
Le scandale des abus sexuels de la fédération américaine de gymnastique est une série d'affaires criminelles ayant débuté à la fin des années 90, s’étant étalé sur plus de deux décennies et concernant l'abus sexuel de gymnastes américaines féminines majoritairement mineures lors des évènements. Plus de 368 personnes ont allégué avoir subi des agressions sexuelles « par des propriétaires de club, des entraîneurs et des employés de programmes gymniques de partout au pays ».[1],[2] Larry Nassar entre autre, ancien médecin, kinésithérapeute et ostéopathe de l'équipe nationale de gymnastique des États-Unis, est cité dans plusieurs centaines de procès intentés par des athlètes affirmant qu’il aurait abusé d'elles sexuellement, sous prétexte de leur administrer un traitement médical.

Depuis la publication par le The Indianapolis Star des premières accusations publiques, plus de 265 femmes, ont accusé Nassar d'abus sexuels.[3] Parmi elles se trouvent des membres ou anciennes membres de l'équipe nationale américaine de gymnastique telles que Jessica Howard (en),Jamie Dantzscher (en), Jeanette Antolin (en), McKayla Maroney, Kyla Ross, Aly Raisman, Maggie Nichols, Gabby Douglas, Simone Biles, Sabrina Vega, Ashton Locklear, Madison Kocian, Tasha Schwikert, Alyssa Baumann et Jordyn Wieber. Il s’agit d’un des plus gros scandales d’abus sexuels de l’histoire du sport. [4],[5],[6],[7]

Le , Nassar est jugé pour sept chefs d’accusation d'agression sexuelle au premier degré, puis le à trois nouvelles accusations d'agression sexuelle. Il plaide coupable pour pornographie infantile et est condamné le à 125 ans de prison.

Une enquête de neuf mois menée par The Indiapolis Star a permis de découvrir que les abus étaient répandus parce que « les entraîneurs prédateurs pouvaient aller de gym en gym, indétectés par un système de surveillance laxiste ou dangereusement régie par les clubs certifiés de USA Gymnastic ».[2] La Fédération américaine de gymnastique et l'université d'État du Michigan, où Nassar a enseigné et exercé, ont été accusés de négligence et leur responsabilité a été engagée dans les procès civils intentés contre Nassar par d'anciennes gymnastes.[8] Outre Nassar, des entraîneurs provenant de plusieurs états, comme le Michigan, la Pennsylvanie, la Californie, le Rhode Island et l’Indiana, ont été impliqués dans le scandale.[2]

Le 16 mai 2018, ESPN annonce que le Arthur Ashe Courage Award sera remis aux victimes de Larry Nassar.[9] Le 13 décembre de la même année, le National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) remis le Inspiration Award 2019 à Nichols, qui, bien qu’elle n’ai pas publicisé sa démarche, fût la première à signaler Nassar.[10]

On July 11, 2017, Nassar pleaded guilty to federal child pornography charges, and was sentenced to 60 years in prison on December 7, 2017. On November 22, 2017, he pleaded guilty in state court to seven charges of first-degree sexual assault and entered another guilty plea a week later to three additional charges of sexual assault. On January 24, 2018, Nassar was sentenced to an additional 40 to 175 years in prison, set to run after Nassar serves the 60-year federal prison sentence for child pornography. On February 5, 2018, Nassar received another 40 to 125 years. As of 2019, he is incarcerated at United States Penitentiary, Coleman.



En 1990, USAG dressa la liste des entraîneurs bannis à vie, incluant ceux l’étant à cause d’abus sexuel.[11] En 1992, Robert Dean Head, un entraîneur du Kentucky, plaida coupable pour le viol d’une jeune fille de 12 ans. En 2007, USAG obligea la vérification des antécédents judiciaires pour tous les entraîneurs. Don Peters, entraîneur national de l’équipe olympique de 1984, fut banni en 2011 à la suite d’accusations d’abus sexuels de trois anciennes gymnastes.[12] En 2016, Larry Nassar, médecin de l’équipe olympienne, fut arrêté et accusé d’abus sexuels et de possession de pornographie infantile. Depuis, plusieurs victimes d’abus sexuels ont entamé des poursuites contre USAG et d’autres parties prenantes.[13]

À plusieurs reprises, USAG ignora des avertissements lancés sur des entraîneurs. Dans une poursuite datant de 2013, les responsables d’USAG ont admis sous serment que les allégations d’abus sexuels étaient régulièrement qualifiées de rumeurs si elles ne venaient pas directement d’une victime ou d’un parent d’une victime. Ils attendirent 4 ans avant de signaler Marvin Sharp aux autorités policières. Accusé de trois chefs d’accusations d’abus sexuel sur mineur et de quatre chefs d’accusation d’inconduite sexuelle sur mineur, il se suicida en prison. En 2002, Mark Shiefelbein fut accusé d’avoir abusé d’une fillette de 10 ans. À la suite d’une injonction afin d’avoir accès à son dossier, les procureurs apprirent qu’USAG avait reçu précédemment des plaintes contre l’entraîneur. Schiefelbein fût trouvé coupable et reçu une sentence de 36 ans de prison. Une plainte avait aussi été faite contre James Bell au moins 5 ans avant qu’il ne soit arrêté en 2003 pour des abus sexuels à l’encontre de trois jeunes gymnastes. Il plaida coupable et purgea une peine de prison de 8 ans.[14]


Au moins quatre plaintes avaient été déposées contre William McCabe, une coach de Géorgie, sans que USAG ne le rapporte aux autorités. Le propriétaire d’un club aurait prévenu la fédération que McCabe « devrait être enfermé en cage avant que quelqu’un ne soit violé ». McCabe a pu continuer à travailler comme entraîneur pendant 7 ans, soit jusqu’à ce que la mère d’une athlète de 11 ans ne présente au FBI les courriels qu’il avait envoyé à sa fille. McCabe fût accusé d’agression envers des gymnastes, d’avoir secrètement filmé des jeunes filles se changeant et mis sur Internet leur photos nues. Il plaida coupable et purge une peine de 30 ans d’incarcération.

