
Bottles of "Jamaica ginger," also called "Jake."
Tri-ortho cresyl phosphate(TOCP), also called tricresyl phosphate, was the neurotoxin responsible for the paralysis associated with "Jake Walk."
Sampling "Ginger Jake", April 2, 1932

La jamaican ginger, surnommé "Jane" aux Etats Unis , était un medicament breveté de la fin du 19ème siècle qui a fourni un moyen pratique d'obtenir de l'alcool pendant l'ère de la prohibition, puisqu'il contenait environ 70 à 80 % en poids d'éthanol,.[1][2] Dans les années 1930, un grand nombre de consomatuers de bière jamaicaine ont été atteints par une paralysie des mains et des pieds qui est rapidement devenu connu sous le nom de paralysie de la jamaica ginger ou paralysie de jane.[1][2]

Early use and Prohibition modifier

Depuis les années 1860,la Jamaica ginger a été largement vendue dans des "drugs stores" et des étalages routiers en 2 onces (57grammes) de bouteilles.[1][2][3] En petite dose, mixé avec de l'eau, c'était utilisé comme un remède contre les mots de tête, les infections des voies respiratoires supérieures , les troubles menstruelles, et les gaz intestinaux .[1][2] Malgré la grande saveur de bière, c'était populaire comme des boissons alcoolisées en comtés secs aux Etats Unis, ou c'était une pratique et une méthode légal pour obtenir de l'alcool.[1] C'était souvent mixé avec des boissons non alcoolisées ,pour améliorer le gout .[1]

Quand la prohibition a été promulguée en 1920, la vente d'alcool est devenu illégale dans le pays, en incitant les consamateurs à chercher pour des substitus.[4] Les médicaments breveté avec un haut pourcentage d'alcool, tel que la biére jamaicaine, devinrent des choix évidents, comme ils étaient légaux et disponible en vente libre sans prescriptions. En 1921, le gouvernement américain a fait la formulation originale de la bière jamaicaine sous ordonance uniquement.[5] Uniquement une version à extrait fluide with a high content of bitter-tasting ginger oleoresin, remained available in stores.[1][5] Because of the taste, it was classified as nonpotable, and was therefore legal to sell despite the alcohol content.[1]

Manufacturers of Jamaica ginger began to illegally replace the ginger oleoresin in their product with cheaper ingredients like molasses, glycerin, and castor oil, cutting costs and significantly diminishing the unpleasant ginger flavor.[1][3] United States Department of Agriculture agents audited Jamaica ginger manufacturers for these illegal alterations by boiling samples and weighing the resulting solids.[3]

Introduction of TOCP modifier

When the price of castor oil increased in the latter portion of the 1920s, Harry Gross, president of Hub Products Corporation, sought an alternative additive for his Jamaica ginger formula. He discarded ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol as being too volatile, eventually selecting a mixture containing triorthocresyl phosphate (TOCP), a plasticizer used in lacquers and paint finishing. Gross was advised by the manufacturer of the mixture, Celluloid Corporation, that it was non-toxic.[3][6]

TOCP was originally thought to be non-toxic; however, it was later determined to be a neurotoxin that causes axonal damage to the nerve cells in the nervous system of human beings, especially those located in the spinal cord. The resulting type of paralysis is now referred to as organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy, or OPIDN.[7]

In 1930, large numbers of Jake users began to lose the use of their hands and feet.[8] Some victims could walk, but they had no control over the muscles which would normally have enabled them to point their toes upward. Therefore, they would raise their feet high with the toes flopping downward, which would touch the pavement first followed by their heels. The toe first, heel second pattern made a distinctive "tap-click, tap-click" sound as they walked. This very peculiar gait became known as the jake walk and the jake dance and those afflicted were said[9] to have jake leg, jake foot, or jake paralysis. Additionally, the calves of the legs would soften and hang down and the muscles between the thumbs and fingers would atrophy.

