Utilisateur:Kiro/Ragnarok 2

Ragnarok Online 2


Date de sortie
Fin 2007 en Corée et au Japon. Date inconnu pour le reste du monde.
Mode de jeu

Ragnarok Online 2: The Gate of the World (Korean:라그나로크 온라인 2: The Gate Of The World) est un MMORPG développé par Gravity Corp basé en Corée du Sud . Ragnarok 2 est la suite de Ragnarok Online. La plus grande partie de l'histoire du jeu est basé sur le manhwa « Ragnarok » de Lee Myung-Jin. La bande son sera produit par Yoko Kanno.

General features <comment on traduit ça? Caractéristiques Générales>


Ragnarok Online 2 améliore de nombreuses {features} et en ajoute quelques une. Ci-Dessous, les nouvelles {features} et changements qui Ragnarok Online 2 improves on many of the original's features as well as adding quite a few of its own. Below are notable new features or changes that will be seen in RO2. Larger features are described in detail. Not all game features have been announced yet.

  • Full 3D graphics, while retaining the "original anime style" of Ragnarok Online.
  • Real Emotion Expression, allowing player avatars to show and express realistic emotions. This will replace the "bubble emotes" from the original.
  • Anti-Theft Mob System, which gives benefits to a victim of mob-stealing instead of penalizing the offender.
  • Safe Trade System, which enables two ways of trade. The first option requires an item from both parties (or Zeny) and the second option allows the trade of an item or amount of zeny without having to receive something in return.
  • Killing one strong creature has been redesigned to be far more effective then killing multiple weaker enemies. Grouping has also been made far more beneficial to those in the group.
  • Loot collection has been changed to a "loot the body" system. Instead of dropped items falling onto the ground, the player must select the fallen enemy's corpse and retrieve the items.
  • Jumping and swimming will be implemented.
  • There will be a day and night cycle.

Main features


Ragnarok Online 2 introduces many new features for MMOs. This section outlines the currently main features of RO2. Not all game features have been announced yet.

Complex Job Change system


The first Ragnarok Online featured a unique leveling system in which a character's base level (how strong the character was) and job level (how skilled the character was at his job) were leveled separately. However, once a job was chosen, it could not be changed, so this could be considered a limitation to a player's freedom within the game. The Complex Job Change System, available only to Normans, will change this.

The Complex Job Change system will allow a Norman to change his job at any given time. This system was devised so that a player can experience all different classes s/he wishes to without having to create a whole new character for a specific class. There are certain small requirements one must fill in order to change his job, though what they are exactly remains unknown. A character will even be able to change from secondary classes (i.e., a priest) to first level classes (i.e., an acolyte), and vice versa.

Though the character's base level stays the same, changing a character's class will reset the job level back to 1. For example: Your character is a job level 25 swordsman and you change him into an enchanter. His job level is reset to level 1 while he's an enchanter, but if you decide to change him back to a swordsman, his job level will go back to level 25. All skills, stats and bonuses from your character's swordsman job will be saved in case you decide to go back to that class again.

This system presumably presents a bit of a problem. In the first RO, you would choose your stat points based on your class - so if you were a swordsman, it would be a good idea to place all of your stat points into Strength and Vitality. However, if you decide to change your STR/VIT-based swordsman into a mage, you'll realize that these stats are useless to a magician (particularly STR). In RO2, this problem is pretty much fixed by the fact that your stats are mostly controlled by the class you're currently playing. In the original RO, the ratio of your stats based on where you place your stat points versus your stat points based on the class you play was 9:1. In RO2, this ratio is 2:5, meaning 3/5 of your stats will be controlled by the class you play.

Lastly, it's been stated that in RO2, you will need a variety of stats in order to play your class well instead of shoving all of your stat points into two or three stats. This provides yet another advantage to those who decide to change their character's class frequently.

Specialty Job system


This System allows a character to use skills from other classes. Special abilities can be gained by leveling a character's job class, giving them the ability to create useful and original class combinations, such as battlemages and wares-selling thieves.

For example, when a Swordsman learns Bash Specialty, he can equip this ability when he changes into another class, such as an Enchanter. He can now use the ability without being a Swordsman. Specialty skills learned this way have no real limitations, except for the fact that they cannot be upgraded while the character is not in the class in which the skill belongs. In this example, in order to upgrade the skill, the Enchanter must change back into a Swordsman, level up the Bash ability, before changing back to an Enchanter.

A bonus feature of this system is that a class can now equip class-specific gear that is normally limited to a different class. For example, Swordsmen have the "Long Sword Specialty." When equipped on an Enchanter, he can use Long Swords, where usually Enchanters could not.

There is a limit to how many special abilities you can employ at a time, represented by 16 blocks in a 4x4 box. Some skills may take up to 3 blocks, however, thus leaving less room for other abilities. Also, keep in mind that you do not start with 16 blocks. Your character will gradually gain additional blocks as he/she levels, eventually gaining access to the full 4x4, 16-slot box.

