Utilisateur:AlexandreAssatiani/Brouillon/Khatia Dekanoidze

Khatia Dekanodïzé
Présidente de la Faction MNU-OU FU du Parlement de Géorgie
En fonction depuis le
(3 ans, 4 mois et 27 jours)
Législature XIe convocation
Membre du Parlement de Géorgie
En fonction depuis le
(3 ans, 10 mois et 17 jours)
Législature XIe convocation
Coalition Mouvement national uni - Opposition unie « La force est dans l'unité »
Chef de la Police nationale d'Ukraine

(1 an et 12 jours)
Président Petro Porochenko
Premier ministre Arseni Iatseniouk
Volodymyr Groysman
Prédécesseur création
Successeur Serhiy Kniazev
Ministre de l'Éducation et de la Science de Géorgie

(3 mois et 21 jours)
Président Mikheïl Saakachvili
Premier ministre Vano Merabichvili
Prédécesseur Dimitri Chachkine
Successeur Giorgi Margvelachvili
Date de naissance (47 ans)
Lieu de naissance Tbilissi
Nationalité Drapeau de la Géorgie Géorgie
Drapeau de l'Ukraine Ukraine (2015-2017)
Parti politique Mouvement national uni
Diplômé de Université d'État de Tbilissi

Personal life


Khatia Dekanoidze was born on January 20, 1977 in Tbilisi, at the time the capital of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia. She studied international relations and diplomacy and received her Bachelor's Degree from Tbilisi State University in 1999. In parallel, she also received training from the Central European University in Vienna, as well as the US-based RAND Corporation.

During a speech at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, she would state:

« As a young girl, I used to be a part of different sports games and groups. I remember that embarrassing feeling after the staring looks of some older males. I was not feeling comfortable, and I am sure that this is a moment for lots of young girls, how while they are playing basketball, soccer, tennis or wrestling at the arena, it might be their passion but they must concentrate on their security rather than sport. »

  • Born on 20 January 1977 (https://parliament.ge/parliament-members/7116/biography)
    • Graduated in International Relations from TSU in 1999
  • She has received further training under the aegis of the Central European University and the RAND Corporation in the 1990s and 2000s.
  • She said, "as a young girl, I used to be a part of different sports games and groups. I remember that embarrassing feeling after the staring looks of some older males. I was not feeling comfortable, and I am sure that this is a moment for lots of young girls, how while they are playing basketball, soccer, tennis or wrestling at the arena, it might be their passion but they must concentrate on their security rather than sport." (https://pace.coe.int/en/verbatim/2022-10-13/pm/en#speech-21362)



Joining the Saakashvili administration


Police Academy Rector


Minister of Education

  • 2012: Minister of Education and Science (https://parliament.ge/parliament-members/7116/biography)
  • She served as Director of the National Examination Center from May to July 2012
  • She was appointed as Head of the NEC on 30 May 2012 to replace Maia Miminoshvili who was controversially dismissed by the Shashkin ministry for her support of Bidzina Ivanishvili (https://civil.ge/archives/121971)
    • Upon her appointment, she had the tall task of securing the holding of the upcoming national exams for university admissions that were set within weeks
    • Dekanoidze's appointment showed the importance of education reforms for the Saakashvili government, as she had previously led reforms of the Police Academy.
  • On June 28, 17 examoination centers were opened for 47,500 students, 40,000 teachers taking Certification Exams (https://georgianjournal.ge/news/9989-unified-entry-exams-start-today.html)
  • Her appointment came as the government was seeking to reduce the difficulty of the entrance exams in 2012, something that outgoing director Maia Mimonoshvili criticized because it would reduce the quality of students (https://iwpr.net/global-voices/georgia-outgoing-school-examiner-decries-reforms)
    • She was also meant to reform so to bring into place a new school certification exams that would replace the Unified National Examinations from 2013, with a 8+1 featureing eight graduation exams plus a general knowledge paper. This would be to graduate, not just university exam.
    • 70 staff members of the NEC resigned in support of Miminoshvili

