« Discussion Projet:Références » : différence entre les versions

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Malik2Mars (discuter | contributions)
Bernard Botturi (discuter | contributions)
Ligne 772 :
* L'espace Références était il me semble prévu pour héberger des références de base, destinées à servir plusieurs fois. Cela semble avoir évolué autrement, mais je ne comprends pas finalement de quoi il s'agit : potentiellement tout ouvrage de la Bibliothèque nationale par exemple peut être une source (et bien sûr tous ceux de toutes les bibliothèques du monde entier, dans plusieurs langues). Sans compter les articles, les documents techniques, les revues, etc. Est-ce que Wikidata a vocation à dupliquer ces catalogues ? Parce que dans ce cas, ce serait mieux de mettre en place une procédure de récupération à partir de ces bibliothèques ! Cordialement, -- [[Utilisateur:Cgolds|Cgolds]] ([[Discussion utilisateur:Cgolds|discuter]]) 16 mars 2019 à 22:31 (CET)
:{{bravo}} {{cita|Il me semble que ce qui serait mieux serait d'avoir un moyen d'automatiser la fabrication d'une fiche wikidata à partir d'une référence correctement formatée dans l'espace principal}} +1 000 000 de fois oui ! [[Utilisateur:Un Fou|Un Fou]] ([[Discussion utilisateur:Un Fou|discuter]]) 1 décembre 2019 à 07:45 (CET)
== Pour celles et ceux que cela intéresse les sources encyclopédiques et manuels américains de référence accessibles en ligne ==
* En premier bien entendu l'[[Encyclopædia Britannica]] qui fait des offres graduées d'abonnement selon vos besoins, l'avantage de cette encyclopédie à laquelle je suis abonné, c'est qu'elle réactualise systématiquement ses articles en fonction de l'actualité entre 12 à 20 réactualisation / jours...
* [[Encyclopedia.com]] dont les articles sont rédigés par des universitaire travaillant pour l'[[Oxford University Press]] et de la [[Columbia University Press]], entre autres, les articles sont régulièrement réactualisés, mais attention pour lire la dernière réactualisation il faut dérouler l'ensemble du texte, les différentes versions de l'articles se succédant sur une même page, il faut également faire attention, parfois, une même personne bénéficie d'un article à l'entête de son prénom suivi de son nom et d'un autre article à l'entête de son nom suivi de son prénom.
=== Il existe également l'immense Encyclopedia of World Biography,: ===
# vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale_2 (A-Barbosa)
# vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo02gale (Bardeen- Briand)
# vol. 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo03gale (Brice - Chi Pai Sith)
# vol. 5 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale_1 (Diderot - Forbes)
# vol. 6 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofw6o00gale (Ford - Grilliparzer)
# vol. 7 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo07gale (Grimke - Howells)
# vol. 8 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo08gale (Hoxha-Kierkegaard)
# vol 10 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo0010unse_i7v7 (Love-Micah)
# vol. 11 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopedia1100gale ( Michael-Orleans)
# vol. 12 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo12gale (Orozco-Radisson )
# vol. 13 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopedia1300gale (Raffles-Schelling)
# vol 14 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo14gale (Schiele-Stuart)
# vol. 16 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo16gale (Vitoria-Zworykin)
# vol. 17 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale (Index)
# vol 19 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00moss
# vol 24 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofwo00gale_3
=== Worldmark encyclopedia of cultures and daily life ===
* volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/worldmarkencyclo01gall,
* volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/worldmarkencyclo00timo_0,
* volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/worldmarkencyclo03gall,
=== Il existe également diverses encyclopédie d'un état particulier : ===
# Alabama : http://encyclopediaofalabama.org/
# Caroline du Sud : https://www.scencyclopedia.org/sce/
# Tennessee : https://tennesseeencyclopedia.net/
# Géorgie : https://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/
# Virginie : https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/
# Oregon : https://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/
# Utah : https://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/
# etc.
L'avantage de ces encyclopédies "locales" c'est qu'elle sont non seulement rédigées par des universitaires, mais surtout qu'elles s'appuient sur des archives locales et donnent des faits qu'on ne rencontre pas ailleurs
=== L' [[American National Biography]] ===
* si les dernières notices sont inaccessibles car payantes et surtout les abonnements sont réservés aux américains, j'ai essayé en vain d'avoir un abonnement. En revanche vous pouvez accéder aux éditions de 1990 et de 1999 de l'ANB en vous rendant sur le site suivant https://archive.org/search.php?query=American%20National%20Biography. Il faut être patient pour trouver l'un des 24 volumes qui vous intéresse.