Dans ce dossier, un juge permit la publication de plus de 5,600 pages de

At least four complaints were made against Georgia coach William McCabe, but USAG did not report the allegations to the police. One gym owner had warned that McCabe "should be locked in a cage before someone is raped."[15] McCabe continued coaching for seven years until one gymnast's mother went to the FBI with emails that he sent to her 11-year-old daughter. McCabe was charged with molesting gymnasts, secretly videotaping girls changing clothes, and posting their nude images on the Internet. He pleaded guilty and is serving a 30-year sentence.[15]

A judge released over 5,600 pages of court records in the McCabe case after Marisa Kwiatkowski from the Indianapolis Star requested the documents.[16] These documents show how USAG has responded to various sexual misconduct allegations that were made against coaches over a 10-year period from 1996 to 2006. The released documents included a letter which says a USAG regional chairman spoke to the organization's president in support of allowing a convicted sex offender to keep his membership. Other documents include sexual abuse complaints that were filed against 54 coaches. The documents revealed that some of these coaches were not banned from the sport even after being convicted of the crimes. USAG has since said that it has banned 37 of the 54 coaches.[17]

In a deposition, USAG President Steve Penny said: "To the best of my knowledge, there's no duty to report if you are – if you are a third-party to some allegation ... You know, that lies with the person who has first-hand knowledge."[15] Penny resigned in March 2017.[18]

Nassar was a licensed osteopathic physician and the national team sports-medicine doctor for USAG.[19][20] He ran a clinic and gymnastics club at Michigan State University,[19] where he was a faculty member.[21] USAG fired Nassar in 2015 "after learning of athlete concerns".[22]

Les accusations d'abus sexuels


Larry Nassar était diplômé de kinésithérapie et d'ostéopathie et médecin de l'équipe nationale de gymnastique des États-Unis. Il a également été propriétaire d'une clinique et d'un club de gymnastique à l'université d'État du Michigan, où il était un membre de la faculté. L'USA Gymnastics (USAG) a licencié Nassar en 2015 « après avoir appris les inquiétudes des athlètes. »

En , L'Indianapolis Star a révélé que deux anciennes gymnastes, dont Rachael Denhollander[23], avaient accusé Nassar d'abus sexuels[24]. À la suite de quoi, l'université d'État du Michigan a mis à pied Nassar, pour le renvoyer plus tard dans le mois. Depuis, plus de 250 personnes ont accusé Nassar d'agressions sexuelles.[24],[3],[25] Selon les plaignantes, Nassar agissait au cours d'examens médicaux, allant de l'insertion d'un doigt dans le vagin ou l'anus des gymnastes, jusqu'à leur caresser les seins et les organes génitaux. Nassar a d'abord nié les accusations, affirmant qu'il avait respecté les procédures médicales.[8] En , trois anciennes gymnastes, Jeanette Antolin (en), Jessica Howard et Jamie Dantzscher (en), ont donné une interview à 60 Minutes dans lequel elles ont accusé Nassar d’agression sexuelle. Les gymnastes se confient également sur la « violence psychologique de l'environnement » dans les camps d'entraînement de l'équipe nationale gérés par Béla et Márta Károlyi à la Karolyi Ranch de Huntsville, au Texas, ce qui a donné Nassar une occasion de profiter des gymnastes et de les effrayer pour qu'elles n'en parlent pas.[26] Le , la médaillée d'or olympique McKayla Maroney, à l'aide du hashtag #MeToo sur Twitter, accuse Nassar de l'avoir agressée à plusieurs reprises, entre ses treize ans et jusqu'à sa retraite de la compétition en 2016.[27] Au cours d'une interview le pour 60 Minutes, Aly Raisman, également médaillée d'or aux Jeux de Londres, a aussi accusé Nassar de l'avoir agressée sexuellement. Dans un communiqué posté sur Instagram le , Gabrielle Douglas, championne olympique du concours général à Londres et par équipes de cette édition et aux Jeux de Rio de Janeiro a dit qu'elle était aussi une victime de Nassar.

Le , au tribunal du comté d'Ingham dans le Michigan, Nassar plaide coupable des sept chefs d'accusation d'agressions sexuelles premier degré sur des jeunes filles mineures[28]. Trois des victimes étaient âgées de moins de treize ans, et trois étaient âgés de treize à quinze ans. Rachael Denhollander (en), une ancienne gymnaste de l'US Gymnastics devenue avocate, a déclaré en au tribunal que Nassar a abusé d'elle lors de cinq visites chez le médecin en 2000, quand elle avait 15 ans. Raisman a déclaré que Nassar a également abusé d'elle quand elle était âgée de quinze ans. Le (quelques jours avant ses accusations), Gabrielle Douglas s'est attirée les foudres de sa compatriote et coéquipière olympique Simone Biles et d'autres athlètes pour un tweet qu'ils ont jugé comme une critique de Raisman et un « victim-bashing », indiquant que « se vêtir de façon provocatrice/sexuelle induit les gens en erreur ». Douglas s'est ensuite excusée pour le tweet, insinuant qu'elle avait aussi été abusée par Nassar[29].

Sexual abuse allegations


In September 2016, The Indianapolis Star reported that Rachael Denhollander[23] was one of two former gymnasts who had made accusations of sexual abuse against Nassar. Following those criminal complaints, Michigan State University reassigned Nassar from his clinical and teaching duties and fired him later that month.[22] Since then, over 250 women and girls have accused Nassar of sexually abusing them; many of them were minors at the time of the crimes.[30][31][32][33]

According to those reports, Nassar committed sexual assaults during medical examinations and purported treatments. The molestations ranged from his inserting a finger into the gymnasts' vaginas and anuses to fondling their breasts and genitalia. These were criminal acts regardless of consent since the victims were minors. Nassar initially denied the charges, claiming that he was performing legitimate medical procedures.[21] In February 2017, three former gymnasts: Jeanette Antolin, Jessica Howard and Jamie Dantzscher, gave an interview with 60 Minutes in which they accused Nassar of sexually abusing them. The gymnasts also alleged that the "emotionally abusive environment" at the national team training camps run by Béla and Márta Károlyi at the Karolyi Ranch near Huntsville, Texas, gave Nassar an opportunity to take advantage of the gymnasts and made them afraid to speak up about the abuse.[34] Rachael Denhollander, one of the first women to publicly accuse Nassar,[33] said in court in May 2017 that Nassar sexually abused her on five doctor's visits in 2000 when she was 15 years old.[35]