Within a few months, the TOCP-adulterated Jake was identified as the cause of the paralysis,[réf. nécessaire] and the contaminated Jake was recovered. But by that time, it was too late for many victims. Some did recover full, or partial, use of their limbs. But for most, the loss was permanent. The total number of victims was never accurately determined, but is frequently quoted as between 30,000 and 50,000. Many victims were immigrants to the United States, and most were poor, with little political or social influence. The victims received very little assistance.[citation nécessaire]

Several blues songs on the subject were recorded in the early 1930s, such as "Jake Walk Papa" by Asa Martin, "Jake Leg Blues" by the Mississippi Sheiks, "Alcohol and Jake Blues" by Tommy Johnson, "Jake Jigga Juke" by Iron Mike Norton, and "Jake Liquor Blues" by Ishman Bracey.[6]

Although this incident became well known,[réf. nécessaire] later cases of organophosphate poisoning occurred in Germany, Spain, Italy, and, on a large scale, in Morocco in 1959, where cooking oil adulterated with jet engine lubricant from an American airbase led to paralysis in approximately 10,000 victims, and caused an international incident.[10]

Cultural references modifier

Books modifier

  • In Sara Gruen's 2006 novel Water for Elephants jake paralysis afflicts one character, Camel, after drinking contaminated Jamaica Ginger.
  • In the novel The Black Dahlia, the protagonist reveals early on that his mother went blind and fell to her death after drinking jake, leading to his resentment of his father for purchasing it.
  • In his autobiography On the Move: A Life, Oliver Sacks describes research that he conducted to develop an animal model of jake paralysis. He was able to duplicate the toxic effects of TOCP on myelinated neurons in earthworms and chickens.
  • In Jamie Ford's novel Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet the two young characters Henry and Keiko are given a prescription for Jamaican Ginger in the 1942 portion of the story. They go to the pharmacy, pick up the bottles, and return to the Black Elks club. Due to war rationing and systemic oppression at the time, the black jazz club is not allowed to have a liquor license, so the proprietor uses Jamaican Ginger to make bathtub gin.

Music modifier

Songs were recorded at the time about "jake" and its effects; in a variety of musical styles, including blues and country. Several have been included on the compilation albums Jake Walk Blues (1977, 14 songs)[11] and Jake Leg Blues (1994, 16 songs)[12][13] There is a marked but unsurprising duplication of songs between those albums. In some cases, different artists used the same title for different songs. The songs on one or both of those albums are, in alphabetic order by title:

Other musical references include:

Film and television modifier

  • Jamaica ginger ("Ginger Jake") is a plot element in two episodes of The Untouchables, an American TV series.[40]
  • "Ginger Jake" also makes an appearance in the movie Quid Pro Quo, where "wannabes" (people who would like to be disabled) are helped by Ginger Jake to become disabled.

