


This is a list of campaigns during the Pacific War.

Flags indicate the country, or countries, winning the offensive.

Second Sino-Japanese war


Before 1942 and inclusion in the Pacific War:

After inclusion in the Pacific War:

Modèle:Country data Empire of Japan Franco-Japanese Border War

Drapeau de la Thaïlande Franco-Thai War

  • October 1940 – 9 May 1941

Drapeau de l'URSS Soviet–Japanese border conflicts

Japanese conquest of Southeast Asia and Pacific


Allied offensives

See Atlas of the World Battle Fronts







South East Asian campaigns: 1941-12-08 – 1945-08-15

New Guinea campaign

Madagascar Campaign

Aleutian Islands Campaign

Guadalcanal Campaign

Solomon Islands campaign

Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign

Bombing of South East Asia, 1944-45

Mariana and Palau Islands campaign

Philippines campaign

Volcano and Ryukyu Islands campaign

Borneo campaign

Japan campaign

Soviet invasion of Manchuria

Command areas


The command structures of the Pacific War varied, reflecting the different roles of various belligerent nations, and often involving different geographic scopes. These included the following:


  1. Klemen L, « The capture of Tarakan Island, January 1942 » [archive du ], Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  2. Klemen L, « The capture of Balikpapan, January 1942 » [archive du ], Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  3. Klemen L, « The Japanese Invasion of Ambon Island, January 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  4. Klemen L, « The battle for Palembang, February 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  5. Klemen L, « The Badung Strait Battle », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  6. L Klemen, « The Japanese Invasion of Dutch West Timor Island, February 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  7. Klemen L, « The fighting on Portuguese East Timor, 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  8. L Klemen, « The Java Sea Battle, February 1942 » [archive du ], Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  9. Jan Visser, « The Sunda Strait Battle », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  10. L Klemen, « The conquest of Java Island, March 1942 » [archive du ], Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  11. Klemen L, « The Mystery of Christmas Island, March 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  12. http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/medals-decorations/campaign-stars-medals-1939-1954/pstar
  13. a et b Potter & Nimitz, 1960, p.770
  14. a et b Ofstie(1946)p.275


Grades de l'Armée française
Marine nationale Armée de terre
Armée de l'air
Gendarmerie nationale
Officiers généraux
Amiral Général d'armée
Vice-amiral d'escadre Général de corps d'armée
Vice-amiral Général de division
Contre-amiral Général de brigade
Officiers supérieurs
Capitaine de vaisseau Colonel
Capitaine de frégate Lieutenant-colonel
Capitaine de corvette Commandant
Officiers subalternes
Lieutenant de vaisseau Capitaine
Enseigne de vaisseau 1 Lieutenant
Enseigne de vaisseau 2 Sous-lieutenant
Aspirant Aspirant
Sous-officiers et officiers mariniers
Major Major
Maître principal Adjudant-chef
Premier maître Adjudant
Maître Sergent-chef / MCH
Second maître Sergent / MDL
Militaires du rang
Quartier maître 1 Caporal-chef / BCH
Quartier maître 2 Caporal / Brigadier
Matelot Soldat / Gendarme adjoint