
The war for talent ("La guerre des talents") est un terme inventé par Steven Hankin de McKinsey & Company en 1997, et un livre de Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, et Beth Axelrod, Harvard Business Press, 2001 (ISBN 1-57851-459-2 et 978-1-57851-459-5). The war for talent qui fait référence à la compétition croissante pour le recrutement et la conservation d'employés dits "talentueux". Dans le livre, les auteurs décrivent non pas un ensemble de processus de gestion des ressources humaines, mais une tendance à valoriser voire à exagérer l'importance du talent dans le succès des organisations.

Aspect démographique


La guerre des talents est intensifiée par le vieillissement démographique (principalement aux Etats-Unis et en Europe). Elle se caractérise par une demande croissante parallèlement à une offre (démographique) décroissante. Il y a simplement trop peu de travailleurs post-baby-boom pour compenser le départ à la retraite de la génération précédente aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. (Ce n'est en revanche pas le cas de la plupart des pays d'Asie et d'Amérique du Sud).

The war for talent is intensified by demographic shifts (primarily in the United States and Europe). This is characterized by increasing demand along with decreasing supply (demographically). There are simply fewer post-baby-boom workers to replace the baby-boom retirement in the US and Europe (though this is not the case in most of East Asia, Southeast Asia. Central Asia Central America, South America, or the Middle East, though Eastern Europe tends to have similar demographics, namely an aging and/or shrinking labor force.

Knowledge Work


While talent is vague or ill-defined, the underlying assumption is that for knowledge-intensive industries, the knowledge worker (a term coined by Peter Drucker) is the key competitive resource (see the Resource-based view of the firm). Knowledge-based theories of organizations consistently place knowledge workers as a primary, competitive resource.

Definition of Talent


Talent is never explicitly defined in the book, though the Preface notes, "A certain part of talent elude description: You simply know it when you see it." (p. xii) After several further caveats, the authors go on: "We can say, however, that managerial talent is some combination of a sharp strategic mind, leadership ability, emotional maturity, communications skills, the ability to attract and inspire other talented people, entrepreneurial instincts, functional skills, and the ability to deliver results." (p. xiii) The authors offer no outside support for this assertion.

A 2006 article in The Economist, which mentions the book, notes that, "companies do not even know how to define “talent”, let alone how to manage it. Some use it to mean people like Aldous Huxley's alphas in “Brave New World”—those at the top of the bell curve. Others employ it as a synonym for the entire workforce, a definition so broad as to be meaningless."[1]

Relevance during Economic Downturn


The 'War for talent is seen by various sources as becoming irrelevant during economic downturns. However, there have been highly visible talent poaching by solvent firms of others who have economic hardship (e.g., JP Morgan was raided by a European firm in March, 2009).

See also



  1. Adrian Wooldridge, « A survey of talent: The battle for brainpower » [archive du ], The Economist, London, The Economist Group, (consulté le )

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[[Category:Human resource management]] [[ru:Война за таланты]]