==== Volumes de l'ANB 1990 et 1999 ====
# volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/americannational01garr (Aarons -Baird),
# volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/americannational02garr, éditions 1999 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0002unse (Baker - Blatch),
# volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/americannational03garr (Blatchford - Burnett)
# volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/americannational04garr (Burnett-Clarke)
# volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/americannational05garr (Clarke-Dacosta)
# volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0006unse (Dafora - Dubuclet)
# volume 7 : https://archive.org/details/americannational07garr (Dubuque - Fishbein)
# volume 8 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0008unse (Fishberg - Gihon)
# volume 9 : https://archive.org/details/americannational09garr (Gilbert - Hand)
# volume 10 : https://archive.org/details/americannational10garr (Handerson- Hofman)
# volume 11 : https://archive.org/details/americannational11garr (Hofstadter - Jepson)
# volume 12 : https://archive.org/details/americannational12garr (Jeremiah - Kurtz)
# volume 13 : https://archive.org/details/americannational13garr (Kurtzman - Lovecraft)
# volume 14 : https://archive.org/details/americannational14garr (Lovejoy - McCurdy)
# volume 15 : https://archive.org/details/americannational15garr (McCutcheon - Moskowitz)
# volume 16 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0016unse (Mosler - Parish)
# volume 17 : https://archive.org/details/americannational17garr (Park - Pushmataha)
# volume 18 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0018unse (Putnam - Roush)
# volume 19 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0019unse_s7z3 (Rousseau - Simmons)
# volume 20 : https://archive.org/details/americannational20garr (Simms - Stratemayer)
# volume 21 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0021unse (Stratton - Tunney)
# volume 22 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0022unse (Tunnicliff - Welk)
# volume 23 : https://archive.org/details/americannational23garr, (Wellek - Wrenn)
# volume 24 : https://archive.org/details/americannational0024unse (Wright - Zworykin)
==== Vous avez également une édition abrégée de l'ANB : ====
# le ''Concise dictionary of American biography'', accessible en un volume https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar00amer
# ou en deux volumes https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar10amer et https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar00char,
* du même éditeur que l'ANB vous avez pour le domaine scientifique :
# le ''Concise dictionary of scientific biography'' : https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar00,
==== Le ''Dictionary of scientific biography'' en 16 volumes : ====
* volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofsci001gill (Abailard - Berg)
* volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie02gill (Hans Berger - Christoph Buys Ballot)
* vol 3 & 4 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie03gill (Pierre Cabanis - Firmicus Maternus)
* vol 5 & 6 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie05gill ( Emil Fischer -Joseph Hyrtl )
* vol 7 & 8 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie78gill (Iamblichus - Pierre Joseph Macquer)
* vol 9 & 10 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie910gill (Macrobius - Piso)
* vol 11 & 12 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie11gill (Pitcairn -Jean-Servais Stas )
* volume 13 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie0013unse (Hans Berger - Christoph Buys Ballot)
* vol 13 & 14 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie1314gill (Hans Berger -Johann Zwelfer)
* volume 15 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie15gill (Supplement I, Roger Adams - Ludwik Zejszner)
* volume 18 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofscie18holm (supplément Lebedev - Zwicky)
==== le'' Dictionary of American Biography'' ====
* accessible : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer07newy,
=== Il existe d'autres dictionnaires et encyclopédies pour des domaines spécialisés : ===
* pour le cinéma'' The encyclopedia of movie awards'' : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofmo00mich ,
*le ''Variety movie guide'' : https://archive.org/details/varietymovieguid00dere
* dans le domaine des religions aux États-Unis vous avez le ''Dictionary of American religious biography'' https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer00bowd,
*pour les poètes américains, vous avez la ''The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry'' en 5 Volumes, les volumes 1 et 4 sont accessibles : https://archive.org/search.php?query=The+Greenwood+encyclopedia+of+American+poets+and+poetry&sin=
* pour la littérature Latino-Américaine il y a : la ''Greenwood encyclopedia of Latino literature'' en 3 volumes, les volumes 2 & 3 sont accessibles : https://archive.org/search.php?query=Greenwood%20encyclopedia%20of%20Latino%20literature
