« Discussion Projet:Nazisme » : différence entre les versions

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Swd (discuter | contributions)
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Hello dear franch user, specialist in the nazi and history. I need yours help [[Utilisateur:JLM]] delete all the time my changes. We should and need keep in Wikipedia one standards but he all the time broken it with premeditation. I was put flags of personel in the [[Auschwitz]] info box this same like in the [[Camp de concentration de Natzweiler-Struthof]]. I did one standard follow user dnf but user JLM delete it. Then i delete flags in the [[Camp de concentration de Natzweiler-Struthof]] and he ... delete my editon! He do what he want, just anti mine editions, not follow any norms and standards. In Auschwitz he delete nazi flags and in the Naztzweitler he keep it. I don't want follow edition Wars then need yours help. Please choose one standard for camp's personel infobox or like in Naztzweitler or like in Auschwitz. User JLM is seems like antypolish, and anty my, he delete mine editions. He did one in "french camp" (Camp de concentration de Natzweiler-Struthof : Historique des versions 25 janvier 2017 à 16:10) and other in "polish camp" (Auschwitz : Historique des versions 25 janvier 2017 à 11:20‎). He is very non-objective and biased, follow his french nationalism? Its even seems like rasism, treat camp in Poland different like camp in the France. I don't want follow edition wars then need yours help. If there is a substantial argument to keep it differend? --[[Utilisateur:Swd|Swd]] ([[Discussion utilisateur:Swd|discuter]]) 25 janvier 2017 à 18:49 (CET)
: Je signale au passage que j'ai demandé à Swd des excuses rapides pour son attaque personnelle inadmissible envers [[Utilisateur:JLM|JLM]] qu'il réitère ici. Pour le reste, je lui ai simplement indiqué de respecter les choix des rédacteurs initiaux et de ne pas recommencer de guerre d'édition comme précédemment, indépendamment de la question posée ici. --[[Utilisateur:Do not follow|—d—n—f]] ([[Discussion utilisateur:Do not follow|discuter]]) 25 janvier 2017 à 18:58 (CET)
:: "Pour le reste, je lui ai simplement indiqué de respecter les choix des rédacteurs initiaux "
You are very funny. We need keep somthings what is not corect? You follow it in the all editions in french wikipedia? If somthing is wrong we need keep first version? You are really funny. You can do whatever you want (probably you want find again reason for block me because I dont understand french and I can not speak with others administrator and get help from them). And I say more you are non objective and you are anty mine because I'm polish and wanna keep this same standard's in the camp in Poland and France. All what I did is wrong, or something is wrong.
Now about reason why I'm here. Of corse it's should be this same standard for all nazi camp from II world war, and it's justifiable. I feel like groupe of french people from French Wikipedia (probably friends of administrator dnf) attack me and my country. All the time try find, something to show that I'm wrong. It's dnf who delete all the time my edits and let be edits of his French friends. He later say that: I'm bad and I'm insult someone. How I can feel? It's not racism to me? Its not going on only because I'm polish? because I'dont speak french? It's Wikipedia free encyclopedy or it's private for dnf and his friends? I don't attack nobody I wish only that normal French users - specialist in the history are objective and see what's going on. This same like about this edition [https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Auschwitz&diff=prev&oldid=133963499] it's better delete true like make style better? you have book source in the french langeuge: ''Loi de la Diete de la Republique de Pologne, du 2 juillet 1947 Il a créé un musée: ''Les terrains de l'ancien [[Nazisme]] camp de concentration d' Auschwitz avec tous les batiments et installations qui s'y trouvaient sont conserves pour l'eternite en tant que Monument du Martyre de la nation polonaise et d' autres nations''<ref>''KL Documents photographiques'', Varsovia, 1980, {{p.|250}}''. What going on with you french wikipedia users? I hope I will be find one who is objective and show me, that's french Wikipedia is not private bisnes of dnf but there are others people who see that I'm right, but nobody want help me, and dnf only try scaring me. DNF you can block me I told you, I don't carre, you are not the God. it's my last words here. Shame on you!--[[Utilisateur:Swd|Swd]] ([[Discussion utilisateur:Swd|discuter]]) 25 janvier 2017 à 19:33 (CET)
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