
Modèle:Infobox company

The Universitas Foundation of Canada, or Universitas Financial, was founded in 1964 in Quebec City[1].

Universitas Financial offers registered education savings plans (or RESPs) in both Quebec City and New Brunswick, where it is duly registered.

Business structure


The non-profit structure of the Universitas Foundation of Canada allows for all gains to be deposited directly into an account maintained for beneficiaries, from which they receive their educational assistance payments.

Universitas Management Inc. is the distributor and investment fund manager of the plans promoted by the Universitas Foundation of Canada. The company is responsible for the offering and distribution of the RESPs, the management of client files and the accounting of subscriber accounts.[2]

Universitas Financial’s head office is located in the city of Quebec since the organization was founded in 1964.[3]



In the early 1960s, a group of students from Université Laval in Quebec City formed an “investment club” that included students and graduates who pooled their savings for optimal growth.[4]

In 1963, inspired by this successful first experience, some of them decided to create a new investment club, this time aimed at helping parents finance their children's post-secondary education.[5]

One year later, on January 10, 1964, the group registered their foundation in Quebec City and the Universitas Foundation of Canada came to be.[6] Jean Marchand, who was a co-founder at the time, is still an active member of the Universitas Foundation of Canada. He was inducted into the Académie des Grands Québécois in recognition of his community involvement, his drive, the nature of his achievements and his contribution to the social prosperity of Quebec society.[7],[8]

In late 2014, Universitas Financial’s assets under management crossed the $1-billion mark.[9],[10],[11]

Universitas Financial has revised its products over the years to offer RESPs allowing students to receive educational assistance payments (EAPs) for all levels of post-secondary education, whether vocational/trade school, college or university programs offered in Canada or abroad. (Certain conditions apply. See the Universitas Foundation of Canada prospectus for a complete list of eligible programs.)

Over 100 employees currently work at Universitas Financial’s head office in Quebec City[12], while a team of 185 scholarship plan representatives distribute the Foundation’s RESPs in both Quebec and New Brunswick.

On December 31, 2016, Universitas had paid out over $697 million in EAPs and returned savings, and its asset under management exceeded $1.3 billion. The company currently has 167,796 subscribers and some 221,000 beneficiaries (student beneficiaries or future students).[13]

In June 2017, Universitas Financial launched its RESP Corporate Program, an exclusive offer for companies and associations of all types that wish to offer the RESP to their employees or members as part of their employee benefits package.[14],[15]

The RESP in a Nutshell


An RESP is an investment vehicle specifically designed to save for a child’s post-secondary education. The education savings plan is registered with the provincial and federal governments, which allows for government grants to be paid into it.[16]

The subscriber (the person who opens the RESP) makes contributions to an RESP for a beneficiary (future student); these contributions then attract governments grants, and these amounts (contributions and grants) grow tax-free.

Once they enrol in an eligible post-secondary program, beneficiaries can receive EAPs; these are made up of the grant money and investment income (on grants and contributions) accumulated in the RESP. The contributions are refunded in full to the subscriber.

Government Grants


The grants offered by the federal government as part of the Canada Education Savings Program are the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) and the Canada Learning Bond (CLB).

Three provinces offer a provincial incentive to encourage education savings using an RESP: the Quebec Education Savings Incentive (QESI), the Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings (SAGES), and the British Columbia Training and Education Savings Grant (BCTESG).

Universitas Financial had an active role in the lobbying that led to the creation of the Quebec Education Savings Incentive (QESI), i.e. through a number of presentations and the publication of a memoire recommending the creation of such an incentive.[17], [18], [19]

Educational Assistance Payments


IAt first, Foundations only paid out “scholarships” to university students. However, further to some amendments to the legislative framework, the correct term when referring to payments issued from an RESP was changed to “educational assistance payments” (EAPs).[20]

In 1975, vocational training became eligible for EAPs.

The EAPs beneficiaries receive once they are enrolled in an eligible post-secondary program of study are made up of the grant money and investment income (on grants and subscriber contributions) accumulated in the RESP.