* Pour la littérature dite multiethnique il y a la ''Greenwood Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature'' en 5 Volumes, les volumes 1 & 2 sont accessibles : https://archive.org/search.php?query=texts+The+Greenwood+encyclopedia+of+multiethnic+American+literature&sin=
==== Pour les biographies des militaires vous avez le ''Dictionary Of American Military Biography'' en 3 Volumes : ====
* vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer01roge (A-G)
* vol 2 : https://archive.org/details/dictamermilitaar03roge (H-P)
* vol 3 : [[iarchive:dictionaryofamer02roge/mode/2up|https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofamer02roge]] (Q-Z)
=== Les décisions de la Cour suprême ===
* {{Ouvrage|langue=en-us|auteur1=Peter P. Sgroi|titre=The Living Constitution: Landmark Supreme Court Decisions|passage=|lieu=|éditeur=Julian Messner|date=1 janvier 1987|pages totales=152|isbn=9780671619725|lire en ligne=https://archive.org/details/livingconstituti0000sgro}},
* {{Ouvrage|langue=en-us|auteur1=Paul Finkelman & Melvin I. Urofsky|titre=Landmark Decisions of the United States Supreme Court|passage=|lieu=|éditeur=CQ Press|date=2003|pages totales=712|isbn=9781568027203|lire en ligne=https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision0000fink}},
* {{Ouvrage|langue=en-us|auteur1=Charles Fried|titre=Saying What the Law Is: The Constitution in the Supreme Court|passage=|lieu=|éditeur=Harvard University Press|date=26 mars 2004, rééd. 2005|pages totales=340|isbn=9780674019546|lire en ligne=https://archive.org/details/sayingwhatlawis00char}},
==== Landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court en 7 volumes ====
* volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780962801426,
* volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision03harr,
* volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision00harr
* volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision05exce,
* volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision06exce,
* volume 7 : https://archive.org/details/landmarkdecision0000unse
==== The U.S. Supreme Court en 3 volumes ====
* volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/ussupremecourt0003unse,
==== Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court en 2 volumes ====
* volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/guidetoussupreme0001sava,
* volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/guidetoussupreme0000sava.
=== Pour le monde Afro-Américain il y a un grand choix : ===
#''100 African-Americans Who Shaped American History'' de Chrisanne Beckner : https://archive.org/details/100africanameric00chri,
#''The Biographical Dictionary of African Americans'' de Rachel Kranz & Philip J. Koslow : https://archive.org/details/biographicaldict0000kran,
#''Great African-American lawyers : raising the bar of freedom'' : https://archive.org/details/greatafricanamer00caro_0,
#''Encyclopedia of African-American heritage'' : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0000altm,
#''Encyclopedia of African American politics'' : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0000smit,
#''Historical dictionary of slavery and abolition'' de Martin A. Klein : https://archive.org/details/historicaldictio0000klei,
#''Slavery and Freedom'' de Willie Lee Rose : https://archive.org/details/slaveryfreedom00roserich,
#''From slavery to freedom : a history of African Americans'' de John Hope Franklin et Alfred A. Moss : https://archive.org/details/fromslaverytofre2000fran/
#''Dictionary of Afro-American slavery'' de Randall M. Miller et John David Smith : https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofafro00mill,,
#''African-American Political Leaders,'' de Charles W. Carey Jr. et Liz Sonneborn : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanp0000care,
#''Afro-American writers before the Harlem renaissance'', : https://archive.org/details/afroamericanwrit0000unse_j1r3,
#''Afro-American writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940'', : https://archive.org/details/afroamericanwrit0051unse,
#''African-American writers : a dictionary'' : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanw0000unse_f3h7,
#''African-American Writers'' de Philip Bader& Catherine Reef : https://archive.org/details/africanamericanw0000bade_a7d4,
#''Encyclopedia of African American Religions'' de Larry G. Murphy, J. Gordon Melton & Gary L. Ward : [https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf00murp?q=St.+George%27s+United+Methodist+Church+Philadelphia https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf00murp],
#''Complete encyclopedia of African American history'' de Lean'tin Bracks : https://archive.org/details/completeencyclop0000unse_e9s6,
#''Encyclopedia of Black studies'' de [[Molefi Kete Asante]] : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofbl0000unse_r0x0,