Olympic gold medalist McKayla Maroney, using the #MeToo hashtag on Twitter, stated that Nassar repeatedly molested her, starting in 2008 when she was 13 years old and continuing until she retired from the sport in 2016.[20] Maroney filed a lawsuit against Nassar, Michigan State University, the United States Olympic Committee and USAG.[36] The lawsuit accused USAG of covering up the sexual abuse by paying Maroney $1.25 million settlement that required her to sign a non-disclosure agreement.[37]

Former national team member Maggie Nichols accused Nassar of abusing her, and documented the ways he "groomed" her by connecting with her on Facebook and complimenting her appearance on numerous occasions.[38] It was also reported that it was Nichols' coach, Sarah Jantzi, who first reported Nassar to USAG on June 17, 2015, after overhearing Nichols talk to other gymnasts, later revealed to be Raisman and Alyssa Baumann,[39] about Nassar's behavior.[40] Simone Biles came forward shortly after with firsthand accounts of how she too had been sexually abused by Nassar.[41] Jordyn Wieber made a statement at Nassar's court sentencing in which she also accused Nassar of sexually abusing her during her time at USAG.[42][43] On May 1, 2018, former national team member Sabrina Vega also accused Nassar of sexual abuse, claiming she was abused hundreds of times, beginning when she was 12.[44] In August 2018, UCLA gymnasts and 2012 and 2016 Olympians Kyla Ross and Madison Kocian came forward as victims of Nassar.[45] The following month, Alabama Crimson Tide gymnasts Bailie Key and Amanda Jetter also came forward with accusations against Nassar.[46] In October, Tasha Schwikert, a member of the 2000 US Olympics team, came forward as a victim and claimed that Steve Penny pressed her to publicly support USA Gymnastics at the height of the Nassar scandal.[47] In November, Florida Gators gymnasts Kennedy Baker[48] and Baumann[49] made public allegations against Nassar; Baker said she was abused during the 2012 Olympic Trials.

Procédures criminelles


Larry Nassar


In November 2016, Nassar was initially charged with sexual assault of a child.[50] Michigan attorney general Bill Schuette stated that the assaults began when the victim was 6 years old in 1998 and lasted until 2005.[51] He pleaded not guilty to three charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct against a minor during his first court appearance.

The following month, Nassar was indicted on federal child pornography charges. According to the FBI, over 37,000 images and videos of child pornography were seized from Nassar's home, including a GoPro video of Nassar molesting girls in a swimming pool. Some of the material was found on a hard drive and disks that Nassar discarded in his trash bin outside his home.[52] Nassar pleaded guilty to three federal child pornography charges on July 11, 2017,[53] and was given three consecutive 20-year prison sentences by U.S. District Judge Janet T. Neff on December 7, 2017.[54]

On November 15, 2017, it was reported that Nassar pleaded guilty to counts of sexual assault in Ingham County (which contains most of East Lansing, the home city for Michigan State) and Eaton County in Michigan.[55] At the time, he faced a total of 22 charges, 15 in Ingham and 7 in Eaton. Among the allegations was that under the guise of providing legitimate treatment, he molested 7 girls at his home and at a clinic on the MSU campus.[56] It also stated that Nassar would enter a guilty plea in Ingham County on November 22 and would then plead guilty in Eaton County on November 29 and would serve at least 25 years in prison for these crimes.[55][56] Others who reported assaults by Nassar to the police were permitted to make victim impact statements during his sentencing hearing.[57]

During his appearance before Judge Rosemarie Aquilina in Ingham County Circuit Court,[58] and under the terms of his plea agreement, Nassar pleaded guilty to seven counts of criminal sexual conduct charges with a minimum sentence of 25 to 40 years in prison.[59] Three of the victims were under the age of 13 and three ranged in age from 13 to 15.[57] Nassar issued a short statement in which he apologized and said that he was hopeful the community could move forward:

"For all those involved, I'm so horribly sorry that this was like a match that turned into a forest fire out of control. I have no animosity toward anyone. I just want healing. ... We need to move forward in a sense of growth and healing and I pray (for) that".[60]

More than 150 women made impact statements during Nassar's week-long sentencing hearing before the former doctor was sentenced on January 24, 2018 to state prison for 40 to 175 years. During his federal sentencing, Judge Neff had previously ordered that any state prison term run consecutive with Nassar's federal sentence.[61] Judge Aquilina quoted a letter that Nassar had sent her prior to sentencing, in which he blamed his accusers. She described him as a dangerous individual who showed little remorse and said that she "signed [his] death warrant".[62]

During his Eaton County Circuit Court appearance, Nassar pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual misconduct with three children under the age of 16.[63] On February 5, 2018, Judge Janet Cunningham sentenced Nassar to an additional 40 to 125 years in state prison. This sentence will run consecutive to Nassar's federal sentence but concurrent to his previous state sentence from Ingham County.[64][65]

Steve Penny


Le 17 octobre 2018, Steve Penny, ancien directeur-général de USAG, est arrêté pour falsification de preuves dans la poursuite contre Larry Nassar. Selon les accusations, il aurait retiré des documents liés à l'affaire d'abus sexuels de Nassar du centre d'entraînement de gymnastique Karolyi Ranch au Texas[66], [67]. Il a plaidé non-coupable le 29 octobre 2018, mais son procès est toujours en suspend à la suite de la pandémie de la COVID-19[68].

On October 17, 2018, former USAG CEO Steve Penny was arrested on charge of evidence tampering in the Larry Nassar case. He was accused of removing documents linked to the Nassar sexual abuse case from the Karolyi Ranch gymnastics training facility in Texas.[69][70] On October 29, 2018, Penny entered a plea of not guilty.[71]

Lou Anna Simon


Le 20 novembre 2018, Lou Anna Simon, ancienne présidente de l'université d'État du Michigan, est inculpée de deux crimes et deux infractions pour des déclarations mensongères à la police. Elle est accusée d'avoir faussement déclarée aux enquêteurs ne pas connaître la nature d'une plainte contre Nassar, faite en 2014 en vertu du Titre IX. Elle risquait ainsi jusqu'à quatre ans de prison pour chaque accusation[72].

Le 29 octobre 2019, la juge Julie Reincke de la cour de district du comté d'Eaton a jugé qu'il y avait suffisamment de preuves pour assigner à procès Simon devant la cour de circuit du comté d'Eaton[73].

Le 13 mai 2020, John Maurer, juge du comté d'Eaton, a rejeté les accusations portées contre Simon. Le bureau du procureur général du Michigan a déclaré prévoir faire appel à cette décision[74].

