Utilisateur:Eres94/Ines Cox

Ines Cox, born in 1987, is a Belgian graphic designer, running her own independent studio in Antwerp.

She is also a typography teacher and researcher at the Graphic Design department of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp.



Ines Cox has been Graduated from LUCA Gent in 2009.

Then, after her master in Gent, she moved in the Netherlands, in Arnhem, to follow a second master course at Werkplaats Typografie which is a part of the ArtEZ University of Arts.

This two-years based master has been founded in 1998 by Karel Martens and Wigger Bierma, who are both famous graphic designer[1].

Ines Cox's practice covers a large field of medium and printing process, especially on creating books or visual identity for art exhibitions for instance.

Main publications


Ines Cox's first own book publication, titled SAVE, is released in 2019 by the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp[2].

This work is the culmination of a two-year research period at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. During this time she explored our relationships with technology, focusing particularly on the designer’s perspective and the reciprocal nature of the interaction with their computer. To do this, she consciously observed, documented and imitated the aesthetics that appeared on her own screen, generated by the computer and its software.

“In the book I try to protagonise the volatile and seemingly unimportant steps of the digital (working) process and reveal them as printed matter,” she explains. “I present them as an associative string of screenshots that tell a story where (graphic) characters and quotes (transcribed from the computer) become part of a particular choreography.” By collecting these “visual souvenirs” of her digital actions, which take the forms of photographs, designs, words, drawings and prints, they become “vehicles with which to communicate about our time and formats to suggest narratives on the universe we inhabit.”[3]

Thus, Ines Cox's working process cross the boundaries of designing visual objects with computer software by making the tools that these softwares offer to designers, the actual content or visual result, resulting an innovant and very personal aesthetic.

By questioning the relationship between form and content and coming with this kind of publication, she has brought with SAVE, a very fresh and contemporary look over the graphic design concerns. Moreover, the adding of texts that are somehow questioning the images shows up a poetic and even melancholic narration.

In 2019, Ines cox has also designed the visual identity and the catalogue for the second edition of the Chaumont Graphic Design Biennal which took place in France at Chaumont from May to September in 2019, titled POST-MEDIUM, published by Le Signe[4]. Le Signe is the 'National Centre for Graphic Design' ou ‘Centre National du Graphisme’ in French, the institution promotes a Biennal of graphic design every two years in Chaumont[5]. The design of the catalogue and even the whole visual identity of the Biennal "embodies the statement of this edition which lies in the junction between printing matters and digital graphic design. The re-indexing of all the contents of the Biennial: texts and images, recalls indexing as a nomenclature, a classification without hierarchies."[6] A statement which obviously resonates with Ines Cox's approach about graphic design.



  1. « Werkplaats Typografie », sur www.werkplaatstypografie.org (consulté le )
  2. « ines cox », sur inescox.com (consulté le )
  3. (en) « SAVE | AP School Of Arts », sur www.ap-arts.be (consulté le )
  4. « Le Signe », sur centrenationaldugraphisme.fr (consulté le )
  5. « Le Signe », sur centrenationaldugraphisme.fr (consulté le )
  6. « Le Signe », sur centrenationaldugraphisme.fr (consulté le )

• Ines Cox's website : http://inescox.com/

• LUCA School of arts Gent website : https://www.luca-arts.be/nl/campus-gent-sint-lucas

• Werkplaats Typografie website : https://www.werkplaatstypografie.org/

• Le Signe 'Centre National du Graphisme' website : https://www.centrenationaldugraphisme.fr/le-signe