
Degroof Petercam
illustration de CoCoDP/Brouillon

Slogan Imagine Tomorrow since 1871

Degroof Petercam is a leading Belgian financial institution. It’s the result of the merger between Bank Degroof, founded in 1871, and Petercam, a stock exchange company with origins dating back to 1919. Degroof Petercam has more than 1,500 employees and is mainly owned by family shareholders with a long-term commitment. It is present in 26 subsidiaries and has representative offices in 9 countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Hong Kong), with its headquarters in Brussels. Degroof Petercam's expertise is based on four business lines: private banking, institutional asset management, investment banking and asset services.



The name Degroof Petercam is a contraction of the two companies that merged in 2015:

  • Bank Degroof
  • The financial group Petercam



The history of the investment group goes partially back to 1871 and has been marked by many events[1] :

  • 1871: Foundation of the Bank Philippson by Franz Philippson (which became Bank Degroof in 1969, named after one of its managing partners Jean Degroof)
  • 1912: Jean Degroof joins the bank
  • 1919: Founding of the Brussels brokerage firm Libert Cie by Léon Libert (later renamed Peterbroeck after Jean Peterbroeck)
  • 1927: Establishment of the Brussels brokerage firm Van Campenhout
  • 1968: Set up of SCS Peterbroeck, Van Campenhout & Cie GCV through the merger of the family businesses Peterbroeck and Van Campenhout
  • 1993: Transformation of Peterbroeck, Van Campenhout & Cie into a holding company renamed Petercam
  • 2008: Creation of the Bank Degroof Foundation
  • 2015: Merger between Bank Degroof and Petercam which becomes Degroof Petercam
  • 2016: Merger of Degroof Fund Management Company and Petercam Institutional Asset Management into Degroof Petercam Asset Management (DPAM)



Degroof Petercam is active in private asset management, intermediation on the financial markets, financial advice to companies (mergers and acquisitions, private placements, IPOs, etc.), the management of institutional mandates, the management and distribution of investment funds, financial analysis and the creation and administration of investment funds. Since the merger of Bank Degroof with Petercam, the group has been structured around four business lines[2][3]:

  • Private Banking (including credit and private equity activities)
  • Institutional Asset Management
  • Investment Banking
  • Asset Services

The institutional asset management activities are grouped within the company Degroof Petercam Asset Management (DPAM), which is owned by the Degroof Petercam group. DPAM manages investment funds and discretionary mandates and offers specialized solutions on behalf of institutional clients and various distribution partners. Institutional clients include pension funds, foundations, insurance companies and non-profit organizations.

Capital structure


Degroof Petercam is an independent company owned by family shareholders. The capital structure on 31 December 2020 is as follows[4]:

DSDC: Philippson, Haegelsteen, Schockert and Siaens households, CLdN Finance and Cobepa 51,46%
Petercam Invest: Peterbroeck et Van Campenhout families 20,84%
Financial partners 22,06%
Management and staff 2,24%
Own shares 3,40%

Key figures


The main key figures available are as follows[4]:

  • Net income: € 469 million (2020)
  • Gross operating profit: € 83 million (2020)
  • Consolidated net profit: € 40 million (2020)
  • Total client assets: € 75 billion (2020)
  • Capital ratio (CET1): 21,2% (2020)
  • Headcount in FTE: 1.404 (2020)
  • Balance sheet total: € 8,8 billion (2020)

Successive leaders


Below is the list of CEOs since the merger of Bank Degroof with Petercam in 2015[5][6]:

  • Philippe Masset : 2015 - 2019
  • Bruno Colmant : 2019 - 2021
  • Hugo Lasat : 2021 - present

Notes and references

  1. « Our history I Bank Degroof Petercam I Since 1871 », sur www.degroofpetercam.com (consulté le )
  2. « Services Degroof Petercam I Private & Investment Bank », sur www.degroofpetercam.com (consulté le )
  3. Sébastien Buron, « Pour Hugo Lasat, nouveau CEO de Degroof Petercam, "la gestion de portefeuille est le moteur du private banking" », sur Site-Trends-FR, (consulté le )
  4. a et b (nl) « Degroof Petercam | Annual report 2020 », sur annualreport.degroofpetercam.com (consulté le )
  5. « Discover our Governance & Key Figures », sur www.degroofpetercam.com (consulté le )
  6. (en) « Governance of Degroof Petercam »

{{Portail|Entreprises|Finance|Bruxelles}} Catégorie:Banque ayant son siège en Belgique Catégorie:Entreprise fondée en 1871 Catégorie:Entreprise ayant son siège à Bruxelles