On November 20, 2018, former Michigan State University president Lou Anna Simon was charged with two felonies and two misdemeanor counts for lying to the police. She is accused of falsely telling investigators she did not know the nature of a Title IX complaint against Nassar in 2014. She could face up to four years in prison on each felony charge.[75]

On October 29, 2019, Eaton County District Court Judge Julie Reincke ruled there was sufficient evidence to bind Simon over for trial in Eaton County circuit court.[76]

On May 13, 2020, Eaton County Judge John Maurer dismissed the charges against Simon. The Michigan Attorney General's Office said it planned to appeal.[77]

Kathie Klages


In August 2018, Kathie Klages, a former Michigan State University gymnastics coach, was charged with one felony count and one misdemeanor count of lying to the police about her early knowledge of sexual abuse allegations against Nassar.[78][79] Her trial began in February 2020.[80] She was found guilty on two counts of lying to the police and faces up to four years in prison. Her sentencing was set for April 18, 2020,[81] but was rescheduled to July 15 of that year; however, the sentencing was once again delayed due to a water main break near the courthouse.[82] On August 4, Klages was sentenced to 90 days in jail and 18 months of probation.[83]

John Geddert


Le 25 février 2021, John Geddert, coach en chef de l’équipe américaine aux Olympiques de 2012, est accusé de

On February 25, 2021, John Geddert, the head coach of the 2012 USA Women's Olympic Gymnastics Team, was charged with multiple felonies including 20 counts of human trafficking and forced labor, one count of first-degree sexual assault, one count of second-degree sexual assault, racketeering and lying to a police officer.[84] Geddert committed suicide shortly after his charges were announced to the public.[85]

Response and impact


USA Gymnastics


With regard to the USA Gymnastics sex abuse scandal, in 2016 USAG stated that "Nothing is more important to USA Gymnastics, the Board of Directors and CEO Steve Penny than protecting athletes, which requires sustained vigilance by everyone—coaches, athletes, parents, administrators and officials. We are saddened when any athlete has been harmed in the course of his or her gymnastics career”.[86] The USAG also said that it required criminal background checks for all of its coaches.[86] An independent investigation by The Indianapolis Star, however, found that "some coaches are fired at gym after gym without being tracked or flagged by USA Gymnastics, or losing their membership with the organization".[86]

Specifically with regard to Nassar, USA Gymnastics (USAG) said that its executives first learned of an athlete's concern regarding him in June 2015. Following an internal investigation, Nassar was fired and reported to the FBI the next month.[87] In March 2017, USAG president Steve Penny resigned amid accusations of negligence[88] and calls for his dismissal.[89] In response to the scandal, USAG adopted reforms based on a June 2017 report by an investigator hired to review the organization's policies and practices. One of the changes is a requirement that all USAG members report any suspected sexual misconduct to appropriate authorities and the US Center for SafeSport.[90]

USAG has been criticized for its handling of the sexual abuse allegations against Nassar.[91][92] According to a 2016 investigation reported by The Indianapolis Star, top executives at USAG routinely dismissed sexual abuse allegations against coaches and failed to alert authorities.[93][94] United States Senators criticized the organization's leadership for waiting five weeks before reporting Nassar to law enforcement, after hearing allegations involving him in 2015.[95] Juliet Macur of The New York Times was critical of USAG for not attending the 2017 congressional hearing on protecting young athletes from sexual abuse, and noted that the organization had not apologized for its role in the scandal.[96] The two time Olympian Aly Raisman criticized USAG's response to the scandal, noting that the reported $1 million severance package given to former president Penny could have been used to create a program to help the affected athletes.[97]

Amid the sex abuse scandal, USAG lost several major corporate sponsors, including Procter & Gamble, Kellogg's, Under Armour, The Hershey Company[98][99] and AT&T.[100] Procter & Gamble was the name sponsor of the National Championships for five seasons, AT&T sponsored the American Cup since 2011, and Kellogg's sponsored a series of nationwide tours. Marketing revenues account for approximately 35% of USAG annual revenues, or about $9.4 million. Kellogg's and Procter & Gamble were two of the largest sponsors associated with the organization.[101] These actions, however, impacted and damaged the athletes (who lost necessary funding) to a larger extent compared to the organization.[102]

In January 2018, USAG officially cut ties with Karolyi Ranch, the former national training center for the national team and a site where Nassar sexually assaulted many gymnasts.[103] Later that month the Karolyi Ranch announced on its website that the facility had permanently closed.[104] On January 22, 2018, three members of the USAG Board of Directors resigned.[105][106]

Following Nassar's sentencing on January 24, 2018, the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) published an open letter calling for the resignations of the remaining USAG Board of Directors, saying that failure to comply with the request would result in the USOC taking steps to decertify the governing body. The USOC also announced that it was launching a third-party investigation into the scandal.[107] On January 31, USAG received resignations from every member of its board of directors, complying with USOC's demands.[108]

On February 1, it was reported that the USOC had been informed of abuse claims in 2015, prior to when they claimed they first heard it in 2016.[109] Reports surfaced that USAG President Steve Penny had called USOC Chief Executive Scott Blackmun in July 2015 to inform him that an investigation uncovered possible criminal behavior by Nassar against Olympic athletes. Additionally in September 2015, Penny emailed USOC Security Chief detailing the allegations against Nassar.[110][111]

John Geddert, team coach of the 2012 London Olympic team and personal coach of Jordyn Wieber, retired following an announcement by USAG that he had been suspended as a result of his connection to Nassar. Geddert operated two gyms that employed Nassar, including Twistars.[112][113] Ownership of Twistars has been transferred to Geddert's wife Katherine. Gymnasts have reported being abused by Nassar at Twistars.[114] Gymnasts have also accused Geddert of being abusive and dismissive of their injuries. One gymnast said Geddert had thrown her onto the low bar hard enough to tear the muscles in her stomach and end her career. They have said that Geddert's abuse left them vulnerable to Nassar's manipulation.[115]

On February 2, Valeri Liukin resigned as national team coordinator.[116][117][118] Later that month, the USOC CEO Scott Blackmun also resigned.[119]

On February 28, Raisman filed a lawsuit against USA Gymnastics and the USOC, claiming both organizations "knew or should have known" about the ongoing abuse.[120][121] On May 1, former national team member Sabrina Vega sued USAG, the USOC, and Béla and Márta Károlyi, claiming they ignored signs about Nassar's behavior or should have known he posed a risk to the gymnasts he treated.[122]