#''Encyclopedia of racism in the United States'' : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofra0000minp,
#''Great African-American lawyers : raising the bar of freedom'' : https://archive.org/details/greatafricanamer00caro_0,
#''African Americans Who Were First de Constance Claytor'' : https://archive.org/details/africanamericans00pott,
#''Black Inventors in the Age of Segregation'' de Rayvon Fouché : https://archive.org/details/blackinventorsin00rayv,
#''Black Inventors'' de Nathan Aaseng : https://archive.org/details/blackinventors00aase,
#''Black Inventors'' de C.R. Gibbs : https://archive.org/details/blackinventorsfr00gibb,
#''Black Inventors of America'' de Burt McKinley : https://archive.org/details/blackinventorsof00burt,
#''Eight Black American Inventors'' de Robert C. Hayden : https://archive.org/details/eightblackameric00hayd,
#''Outward Dreams: Black Inventors and Their Inventions'' de James Haskins : https://archive.org/details/outwarddreamsbla00hask,
#''The Hidden Contributors: Black Scientists and Inventors in America'' de Aaron E. Klein : https://archive.org/details/hiddencontributo00klei,
#''Black Pioneers of Science and Invention'' de Louis Haber : https://archive.org/details/blackpioneersofs00habe_0,
#''Notable Black American Scientists'' de Kristine M. Krapp : https://archive.org/details/notableblackamer0000unse,
#''Created Equal: The Lives and Ideas of Black American Innovators'' de Michael Brodie : https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780688115364
==== La Contemporary Black Biography ====
C'est un monumental travail, le problème c'est qu'il n'est pas évident de trouver le bon volume parmi les plus de 150 volumes de parus et ce n'est pas fini !
* vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0001unse ,
* vol 2 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_m0w5 ,
* vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0003unse ,
* vol 4 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0004unse ,
* vol 5 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0005unse ,
*vol 6 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0006unse,
*vol 7 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0007unse
*vol 8 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0008unse,
*vol 9 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0009unse,
*vol 10 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0010unse,
*vol 12 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0012unse,
*vol 13 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0013unse,
*vol 14 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0014unse,
*vol 15 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0015unse,
*vol 16 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0016unse,
*vol 17 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0017unse,
*vol 19 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0019unse,
*vol 20 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0020unse,
*vol 21 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac21phel,
*vol 22 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0022unse,
*vol 23 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac23oble,
*vol 24 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0024unse,
*vol 25 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0025unse,
*vol 26 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0026unse,
*vol 30 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0030unse_u3d2,
*vol 31 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0031unse
*vol 33 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0033unse
*vol 34 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_u0c7,
*vol 39 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000hend,
*vol 41 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0041unse_x4h2,
*vol 45 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0045unse,
*vol 48 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000pend,
*vol 49 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0049unse,
*vol 52 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_f7e4,
*vol 60 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_t3u3,
*vol 67 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_r8l1,
*vol 72 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse_t1p1,
*vol 109 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac00109unse_n5s7,
*vol 110 : https://archive.org/details/contemporaryblac0000unse,
==== ''Voices of historical and contemporary Black American pioneers'' en 4 volumes ====
* vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/voicesofhistoric0001unse, (médecine et science)
* vol 2 : https://archive.org/details/voicesofhistoric0002unse, (loi et gouvernement)
* vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/voicesofhistoric0003unse, (aviation, forces armées, astronautique)
* vol 4 : https://archive.org/details/voicesofhistoric0004unse, (enseignement et sciences humaines)
==== Concernant les femmes afro-américaines ====
#''Twentieth-Century Women Politicians'', par Ellen Thro : https://archive.org/details/twentiethcentury0000thro,
