

Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution.

La charrue qui a brisé les plaines est un court métrage documentaire de 1936 qui montre ce qui est arrivé à la région des grandes plaines des États-Unis et du Canada lorsque l'agriculture incontrôlée a conduit au Dust Bowl. Il a été écrit et réalisé par Pare Lorentz. Ce film est raconté par l'acteur et baryton Américain Thomas Hardie Chalmers

En 1999, La charrue qui a brisé les plaines a été sélectionné pour la préservation dans le National Film Registry des Etats-Unis par laBibliothèque de Congrès comme étant "culturellement, historiquement ou esthétiquement important".

Production et contenu modifier

Le film a été sponsorisé par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis (Resettlement Administration) pour faire connaître le New Deal et il était envisagé qu'il ne coûterait pas plus de $6,000. Cependant, il a éventuellement coûté plus de $19,000 car Lorentz, en rendant de nombreux reçus sur des bouts de papier, a eu beaucoup de remboursements refusés et adonc payé la plupart du film avec ses propres moyens.

The film was sponsored by the United States government (Resettlement Administration) to raise awareness about the New Deal and was intended to cost $6,000 or less; it eventually cost over $19,000 and Lorentz, turning in many receipts written on various scraps of paper, had many of his reimbursements denied and paid for much of the film himself. Lorentz later faced criticism for appearing to blame westward bound settlers for the ecological crisis by having eroded the soil of the Plains with unrestrained farming, but the film nonetheless succeeded in driving home the message of the severity of the problem caused by the misuse of land.

According to Robert L. Snyder's book about Lorentz, the filmmaker's favorite comment about the movie was something he heard an audience member say in the row ahead of him: "They never should have plowed them plains."

Soundtrack modifier

Lorentz worked on the film with composer Virgil Thomson, who shared Lorentz's enthusiasm for folk music and incorporated many folk melodies, along with other popular and religious music, into the soundtrack.

Virgil Thomson compiled a concert suite from his original score, which has been performed and recorded. Its first recording was made on RCA 78s in 1946 by the newly formed Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra under its founder and first conductor, Leopold Stokowski. One of the earliest stereo recordings was made for Vanguard Records in 1961, again with Leopold Stokowski, this time conducting the Symphony of the Air. The original Vanguard LP and its later CD reissue also included a suite from Thomson's score for another Lorentz documentary, The River.

Alternate versions modifier

The film exists in at least three versions. The original includes an epilogue detailing the activities of the Resettlement Administration. The most common version today on DVD omits this final chapter. Finally, another contemporary version places the scrolling Prologue text before the opening credits.

See also modifier

External links modifier


{{DEFAULTSORT:Plow That Broke The Plains, The}} [[Category:1936 documentary films]] [[Category:United States National Film Registry films]] [[Category:American black-and-white films]] [[Category:American short films]] [[Category:American films]] [[Category:English-language films]] [[Category:Films directed by Pare Lorentz]] [[Category:Documentary films about agriculture in the United States]] [[Category:Dust Bowl]] [[Category:Black-and-white documentary films]] [[Category:American documentary films]]