Utilisateur:Goelette.Cardabela/Bac à sable/Mkd (UNIX command)

mkd is a UNIX_command to extract pre-encoded comments lines to generate the software documentation according to ISO[1] standards. mkd is the abbreviation of make documentation. This command was originally known under the name mkdoc (make documentation).[2]

This command is not integrated into the standard distributions of UNIX / LINUX

Command line syntax


The following command in a terminal emulator or in a konsole :

nadine@Nadine-computer-on-linux:~$ mkd \?

display the syntax :

mkd UNIX version, Release 12.03, USAGE:
syntax: mkd [-ABCFPSafjlnpstvw] char_codes path_source [path_target]
   or: mkd \? .See also nanual: 'man mkd'
--> options:
     -A decode Assembler comment style only
     -B        Basic style
     -C        C++ style
     -F        Fortran style
     -P        Pascal style
     -S        Shell style
     -a append target file
         find language ( .s .S .c .h .i .f .F .r .p .sh .csh )
     -j use only with project sources file.
     -l and p;   line:  (compil.: % or - in first column or # in line)
                 page:  (compil.: begin with " and end with ")
     -n insert line number
     -s copy and add to screen
     -t copy the comment only
     -v verbose
     -w overwrite (default option: switch off)
--> char_codes: all ASCII  (5 char max)
                example codes = UM or \*OPTw or '* HOS' or '**' for all
--> path_source: source file (option j: if it is a project file)
--> path_target: target file
Example: mkd -Csnv '*S' file.c \*.verif_structure
.Exit 2

Example of use


Functions files


When possible, they wrote each function in a separate computer file.
When the functions are grouped in a single file, the documentation will appear in the same order as in the file.

In function file must specifify usage, and syntax for header file.

Example for cpp_ function : in cpp_.c file

	function cpp_
	The cpp_ function reads the source file (pnfile) transmitted from the 
	calling function, and décodes the comments pre-encoded in lines or 
        blocks of style c++. and then writing this comments in a target file 
        Pre-coded characters are defined in a external global table 'Codes';

	The golbal variables are 'Codes' and 'Options'.
	The 'Codes': table of 5 characters: 
		extern char codes[]; 
		They must be défined in the calling function:
		char codes[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
	The 'Options': n,s,t,v.
		extern unsigned char n,s,t,v;
		They must be défined in the calling function:
		unsigned char n=0,s=0,t=0,v=0;
	With the options:
	n: The transcript is preceded by line number. This allows to easily 
                reach the commented line.
	t: With the t option only the commented text is copied.
		Without the t option the entire line or block is copied.
		The-t option permit to generate directly exploitable and 
                publishable documents. 
	s: Add le comment to the screen to use shell redirections > , >> , 
           or || etc.
	v: Verbose mode.
        If the decoded comment begins with the characters "/*", the  comment
        is copied until find the characters "*/", whatever included any 
        comment-line starting with "//".
        If the decoded comment begins with the characters "//", the line is
        copied until find the end-of-line or new-line 'NL' character or 
        end-of-file 'EOF'.
        This provisions facilitate the automatic generation of header files
        (file.h ; .hpp ; etc.) and documentation of functions.

	#include "version.h"
	#include "cpp_.h"
	int cpp_(FILE *pfdoc, FILE *pnfile);

	Microsoft Visual studio under Windows : x86(Win32) x64(Win32 and WIN64)
	gcc under Unix/Linux.

	cpp_ fonction
	FILE * pfdoc: pointer of the target file opened by the calling function. 
	FILE * pnfile: pointer of the source file opened by the calling function

	Return 0 in case of success.

 COPYRIGHT: (Specified in version.h) :

	// cpp_.c:
	extern int cpp_ (FILE * pfdoc, FILE * pnfile);

Command file and Makefile


All the paths to the files of the application are writen in a project file in the alphabetical order.

Example : "ls -1 *.c > app.prj" will contain the name of all files to generates the sofware documentation. Attention, ls -1 (number) and not -l (character 'l')

The command line : "mkd -Cjt H app.prj app.h" generates the header file off all functions of the application.

The command line : "mkd -Cjt D app.prj app_functions.documentation" generates the documentation of all functions of the application.

Example of lines included in a Makefile
In this example the Makefile is in the sources files.

APP = MyProgram # This is any "macro"

Create_header_and_functions-doc: # here, this is any unconditional directive. 
     if [ -e "/usr/bin/mkd" ]; \ # Warning: the first char is a tabulation and not spaces
     then \
          ls -1 *.cpp > $APP.prj; \       # first create or overwrite new project file
          mkd -Ctw H $APP.prj $APP.h: \   # create or overwrite header file
          mkd -Ctw D $APP.prj $APP.txt: \ # create or overwrite functions documentation
          mkd -Cwn w $APP.prj $APP.wars; \# create or overwrite warnind documentation for programmers
     else \
          @echo "The mkd command is not installed in bin directory"; \



Updated manuals


(de) (en) (fr) Update the translated manuals
(See External links)

English UNIX manual


Operating systems


Debian and Ubuntu


mkd is provided and distributed as ubuntu packages.[3]

Fedora and Red Hat


Tue application heas been intensely used with Red-Hat on PC, on SUN Sparc and HP-UX, up of the year 2000 in the ASCII format ; The location of the directories was different from the current location (man, whatis, ...)

mkd is compilable 'as is' for Fedora. (Format of characters UTF-8)

The RPM packets are not distributed by the maintainers.

Other LINUX distribution


Many Linux distribution are available. mkd is, in principle, compatible with all Unix and Linux systems, except, sometimes, the location of the manuals and documentations directories.



mkd for MS-Windows is used in command line on a terminal emulator.

See also


Comparison of documentation generators


Downloads sources : Sources for other systems (UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS)


  1. ISO/IEC 26514:2008
  2. (1986-2001) Informatique - Centre d'Electronique et de Micro-électronique de Montpellier, Université Montpellier II, 34000 Montpellier France www.cem2.univ-montp2.fr. See new laboratory IES
  3. ubuntu packages