
Atelier-Musée du Chapeau

The « Atelier-Musée du Chapeau » is a French museum located in the town of Chazelles-sur Lyon, in the Loire department (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region). This French museum, set up in a former factory is dedicated to promote the heritage of French hatters: The town in former days used to be the main French town for felt hats made of rabbit’s hair .

Contents __________   1 History

2 Museography

3 Notes and References

4 See also 4.1 Bibliography 4.2 Related articles 4.3 External links

History _____________________________________________________

The Museum was created in 1983 and named « Musée du Chapeau »  In 2013 at the same time as it acquired its current name it moved into the former Fléchet factory, which was already since 1991 a French protected historic monument.

Museography ___________________________________

In the basement , the permanent exhibition reconstructs the settings of a felt hats’ factory during the 1920s. Every step of manufacturing is given an explanation, thanks to machines still running, retrieved in different factories of the town demonstrations of hat shaping.

Upstairs, a gallery of more than 400 hats displays the history of head-gear ever since the Middle Ages until the current creations of «haute couture» 


Workshop for the manufactory of cones

Workshop for modelling

Mechanical forming

Notes and References _____________



Connected articles

External links

   Chazelles-sur Lyon Wikipedia
       (https://en.wikipedia Chazelles-sur -Lyon)
    Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Wikipedia
    Monument historique-Wikipedia
      Haute couture- Wikipedia