#''Black women in nineteenth-century American life'' : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninnine0000unse,
#''"We specialize in the wholly impossible" : a reader in Black women's history'' par Darlene Clark Hine : https://archive.org/details/wespecializeinwh00hinerich,
#''Notable Black American women, volume 1'' par Jessie Carney Smith : https://archive.org/details/notableblackamer00jess_0,
#''Notable Black American women, volume 2'' par Jessie Carney Smith : https://archive.org/details/notableblackamer00jess,
#''Fifty Black Women Who Changed America'', par Amy Alexander : https://archive.org/details/fiftyblackwomenw00amya,
#''Black Women in America'', par Kim Marie Vaz : https://archive.org/details/blackwomeninamer0000unse_r0z0
#''Black Women Activists'', par Karin S. Coddon : https://archive.org/details/profilesinhistor00kari
#''Black Women of Valor'', par Olive Woolley Burt : https://archive.org/details/blackwomenofvalo0000burt,
#''Powerful Black Women,'' par Jessie Carney Smith : https://archive.org/details/powerfulblackwom00smit
#''Black American Women Poets & Dramatists'', par Harold Bloom : https://archive.org/details/blackamericanwom00bloo,
#''Modern Black American Poets and Dramatists'', par Harold Bloom : https://archive.org/details/modernblackameri00will
#''The Sexual Mountain and Black Women Writers,'' par Calvin C. Hernton : https://archive.org/details/sexualmountainb00hern
#''Women of the Harlem Renaissance'', par Cheryl A. Wall : https://archive.org/details/womenofharlemren0000wall,
==== L'Encyclopedia Of Race And Racism en 3 volumes ====
# volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofraceandracismvolume1 (A-F)
# volume 2 : https://archive.org/stream/encyclopediaofraceandracismvolume1/Encyclopedia%20Of%20Race%20And%20Racism%20-%20Volume%202#page/n1/mode/2up (G-R)
# volume 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofra0003unse (S-Z)
====''African American Encyclopedia'' de R. Kent Rasmussen en 10 volumes, 8 volumes sont disponibles : ====
# vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane01rasm (Aar-Bla)
# vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane02rasm (Bla-Com)
# vol. 4 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane04rasm (Fed-Hil)
# vol. 5 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane05rasm ( Hil-Lee)
# vol. 7 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane07rasm (Nat-Ran)
# vol. 8 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane08rasm ( Ran-Sud)
# vol. 9 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane09rasm (Sui-Wil)
# vol. 10 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane10rasm (Wil-Zyd)
====''African American Encyclopedia ''de Michael W. Williams en 6 volumes, 5 volumes sont accessibles : ====
# volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/isbn_1854355465, (A. Philip Randolph Institute-King Cheek)
# volume 2 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane02will (Chemists-Harold Ford )
# volume 4 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane0004unse (Big Daddy Kane-Thomas Paul, Sr.)
# volume 5 : https://archive.org/details/vol1africanameri05will (Betty J. Payne-Spiritual Israel Church and its Army)
# volume 6 : https://archive.org/details/africanamericane06will (The Sport of the Gods-Zydeco)
====''African American history'' en deux volumes : ====
# https://archive.org/details/africanamericanh0001unse/mode/2up (Abolition- Fugitive Slave Law of 1793) et
# https://archive.org/details/africanamericanh0002unse (Fugitive Slave Law of 1850-Science & Technology)
==== The Greenwood encyclopedia of African American civil rights en 2 volumes ====
# volume éd. révisée: https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf00arie<nowiki/>(Abbott-Younge)
# vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/greenwoodencyclo0000unse_s2o1 (S-Z & primary documents)
==== Encyclopedia of African American civil rights de Bradley et Fishkin en 3 volumes ====
# Vol 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofci0001unse ( Abernathy, Ralph--Equal protection clause)
# Vol.2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofci0000unse_z4s3 (Equal Rights Amendment- Presidency US)
# Vol 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofci0003unse_r7s5 (Price, U.S. vs.--Zoot suit riots)
==== Encyclopedia of American civil rights and liberties en 3 volumes ====
# vol. 1 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0000unse_z6x5 (A-G)
# vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0002unse_u4g8 ( H-R)
# vol. 3 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofam0003unse_p6j8 (S-Z)
==== Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history en 6 volumes ====
# vol. 2 : https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofaf0002unse_j8q7 (C-F)
==== The complete encyclopedia of African American history en 4 volumes ====
* volume 1 : https://archive.org/details/completeencyclop0000unse_e9s6 (400 years of achievement)
Revenir à la page « Références ».