On September 4, USA Gymnastics CEO and President, Kerry Perry, resigned.[123] This came after USOC CEO Sarah Hirshland called for a change in USAG leadership[124] and the United States Elite Coaches Association called for a vote of no confidence in Perry.[125] On October 12, Mary Bono was appointed interim president and chief executive officer of USA Gymnastics.[126] She resigned four days later after many people, including Raisman and Biles, expressed criticism over choosing Bono as interim president due to her ties with her former law firm, Faegre Baker Daniels, the same firm that helped cover up Nassar's crimes.[127]

On November 5, 2018, the USOC announced that it was starting the process to decertify USAG as the national governing body for gymnastics in the United States.[128] One month later, USAG filed for bankruptcy.[129][130][131]

On February 29, 2020, gymnasts Simone Biles and Aly Raisman expressed anger over a proposed settlement by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee in the sexual abuse scandal. The proposed $215 million settlement (half of what MSU paid) will stop all lawsuits and prevent further investigation into the cover-up.[132]

Michigan State University


Michigan State University said that it first received a complaint against Nassar in 2014. A Title IX investigation into the complaint found no violation of policy and Nassar was allowed to continue treating patients under certain agreed upon restrictions, as stipulated by MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine Dean William Strampel. However, no monitoring was instituted.[133] After allegations against Nassar were reported by The Indianapolis Star in September 2016, Nassar was fired by Michigan State for violating the 2014 agreement.[52]

The university faces lawsuits from 144 local and MSU athletes who say they were sexually assaulted by Larry Nassar.[134] Michigan State University gymnastics coach Kathie Klages was suspended on February 13, 2017, and retired the next day, amidst the sexual abuse investigation of Nassar.[135] Klages has been accused of dismissing sexual abuse complaints by former gymnasts against Nassar and pressuring them to stay silent.[134] According to court documents, Klages was reportedly aware of sexual abuse allegations against Nassar as early as 1997.[135]

On December 12, 2017, Strampel resigned as dean and went on medical leave as faculty. After mediation ended in the civil lawsuits, the MSU Board of Trustees voted to establish a $10 million fund to reimburse Nassar's victims for counseling services. MSU President Lou Anna Simon also apologized to the Nassar victims and donated her just-approved raise to the Roy J. and Lou Anna K. Simon Scholarship fund.[133]

During Nassar's sentencing in January 2018, eight former MSU athletes, including those from the gymnastics, softball, volleyball, rowing, and track and field programs, gave victim impact statements accusing MSU staff of dismissing their sexual abuse complaints against Nassar.[136][137]

On January 23, 2018, the National Collegiate Athletic Association formally opened an investigation into the university's handling of sexual abuse allegations against Nassar.[138] On January 24, 2018, amid backlash over the university's role in the scandal, the Michigan House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly for a non-binding resolution sponsored by Rep. Adam Zemke, that called for the university's Board of Trustees to fire President Lou Anna Simon if she did not resign. Simon resigned later that same day.[139][140] Two days later, MSU athletic director Mark Hollis retired.[141]

Several other investigations by state and federal agencies into Michigan State's involvement are ongoing, including by the Michigan Attorney General's office[142] and the United States Education Department.[143]

As a result of the Michigan Attorney General's investigation, in March 2018, William Strampel, who oversaw Nassar's clinic while dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine, was arrested and charged with felony misconduct in office and criminal sexual conduct for allegedly groping a student and storing nude photos on his computer. Strampel also possessed a video of the pelvic floor manipulation procedure that Larry Nassar had created as a training video. The video may constitute evidence of an assault, and the investigation is continuing.[144] On June 9, 2018, six current or former Michigan State employees linked to Nassar became the subjects of an investigation by Michigan's Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. [145]

On May 16, 2018, it was reported that the Michigan State University and Nassar's victims reached a $500 million settlement.[146]

United States Congress


The United States Congress responded to the sexual abuse claims made against Nassar and also to claims made against personnel who were involved with USA Swimming and USA Taekwondo. United States Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced a bill to require national governing body members overseeing Olympic sports to immediately report sexual assault allegations to law enforcement or designated child-welfare agencies.[147] Former gymnasts Dominique Moceanu, Jamie Dantzscher and Jessica Howard testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on March 28, 2017, concerning the bill.[148][96] Rick Adams, chief of Paralympic sports for the United States Olympic Committee and head of organizational development for the NGBs, stated at the hearing: "We do take responsibility, and we apologize to any young athlete who has ever faced abuse." USAG was asked to testify at the hearing, but declined.[96]

The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-C.A.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) and others, was agreed to in the House of Representatives on January 29, 2018.[149] The bill was agreed to in the Senate on January 30, 2018, and became law on February 14, 2018, when it was signed by President Donald J. Trump.[150] Among other things, the law requires Olympic governing bodies and amateur sports organizations to report sex-abuse allegations immediately to local or federal law enforcement, or a child-welfare agency designated by the United States Department of Justice. It further authorizes the United States Center for Safe Sport to ensure that aspiring U.S. Olympic athletes can report allegations of abuse to an independent and non-conflicted entity for investigation and resolution, and to make sure that all national governing bodies follow the strictest standards for child abuse prevention and detection. The bill amends the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, under the Commerce Committee's jurisdiction, to expand the purposes of USOC to promote a safe environment in sports that is free from abuse.[151]