Chief of Ukrainian Police


In Georgia's opposition


2020 Parliamentary elections


Boycott and 19 April Agreement

  • Chairwoman of the UNM faction since 31 May 2021
  • She rejoined Parliament on 28 May
  • Former President Mikheil Saakashvili alleged that he was meeting with her at the Gldani Prison when other inmates started shouting their names, a potential form of psychological abuse (https://civil.ge/archives/458322)
  • When UNM Chairman Grigol Vashadze stated on 10 November 2020 that the processes should be moved to the negotiating table, she criticized the statement and called it unilateral (https://civil.ge/archives/381840)
  • She also strongly criticized the GD-proposed bill that would strip boycotting parties from public funding (https://civil.ge/archives/387662)
  • Following Melia's arrest, she led UNM's protest planning strategy and publicly made a speech on Rustaveli Avenue announcing the plan for the next two weeks (https://civil.ge/archives/401624)
  • She opposed any bail or amnesty for Melia (https://civil.ge/archives/415342)
  • She was not necessarily in favor of the 19 April agreement, but she was one of those who favored ending the boycott due to international prestige (https://civil.ge/archives/419310)
  • After several attempts of negotiation with Danielsson failed, she expressed hope for US involvement instead of EU (https://agenda.ge/en/news/2021/856)

UNM Faction Chair


Political Positions


Autocephaly of Ukrainian Orthodox Church

  • She has criticized the government's silence on the autocephaly proclamation by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, stating that that "this concerns our struggle for freedom against our common enemy". (https://civil.ge/archives/273060)

20 June 2019 Protests

  • She called Parliament's lifting of MP Nika Melia's imunity the "formalization of dictatorship" and Parliament's "loss of legitimacy" (https://civil.ge/archives/310798)
  • She has been a staunch supporter of continuing protests against the government far beyond the 20 June events (https://civil.ge/archives/328221)
  • Upon Melia's final arrest in 2021, she said the Gharibashvili government "decided to finally turn into a Bolshevik regime" (https://civil.ge/archives/400409)
  • Upon Gakharia's resignation: In case Gakharia remains in politics and decides to establish some political force, we all remember that he is the main author of June 20 [protest dispersal], the main author of the mutilation of people, during and after which no law enforcement agencies were punished. We must also not forget that he is quite well-connected, including with Russia. However, at the same time, if he establishes some sort of political movement, this will, first of all, hurt the Georgian Dream. This is the usual process of collapse [of the GD] (https://civil.ge/archives/407641)

Law Enforcement

  • During the 2020 parliamentary elections, she called on the abolition of "repressive systems" like the State Security Servive and the Prosecutor's Office (https://civil.ge/archives/367955)
    • She instead called for local elections of sheriffs
  • When clashes erupted in Dmanisi between local Georgian and Azeri communities and when the government secured a mediation to end the conflict, she criticized that the government acted like a mafia in dealing with the issue and did not use its own legal authority (https://civil.ge/archives/420347)
  • A massive leak of security service documents of September 2021 revealed that one of her phone conversations with a foreign diplomat had been wiretapped (https://civil.ge/archives/440783)
  • Another leak in September 2022 revealed that she was under close personal surveillance, both at work and in her personal life. The surveillance included both undercover tailing and electronic (https://civil.ge/archives/508617)
  • She has been critical of police violence, notably calling for the arrest of those officers involved in the physical assault against a disabled minor (https://georgianjournal.ge/society/37729-two-police-officers-arrested-for-violence-against-disabled-minor.html)

COVID-19 regulations

  • She was a strong proponent of the government's January 2021 decision to extend restrictions till 1 March, including the ban on municipal transport, the nationwide curfew and the closure of winter resorts, even attending a public protest against them (https://civil.ge/archives/392916)
  • She has criticized Gharibashvili for perceived anti-vax statements (https://civil.ge/archives/472585)

War in Ukraine


Economic policy


Abkhazia and South Ossetia


Women's rights