Equipment leveling


RO2 has implemented a new system in which equipment itself levels up. This system allows people to keep their favorite pieces of equipment because they continue being useful instead of tossing them out when they become outdated.

Equipment in RO2 is separated into two categories: they are either a leveling type, or a non-leveling type. The leveling equipment types can gain experience and levels, just like your character, whereas the non-leveling type doesn't acquire any experience and doesn't level at all.

All of the following gear is considered to be of the leveling type: weapons, shields, gloves, "upper" clothing, and shoes. The rest - "lower" clothing, garments, belts and accessories - are considered to be the non-leveling type.

Leveling Equipment...

  • Can level up.
  • Has fixed base stats.
  • Belongs to you and you alone from the moment it is identified.
  • Cannot be traded.

Non-leveling Equipment...

  • Cannot level up.
  • Has randomized base stats.
  • Doesn't belong to any one specific person.
  • Can be traded.

An item "belonging" to a character works in a similar way to World of Warcraft as an item being soulbound to a character.

Equipments are separated into three classes: C-class, B-class, and A-class. Each of these classes has a max level that your equipment can reach. Once it's reached its max level, you must use a special equipment combination item in order to upgrade it to the next class. When this happens, you can either choose to keep the equipment's features, or you can opt to change the equipment's name, shape, special ability, and growth rate changes. Only the stats remain the same. An example of this that's been given is that the C-class weapon, "Ellr's Knife," which focuses on both melee and magic power, can be upgraded into the B-class weapon, "Kris of Thorns," which has a new growth rate focus on critical rate. The max level of every class is as follows:

C-class: Max level 20

B-class: Max level 20

A-class: Max level 30

Once your leveled equipment’s its experience bar reaches 100%, it will not level on its own. Instead, you will have to take the piece of equipment to the nearest blacksmith NPC to upgrade it for you for a small fee. The equipment's stats will increase randomly based on its growth rate. The growth rate simply determines which stats are more likely to increase when the piece of equipment levels. For example, if a piece of equipment's growth rate focuses on melee damage, the stats of the equipment's melee damage will increase at a much higher rate than other stats.

The statistics in RO2 vary slightly from the original system. When a player levels up their base level, they are given several points to increase stats of their choosing.

  • STR, or Strength, contributes to melee physical damage and minimum ranged physical damage. It increases the max HP, fatigue, and weight limits. It also reduces after-cast spell time when repeating the same spell.
  • DEX, or Dexterity, contributes to melee physical hit rate and minimum physical damage as well as ranged physical damage. It also reduces casting time for spells.
  • AGI, or Agility, contributes to melee and ranged physical dodge rate, as well as a reduce in delay on damage.
  • INT, or Intelligence, contributes to ranged physical critical rate and an increase in the max SP limit. It also reduces after-cast time for physical skills when repeating the same skill.
  • WIS, or Wisdom, contributes to melee and ranged physical attack speed. It increases the hit rate of spells and increased minimum spell damage.
  • CON, or Concentration, contributes to melee physical and magic critical rate. It also increases ranged physical hit rate and spell dodge rate.

Ragnarok Online 2 introduces 3 races for players to play as; Known as the Norman, Ellr, and Dimango. Each race has advantages to it that make it a viable choice when a new player is creating their character. Little is known as of now on how these races will affect the game, but announcements have made some info clear about them.

The Norman race has a human appearance and is the race that was played in RO1. They are the only race that can advance into secondary classes, such as the Priest or Knight from RO1. They also use the job System, allowing them to switch their job at will. The original artwork of the Normans was changed later on, though the new look has not yet been released.

The official descriptions says that this race aims at "bored" gamers.

The Ellr are a half-breed between the Normans and Dimago. They possess a unique spell-cast system that uses various spells and tactics in battle. The original model of the concept Ellr appeared in the Chibi artstyle, although Gravity later remade the race after many complaints were made against the look. This new concept has yet to be released.

The official descriptions says that this race aims at "Asian" type gamers.

The Dimago are only vaguely described in Gravity's announcement. They "fight with style" and are able to make use of dynamic skill trees. "7~8 designed life-sized characters" means the characters are designed to be 7-8 heads tall in height (that of an average human.) This, compared to the Ellr which are 2~3 heads tall or the Normans which are 4~6 heads tall.

The official descriptions says that this race aims at "Western" gamers.



At this time, only the classes for the Norman race have been announced. It is unknown if the other races will have a class, or job, system. With lack of information, excluding the official descriptions, similar classes from Ragnarok Online have been used as a basis for determining the main purpose of the new classes by several RO communities. Please also note that it is unknown at this time if these are all the classes for the Norman race, as more may be announced.

Concept art of a Novice

The Novice class is the starting class for every new Norman player. It has the ability to advance to the other classes and offers new players a chance to learn the game and decide what course they want to take before committing to a class.

They are generally a weak and short-lived playing class, with players advancing after reaching a job level of 10. They have no notable skills for damage dealing and likewise for abilities or advantages. In RO1 the novice had the ability to learn skills to fake death and first aid, but it is unconfirmed if these skills will carry over into RO2.