  1. (en) « New Report Reveals 20-Year Sex Abuse Scandal Across US Gymnastics Programs », sur www.vice.com (consulté le )
  2. a b et c (en-US) Tim Evans, Mark Alesia, and Marisa Kwiatkowski, « A 20-year toll: 368 gymnasts allege sexual exploitation », sur The Indianapolis Star (consulté le )
  3. a et b (en) « Larry Nassar case: USA Gymnastics doctor 'abused 265 girls' », sur www.bbc.com, (consulté le )
  4. Juliet Macur, « Who Has U.S.A. Gymnastics' Back at This Point? The U.S.O.C., for Some Reason », sur The New York Times,
  5. Alice Park, « USA Gymnastics Board Members Resign Amid Larry Nassar Sexual Abuse Scandal », sur Time,
  6. Bryan Armen Graham, « Why don't we care about the biggest sex abuse scandal in sports history? », sur The Guardian,
  7. Caleb Parke, « Michigan State accused of covering up worst sex abuse scandal in US sports », sur Fox News,
  8. a et b Rick Maese and Will Hobson, « USA Gymnastics alerted FBI in 2015 to doctor accused of abuse », sur chicagotribune.com (consulté le )
  9. (en-US) Scooby Axson, « Larry Nassar victims to receive ESPY Ashe Courage award », sur Sports Illustrated (consulté le )
  10. (en) smeyers@ncaa.org, « 2019 NCAA Inspiration Award: Maggie Nichols », sur NCAA.org - The Official Site of the NCAA, (consulté le )
  11. « USA Gymnastics | Permanently Ineligible Members and Participants », sur usagym.org (consulté le )
  12. (en-US) « Gymnasts accuse renowned coach of sex abuse », sur Orange County Register, (consulté le )
  13. « A Legacy of Inaction - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research », sur web.archive.org, (consulté le )
  14. « A BLIND EYE TO SEX ABUSE ; How USA Gymnastics Protected Coaches over Kids by Failing to Report Allegations of Misconduct - Dayton Daily News (Dayton, OH) | HighBeam Research », sur web.archive.org, (consulté le )
  15. a b et c (en) Marisa Mark Alesia Kwiatkowski, « A BLIND EYE TO SEX ABUSE ; How USA Gymnastics Protected Coaches over Kids by Failing to Report Allegations of Misconduct », Dayton Daily News (Dayton, OH),‎ (lire en ligne)
  16. (en) Amanda Duberman, « Meet The Journalist Who Helped Expose Larry Nassar », sur HuffPost, (consulté le )
  17. (en) Marisa Kwiatkowski, « Judge Releases USA Gymnastics Sex Abuse Files », Dayton Daily News (Dayton, OH),‎ (lire en ligne)
  18. « A list of all the USA Gymnastics board members who have resigned », Indianapolis Star (consulté le )
  19. a et b Victor Mather, « Former USA Gymnastics Doctor Faces New Sexual Assault Charges », The New York Times,
  20. a et b Alice Park, « Who Is Larry Nassar, the Former USA Gymnastics Doctor McKayla Maroney Accused of Sexual Abuse? », Time,
  21. a et b Rick Maese et Will Hobson, « USA Gymnastics alerted FBI in 2015 to doctor accused of abuse », Chicago Tribune,
  22. a et b « Dr. Larry Nassar, Accused of Abuse by Olympic Gymnast, Is Fired », NBC News,
  23. a et b (en) « Gymnast accuses former USAG doctor of abuse », sur Indianapolis Star (consulté le )
  24. a et b (en-US) Tim Evans, Mark Alesia, and Marisa Kwiatkowski, « Former USA Gymnastics doctor accused of abuse », sur The Indianapolis Star (consulté le )
  25. (en-US) Scott Cacciola et Victor Mather, « Larry Nassar Sentencing: ‘I Just Signed Your Death Warrant’ », The New York Times,‎ (ISSN 0362-4331, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  26. (en) « On 60 Minutes, former gymnasts allege sexual abuse », sur www.cbsnews.com (consulté le )
  27. (en) Alice Park, « Who Is Larry Nassar, the Former USA Gymnastics Doctor Aly Raisman Accuses of Sexual Abuse? », sur https://time.com/, (consulté le )
  28. (en) Nicole Chavez, Eric Levenson, CNN, « Ex-USA Gymnastics doctor apologizes, pleads guilty to criminal sexual conduct », sur edition.cnn.com, .
  29. (en) « Gabby Douglas apologizes after Simone Biles calls out victim shaming tweet », sur theguardian.com, .
  30. « Larry Nassar case: USA Gymnastics doctor 'abused 265 girls' », BBC News,
  31. Tim Evans, « Former USA Gymnastics doctor accused of abuse », The Indianapolis Star,
  32. Eric Levenson, « Larry Nassar sentenced to up to 175 years in prison for decades of sexual abuse », CNN,
  33. a et b Scott Cacciola et Victor Mather, « Larry Nassar Sentencing: 'I Just Signed Your Death Warrant' », The New York Times,
  34. Brit McCandless, « On 60 Minutes, former gymnasts allege sexual abuse », CBS News,
  35. Steve Almasy et Anne Woolsey, « Doctor's accuser: 'I froze, because I knew it was sexual abuse' », CNN, (consulté le )
  36. « McKayla Maroney accuses USOC and USA Gymnastics of covering up sexual abuse with secret settlement », LA Times,
  37. « USA Gymnastics struck deal with McKayla Maroney to keep Larry Nassar abuse quiet, lawyer says », ESPN,
  38. John Barr, « Gymnast Maggie Nichols writes in letter she was first to alert USAG to abuse by Larry Nassar », ESPN,
  39. « Elite gymnast Alyssa Baumann of Plano details allegations of 'horrific abuse' by Larry Nassar », Dallas News,
  40. Lauren Green, « U.S. Gymnast Maggie Nichols Says She Was Abused By Larry Nassar, Dissuaded From Coming Forward By USA Gymnastics », Sports Illustrated,
  41. (en) Harriet Alexander, « Simone Biles says she too was sexually abused by US gymnast doctor Larry Nassar », The Daily Telegraph,‎ (lire en ligne)
  42. Eric Levenson, « Jordyn Wieber says Larry Nassar also abused her », CNN,
  43. John Barr, « Olympian Jordyn Wieber tells court: 'I am a victim of Larry Nassar' », ESPN,
  44. Juan Lozano, « Gymnast sues Karolyis, other groups over team doctor's abuse », The Washington Post,
  45. Alice Park, « Olympic Gymnasts Kyla Ross and Madison Kocian Say They Were Sexually Abused by Larry Nassar », Time,
  46. Jordan James, « Alabama gymnasts say they were sexually abused by Larry Nassar », 247Sports.com,
  47. « Olympian Tasha Schwikert says she is a Larry Nassar survivor, speaks out on Steve Penny », NBC Sports,
  48. « Dallas gymnast's lawsuit says Larry Nassar sexually abused her six times, including at 2012 Olympic Trials »,
  49. « Alyssa Baumann comes forward as Nassar survivor »
