Utilisateur:Arria Belli/Questionnaire en/McMonster

  • How long have you been on Wikipedia?
    • I am on Wikipedia since April 2006
  • How long have you been translating on Wikipedia?
    • Hard to tell for sure, but I think that I've been translating less or more since I registered.
  • Which languages do you translate from? (If you translate from English to another language, please mention it here.)
    • I translate mostly from English to Polish, sometimes from Polish to English, but I can also understand a bit of Japanese texts.
  • Do you translate from more than one language at a time? (For example, a translation could be primarily done from the German-language Wikipedia, but with parts translated from the Italian-language and French-language Wikipedias.)
    • Sometimes I check other Wikipedias for reference about particular informations when translating from en.wiki, I look mostly on de, fr and ja Wikis. If I find something I can understand and translate, then I use it.
  • Do you add information not in the text of the source language? If so, during or after your translation?
    • Yes, but very rarely.
  • Do you correct errors in the source language article when you come across them while working?
    • I'm only correcting obvious mistakes (like wrong technical data in articles about military equipment).
  • How do you choose the articles you translate?
    • Randomly. I use Random article button a lot on en and pl.wiki, when I find something interesting and not too complex to translate on en.wiki I'm just translating it. If I find article on pl.wiki that is, for example, lacking important information, then I'm translating large parts of text containing the most important things from en and add them to existing article. But I translate almost exclusively articles about military equipment, only sometimes I help other translators with their articles or participate in translation of texts from other fields.
  • What kind of rhythm do you work at? (Frequency of translation, length of time spent translating...)
    • It's a I'm too lazy to do everything I want at once rhythm. I start translation of one thing, translate a bit, leave it for a long period of time, start something else, return to the earlier translations and so on. This way I have usually several partially completed articles in my userspace waiting to be finished.
  • Do you translate more for one wikiproject in particular?
    • For pl.wiki, meta and translatewiki.
  • Do you use your home Wikipedia's version of Project:Translation, or do you translate solo? In both cases, why?
  • Have you translated at your "real-life" job? Are you a professional translator?
    • No, I'm still a student.
  • What do you think of your work in translation on Wikipedia?
    • Could be better. ;) I translate a lot of wepons and military vehicles articles and i think it's useful.
  • How do you think your work is seen by the rest of the community?
    • Don't know, as I translate mostly texts that don't interest a lot of people they might think it's good that someone translates articles from this particular field.
  • Have you seen criticism of translations because the bibliography and sources are primarily or entirely in a foreign language?
    • No, pl.wiki is generally very tolerant about sources in foreign languages, especially that they're often the only sources that exists.
  • Have you translated the text in images (diagrams, graphs...) while translating articles using said images?
  • Would you like to see something changed in the way translation is done on Wikipedia?
    • Everything's fine in my opinion.

McMonster (d) 28 mai 2008 à 15:35 (CEST)