on FUN