  50. (en) Saj Chowdhury, « USA Gymnastics: How the sport has become beset by allegations of sex abuse », BBC Sport,‎ (lire en ligne)
  51. (en) « Ex-USA Gymnastics doctor pleads not guilty to child sex charges », CBS News, (consulté le )
  52. a et b (en) Tracy Connor, « FBI Says Gymnastics Doctor Larry Nassar Recorded Abuse on Go Pro », NBC News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  53. Matt Mencarini, « Nassar pleads guilty to federal child porn charges », Lansing State Journal,
  54. Justin A. Hinkley et Beth LeBlanc, « Larry Nassar sentenced to 60 years in federal child pornography case », Lansing State Journal, (consulté le )
  55. a et b Matt Mencarini, « Nassar to plead guilty in Ingham, Eaton sex assault cases », The Indianapolis Star, (consulté le )
  56. a et b Heather Tucker, « AP: Larry Nassar expected to plead guilty, faces at least 25 years in prison », USA Today, (consulté le )
  57. a et b Nicole Chavez et Eric Levenson, « Ex-USA Gymnastics doctor pleads guilty to criminal sexual conduct », CNN, (consulté le )
  58. Matt Mencarini, « Recap: Larry Nassar in court for plea hearing », Lansing State Journal, (consulté le )
  59. Tracy Connor, « Ex-Olympics doctor Larry Nassar pleads guilty to sex charges », NBC News, (consulté le )
  60. (en) « Ex-USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar pleads guilty, faces at least 25 years », CBS News, (consulté le )
  61. « Ex-Olympics doctor Larry Nassar sentenced to 60 years on child porn »,
  62. Scott Cacciola et Victor Mather, « Dr. Larry Nassar Sentenced to 40 to 175 Years for Sexual Abuse », The New York Times, (consulté le )
  63. Kalhan Rosenblatt, « Ex-gymnastics doctor Nassar pleads guilty to additional sex charges », NBC News, (consulté le )
  64. « Former sports doctor sentenced to 40 to 125 years in prison. »
  65. « Nassar receives final sentence: 40 to 125 years »,
  66. (en) By Nicole Chavez and Joe Sutton CNN, « Former USA Gymnastics president arrested on charge of evidence tampering in Larry Nassar case », sur cnn.com, (consulté le )
  67. (en-US) Nancy Armour and Rachel Axon, « Former USA Gymnastics CEO Steve Penny arrested, indicted for tampering with evidence », sur USA TODAY (consulté le )
  68. (en) Joseph Brown | The Item, « One year later, jury trials set to resume in June », sur Itemonline.com (consulté le )
  69. « Former USA Gymnastics president arrested on charge of evidence tampering in Larry Nassar case », CNN,
  70. « Former USA Gymnastics CEO Steve Penny arrested, indicted for tampering with evidence », USA Today,
  71. « Ex-USA Gymnastics head pleads not guilty », The Detroit News,
  72. (en-US) Mitch Smith et Monica Davey, « Ex-President of Michigan State Charged With Lying About Nassar Case », The New York Times,‎ (ISSN 0362-4331, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  73. (en-US) Beth LeBlanc, « Former MSU President Lou Anna Simon to be tried on Nassar-related charges », sur The Detroit News (consulté le )
  74. (en-US) Kim Kozlowski, « Judge dismisses charges against former MSU president Simon in Nassar case », sur The Detroit News (consulté le )
  75. « Ex-President of Michigan State Charged With Lying About Nassar Case », New York Times,
  76. Beth LeBlanc, « Former MSU President Lou Anna Simon to be tried on Nassar-related charges », The Detroit News, (consulté le )
  77. Kim Kozlowski, « Judge dismisses charges against former MSU president Simon in Nassar case », The Detroit News, (consulté le )
  78. « Ex-Michigan State gymnastics coach turns herself in on charges related to Nassar case », CNN,
  79. « Judge declines to dismiss felony charge against former MSU coach Kathie Klages », Lansing State Journal,
  80. « What to expect: Former MSU gymnastics coach Kathie Klages' trial on charges of lying to police », Lansing State Journal,
  81. « Former Michigan State gymnastics coach Kathie Klages guilty of lying to police », ESPN,
  82. Megan Banta, « MSU gymnastics coach Kathie Klages' sentencing delayed after water main break », Lansing State Journal,
  83. Kim Kozlowski, « Former MSU gymnastics coach Klages gets 90-day sentence, probation », The Detroit News,
  84. « Former USA Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert faces 24 charges », ESPN,
  85. « AG: Olympics gymnastics coach kills himself after charges », Associated Press,
  86. a b et c (en) Tim Evans, Mark Alesia and Marisa Kwiatkowski, « A 20-year toll: 368 gymnasts allege sexual exploitation », The Indianapolis Star, (consulté le )
  87. Rick Maese et Will Hobson, « USA Gymnastics says it alerted FBI to doctor accused of sex abuse in 2015 », The Washington Post,
  88. John Branch, « Steve Penny Resigns as U.S.A. Gymnastics President », The New York Times,
  89. David Wharton, « USA Gymnastics President Steve Penny resigns amid abuse scandal », Los Angeles Times,
  90. Holly Yan, « USA Gymnastics agrees to dozens of changes amid sex abuse scandal », CNN,
  91. « USA Gymnastics head resigns amid pressure over handling of abuse cases », The Guardian,
  92. Bob Cook, « #MeToo: McKayla Maroney Says She Was Among the Many Molested by USA Gymnastics Team Doctor », Forbes,
  93. Marisa Kwiatkowski, Mark Alesia et Tim Evans, « A blind eye to sex abuse: How USA Gymnastics failed to report cases », The Indianapolis Star,
  94. Derek Hawkins, « U.S. gymnasts accuse ex-team doctor of sexual abuse », The Washington Post,
  95. Will Hobson, « Doctor at center of USA Gymnastics scandal left warning signs at Michigan State », The Washington Post,
  96. a b et c Juliet Macur, « Facing Congress, Some Sports Officials (Not All) Begin to Confront Sexual Abuse », The New York Times,
  97. « Olympic champion Aly Raisman attacks USAG over sexual abuse case », The Guardian,
  98. Des Bieler, « Amid sexual assault scandal, USA Gymnastics loses major corporate sponsors », The Washington Post,
  99. Darren Rovell, « Under Armour, Hershey's, Procter & Gamble ending sponsorships of USA Gymnastics », ESPN,
  100. Rachel Axon et Nancy Armour, « AT&T suspends USA Gymnastics sponsorship, cites sexual abuse scandal », USA Today,
  101. (en) Scott Reid, « Procter & Gamble, Kellogg's Drop USA Gymnastics Sponsorship after Sex Abuse Scandal », Redlands Daily Facts,‎ (lire en ligne)