References modifier

  1. a b c d e f g h et i John Parascandola, « The Public Health Service and Jamaica Ginger Paralysis in the 1930s », PHS Chronicles, vol. 110, no 3,‎ , p. 361–363 (PMID 7610232, PMCID 1382135)
  2. a b c et d (en-US) Leon Gussow, « The Jake Walk and Limber Trouble: A Toxicology Epidemic », Emergency Medicine News, vol. 26, no 10,‎ , p. 48 (ISSN 1054-0725, DOI 10.1097/00132981-200410000-00045)
  3. a b c et d (en) Frederick Rowe Davis, Banned: A History of Pesticides and the Science of Toxicology, Yale University Press, , 14 p. (ISBN 9780300210378, lire en ligne)
  4. (en) Beverly Gage, « Just What the Doctor Ordered », sur Smithsonian, (consulté le )
  5. a et b (en) Russell M. Magnaghi, Prohibition in the Upper Peninsula: Booze & Bootleggers on the Border, Arcadia Publishing, , 48 p. (ISBN 9781625856968, lire en ligne)
  6. a et b Davis 2014, p. 15.
  7. Parascandola 1995, p. 362.
  8. « Jake-leg epidemic first reported by Oklahoma City doctors », sur Oklahoman.com,
  9. http://www.ibiblio.org/moonshine/drink/jake.html
  10. Spencer David Segalla, « The 1959 Moroccan oil poisoning and US Cold War disaster diplomacy », The Journal of North African Studies, vol. 17, no 2,‎ , p. 315–336 (DOI 10.1080/13629387.2011.610118)
  11. (en) « Various – Jake Walk Blues, Stash Records ST 110 », sur Discogs
  12. (en) « Various – Jake Leg Blues, Jass Records J-CD-642 », sur Discogs
  13. (en) « Various Artists: Jake Leg Blues » (Identifiant jake-leg-blues-mw0000171317 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  14. « Tommy Johnson discography » (consulté le )
  15. (en) « Tommy Johnson – Alcohol And Jake Blues / Ridin' Horse », sur Discogs
  16. (en) « Tommy Johnson: Alcohol and Jake Blues » (Identifiant alcohol-and-jake-blues-mt0015378283 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  17. (en) « Tommy Johnson: Alchohol And Jake Blues » (Identifiant alchohol-and-jake-blues-mt0009745231 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  18. (en) « Howard Long / David McCarn: Bay Rum Blues » (Identifiant bay-rum-blues-mt0030088174 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  19. (en) Holly George-Warren, Public Cowboy No. 1: The Life and Times of Gene Autry, USA, Oxford University Press, (ISBN 978-0195372670, lire en ligne), p. 344
  20. « Gene Autry: Bear Cat Papa Blues », sur www.allmusic.com (consulté le )
  21. (en) « The Ray Brothers: Got the Jake Leg Too » (Identifiant got-the-jake-leg-too-mt0000274451 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  22. « Lemuel Turner discography » (consulté le )
  23. (en) « Lemuel Turner: Jake Bottle Blues » (Identifiant jake-bottle-blues-mt0002292939 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  24. (en-US) « Jake Jigga Juke: The Story Of A Song - Iron Mike Norton Official Website », Iron Mike Norton Official Website,‎ (lire en ligne)
  25. « Willie 'Poor Boy' Lofton discography » (consulté le )
  26. « Mississippi Sheiks discography » (consulté le )
  27. (en) « Bo Carter / Mississippi Sheiks: Jake Leg Blues » (Identifiant jake-leg-blues-mt0042967099 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  28. (en) « Mississippi Sheiks: Jake Leg Blues » (Identifiant jake-leg-blues-mt0002382217 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  29. (en) « Narmour & Smith / William T. Narmour / Shellie W. Smith: Jake Leg Rag » (Identifiant jake-leg-rag-mt0049211722 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  30. (en) « Narmour & Smith: Jake Leg Rag » (Identifiant jake-leg-rag-mt0051060170 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  31. (en) « The Ray Brothers: Jake Leg Wobble » (Identifiant jake-leg-wobble-mt0006437831 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  32. (en) « Byrd Moore: Jake Legs Blues » (Identifiant jake-legs-blues-mt0001330911 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  33. « Ishmon Bracey discography » (consulté le )
  34. (en) « Ishman Bracey: Jake Liquor Blues » (Identifiant jake-liquor-blues-mt0001966291 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  35. (en) « Ishman Bracey / Charley Taylor: Jake Liquor Blues » (Identifiant jake-liquor-blues-mt0003165432 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  36. (en) « Allen Brothers – Jake Walk Blues », sur Discogs
  37. (en) « Allen Brothers: Jake Walk Blues » (Identifiant jake-walk-blues-mt0001834779 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  38. (en) « Allen Brothers / The Allen Brothers: Jake Walk Blues » (Identifiant jake-walk-blues-mt0051197843 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  39. (en) « Jake Walk Papa » (Identifiant jake-walk-papa-mt0015357646 peu probable - vérifier et adapter, SVP), sur AllMusic (consulté le )
  40. Staff Writer, "The Jamaica Ginger Story", TV.com, Date Unknown

Further reading modifier

  • Baum, Dan, "Jake Leg", The New Yorker September 15, 2003, p. 50-57. (PDF)
  • Blum, Deborah. The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York (Penguin Press, February 18, 2010)
  • Burns, Eric. The Spirits of America: A Social History of Alcohol (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003) pp. 221–223
  • Kidd, J. G, and Langworthy, O. R. Jake paralysis. Paralysis following the ingestion of Jamaica ginger extract adulterated with triortho-cresyl phosphate. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1933, 52, 39.
  • Gussow, Leon MD. The Jake Walk and Limber Trouble: A Toxicology Epidemic. Emergency Medicine News"". 26(10):48, October 2004. [1]
  • Morgan, John P. and Tulloss, Thomas C. The Jake Walk Blues: A toxicological tragedy mirrored in popular music. JEMF (John Edward s Memorial Foundation) Quarterly, 1977, 122-126.
  • (en) Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants : A Novel, Chapel Hill, NC, Algonquin Books, (ISBN 1-56512-499-5, lire en ligne)
  • U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Neurotoxicity: Identifying and Controlling Poisons of the Nervous System, OTA-BA-436 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 1990).
  • Kearney, Paul W. Our Food and Drug G-Men The Progressive July 10, 1944

External links modifier