It is also unconfirmed if the Super Novice, an advanced form of the Novice with the ability to learn the basic skills of every 1st job class, will be carried into RO2 as well, though it is estimated Gravity will implement this class in a later update instead of having it available on release.


Concept art of a Swordsman

The identified "tank" of RO2, the Swordsman class is a melee class dependent on close range battles. They are generally the first person to take damage and deliver damage in a battle, fighting on the frontlines of a battle. A Novice can become a Swordsman after a certain requirement, at this time unknown, is met.

The Swordsman relies on damage skills, though it also has several powerful defensive skills. It can successfully fight high level monsters much higher than its level due to its high HP and damage ratio. Most of its attacks center around dealing damage, though some are geared towards dealing damage towards more then one target at the same time. It is severely limited in ranged attacks, however.

In RO1, a swordsman could advance to either a Knight or Crusader at job level 40-50. The Knight, which is an improvement on the Swordsman's damage dealing ideal, relies on high damage skills. A Crusader, who is more of a battlemage, relies on a balance of both damage skills and buff skills. It is unknown at this point if the Knight or Crusader will be introduced into RO2.


Concept art of an Enchanter

The main healer and buffer in RO, the Enchanter supports the other players in battle to maximize damage and keep players alive. They have access to very powerful healing abilities, as well as resurrection skills to bring life back to a dead combatant. Their skills also allow them to buff, or power up, a player in the game to increase his skills or status. They can even debuff, or sabotage, an enemy by slowing them down or making them weaker to specific elements.

Enchanters are not damage dealers. Though they have a few damaging holy spells, their main purpose is to support the other players. The only high damage a Enchanter can inflict is by using holy on an undead, such as a Heal spell. They are well known for their ability to train easily on undead type monsters.

It is currently unknown as to what the advanced classes of the Acolyte, the Priest and the Monk, would be in RO2. In RO1, the Priest furthers the skill line of healing and support, while a Monk learns more combat effective skills to deal more damage.

It is worth noting that a few players believe the Enchanter to be the RO2 version of the sage since it could also buff and debuff. The official description, however, contradicts this idea by stating that the Enchanter's powers are more religious, like the Acolyte, than scientific, which would be the Sage.


Concept art of a Recruit

The Recruit is the supposed replacement of the Archer from RO1. Yet, from the official description, its role varies from the Archer and more like the Hunter class from World of Warcraft. Regardless, the Recruit is the long-range attack master, with many of its skills using long-range attacks to deal damage. The Recruit more closely resembles the Gunslinger, a new class released in RO1.

Unlike the Archer, the Recruit uses weapons similar to modern day guns, rifles, and gatling cannons. This weaponry is known as a "Dampf Flinte" in the RO2 world. The Norman race advanced heavily in technology to attain guns to make up for their shortcomings in their physical and mental abilities.

A large difference from the RO1 Archer is that Recruits can also engage in melee effectively. Footage has been released of a Recruit attacking an enemy using their gun as a melee weapon, hitting them with the butt end of the gun.

The advanced Archer classes, Bard/Dancer and Hunter, are again unknown of continuance in RO2. The Hunter advances on the abilities of the Archer, increasing use of damage skills with long-range attacks and enabling the player to use traps to trick enemies. It has been concluded that Bards and Dancers will not journey to RO2, as the Clown class will receive their abilities.

Concept art of a Thief

The Thief class in RO2 specializes in causing chaos and disorder for their enemies, as well as stealing items and money. Unlike their RO1 conterparts, which were a more direct attack class, the RO2 Thief is more centered around confusion-type skills designed for silent strikes and mayhem.

Thief skills will revolve around causing problems with their enemies. Attacks that poison or inflict other aliments are said to be their main way of attacking, though they can also use skills to hide or disorient the enemy. Abilities such as the double attack ability from RO1 may also make a transition into RO2.

The Thief is weak in long-range attacks, like the Swordsman, due to it not having any long-range abilities to counterattack with. It is significantly less able to defend itself, but balances itself out with high agility, making them a hard target.

The Thief advanced classes, Assassin and Rogue, are undetermined as to being in RO2. The Assassin improved on killing moves, while Rogues move into more mayhem causing skills or even using a bow. There is good support for their existence, however, as the official description makes a note of citizens employing Thiefs to use their skills.

Concept art of a Clown

The Clown class is mainly derived from the Bard and Dancer in RO1. Their skills are in the same general area: Singing songs and supporting in combat. Though the official description is very vague, the idea is that the Clown will relax and increase players' stats for battle. They will sing during battle too, "soothing" front line fighters.

The Clown's combat abilities are not defined well, though there is an example of the Clown employing deadly poison on its enemies when they least expect it. In RO1, bows are the weapon-of-choice for the Bard and the Dancer, using the skills they learned as an Archer to supplement their damage. They also need a musical instrument in order to use their bardic skills.

Because their description is so vague, not much can be said for the Clown class until more announcements are made.




Category:Computer and video games developed in Korea Category:Windows games Category:2007 computer and video games