  102. https://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/olympics/ct-larry-nassar-sponsors-flee-usa-gymnastics-20180125-story.html
  103. Dan Murphy et John Barr, « USA Gymnastics cuts ties with Karolyi Ranch training facility », ESPN,
  104. (en) Matt Dougherty, « Karolyi Ranch closes, remains under investigation after sex abuse allegations », KHOU, Houston, Texas, Tegna, Inc.,‎ (lire en ligne)
  105. « USA Gymnastics statement regarding Board of Directors Executive Leadership », USA Gymnastics,
  106. Nancy Armour, « USA Gymnastics top leadership resigns amid sexual abuse scandal », USA Today,
  107. Pete Blackburn, « USOC: Entire USA Gymnastics board must resign over Larry Nassar sex abuse scandal », CBS Sports,
  108. « USA Gymnastics statement regarding Board resignations », USA Gymnastics,
  109. « Report: USOC Didn't Act on Gymnasts' Abuse Claims in 2015 », Sports Illustrated,
  110. « Olympics Committee Failed to Act on Nassar's Alleged Abuse for a Full Year », Wall Street Journal,
  111. « U.S. Olympic Committee Didn't Act on Gymnasts' Claims Against Larry Nassar in 2015: Report », People,
  112. « USA Gymnastics suspends former Olympics coach with ties to Larry Nassar », ABC News, (consulté le )
  113. David Eggert, « Abuse victims say they were required by owner of Michigan gymnastics club to see Larry Nassar », chicagotribune.com (consulté le )
  114. David Eggert, « Molested gymnasts blast coach who sent them to Larry Nassar », chicagotribune.com (consulté le )
  115. « Ex-gymnast: Geddert 'deserves to be in jail' », ESPN.com, (consulté le )
  116. « Valeri Liukin steps down as U.S. women's gymnastics team coordinator », ESPN,
  117. « Valeri Liukin resigning from role with U.S. women's gymnastics team », USA Today,
  118. « U.S. Women's Gymnastics Coordinator Valeri Liukin Suddenly Resigns », Deadspin,
  119. « Scott Blackmun steps down as U.S. Olympic Committee chief executive », Washington Post,
  120. « Gymnast Aly Raisman sues U.S. Olympic Committee over Nassar abuse », NBC,
  121. « Aly Raisman files lawsuit against USOC, USA Gymnastics », ESPN,
  122. « World champion gymnast sues Karolyis, others over Larry Nassar abuse », NBC Sports,
  123. « Letter to Membership from USA Gymnastics Board Chair Karen Golz », USA Gymnastics,
  124. « USOC chief says it's time to consider USA Gymnastics CEO change as controversy continues », USA Today,
  125. « USA Gymnastics Is Imploding », Deadspin,
  126. « The Honorable Mary Bono has been named interim president and chief executive officer of USA Gymnastics », USA Gymnastics,
  127. « After Barrage Of Criticism, USA Gymnastics Interim President And CEO Resigns », NPR,
  128. (en-US) « US Olympic Committee moves to revoke USA Gymnastics' status », CNN, (consulté le )
  129. « USA Gymnastics files for reorganization under Chapter 11 of Bankruptcy Code », USA Gymnastics,
  130. « USA Gymnastics announces petition filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy », Fox News,
  131. « USA Gymnastics files for bankruptcy as part of 'reorganization' », ESPN,
  132. Simone Biles, Aly Raisman express anger over USA Gymnastics's settlement proposal BY MARINA PITOFSKY, The Hill, 29 Feb 2020
  133. a et b (en) RJ Wolcott, « MSU president apologizes to Nassar victims; university creates $10 million counseling fund », Lansing State Journal,‎ (lire en ligne)
  134. a et b Nolan Finley, « Finley: MSU cost in gymnast abuse scandal could top $1B », The Detroit News,
  135. a et b Madison O'Connor, « Former MSU gymnastics coach Klages working at gymnastics club », The State News,
  136. Chris Solari, « Who'll be key figures at center of NCAA investigation at Michigan State? », Lansing State Journal,
  137. Nicole Chavez, « What others knew: Culture of denial protected Nassar for years », CNN,
  138. Marc Tracy, « N.C.A.A. Opens Investigation of Michigan State Over Nassar Case », The New York Times,
  139. Jonathan Oosting, « MSU President Lou Anna Simon resigns », The Detroit News,
  140. Michael Lee, « MSU President Lou Anna Simon resigns in wake of Nassar case », Crain's Detroit Business,
  141. Marc Tracy, « Michigan State Athletic Director Mark Hollis Resigns », The New York Times,
  142. « 7 questions AG Bill Schuette needs to answer about his Michigan State investigation »,
  143. « DeVos announces new Title IX probe at Michigan State »
  144. (en) « William Strampel, former Michigan State University Dean, accused of storing nude photos », CBS News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  145. (en) Matt Mencarini, « 6 current, former MSU employees with ties to Nassar scandal under state licensing inquiries », Lansing State Journal,‎ (lire en ligne)
  146. ABC News, « ABC Sports News », sur ABC News
  147. « Senators Introduce Bill Requiring U.S. Amateur Athletic Organizations, Members to Report Sexual Abuse », sur feinstein.senate.gov,
  148. « Olympic stars testify to Congress about sex abuse at USA Gymnastics program », CBS News,
  149. Modèle:USCongRec« 29 January 2018 Comments on S. 534 as amended » [archive du ], (consulté le ) : « Ms. JACKSON LEE...However, I must note a concern with a change the bill before us would make to the Senate-passed version of S. 534. The bill unanimously passed by the Senate would authorize funding to be provided to the U.S. Center for Safe Sport in the amount of $1 million for each of the next 4 years. Unfortunately, the version of the bill before us strips this funding authorization. ... Mr. Speaker, I want to read one last statement, and I include in the RECORD the 133 written statements that I have, subject to length limitation in the RECORD. STATEMENTS BY 133 PEOPLE Kyle Stephens: ‘‘Little girls don’t stay little forever, they grow into strong women that return to destroy your world.’’ ... », H636—H643
  150. (en) « Actions - S.534 - 115th Congress (2017–2018): Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 », sur www.congress.gov,
  151. « Thune and Nelson Statements on Passage of Safe Sport Authorization », sur Senate Commerce Committee Press Release,