Usage global pour « Fichier:Coat of arms of England (1702–1707).svg »
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Utilisation sur
Utilisation sur
Utilisation sur
- Königreich England
- Schweizer Truppen in englischen und britischen Diensten
- Erster Lord der Admiralität
Utilisation sur
- Acts of Union 1707
- Anne, Queen of Great Britain
- Earl Marshal
- River Stour, Suffolk
- Lord Privy Seal
- Secretary of State for the Southern Department
- Sophia Naturalization Act 1705
- Alien Act 1705
- Legal history of wills
- List of lord chancellors and lord keepers
- Statute of Labourers 1351
- Stamp act
- Cotton library
- Court of Requests
- Frances Talbot, Countess of Tyrconnell
- Mutiny Acts
- Cary family
- Purchasers of Forfeited Estates (Ireland) Act 1702
- Treason Act 1702
- Weights and Measures Acts (UK)
- Conservators of the River Cam
- Parton, Cumbria
- Recruiting Act 1703
- Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Act 1707
- Security of the Succession, etc. Act 1701
- First Lord of the Admiralty
- Regency Act 1705
- Henry Grey (MP)
- Correspondence with Enemies Act 1691
- Royal supporters of England
- Thomas Brerewood
- Mutiny Act 1703
- Demise of the Crown Act 1702
- Bridges Act 1702
- Queen Anne's Bounty Act 1703
- Administration of Justice Act 1705
- Hollow Sword Blade Company
- Crown Lands Act 1702
- Prison (Escape) Act 1706
- Queen Anne's Bounty Act 1706
- Bankruptcy Act 1705
- Trade with France Act 1704
- Adelhida Talbot, Duchess of Shrewsbury