Utilisateur:Leonard Fibonacci/Balaam

« Deir 'Alla est située dans l'ouest de la Jordanie, à environ huit kilomètres à l'est du Jourdain et à environ un kilomètre au nord du Jabbok. Les archéologues ont trouvé un très grand sanctuaire datant de l'âge de bronze qui avait souffert pendant la période de destruction étendue aux treizième / douzième siècles. Contrairement à d'autres colonies, qui ont été abandonnées, Deir 'Alla est restée en usage jusqu'au cinquième siècle avant notre ère. C'est notable.

Encore plus remarquable, cependant, a été la découverte d'un texte peint qui contenait une prophétie par Balaam, un prophète non-israélite qui est mentionné dans le livre biblique de Nombres 22-24 comme un serviteur travaillant pour le roi moabite Balak. (Le site de Deir 'Alla est, techniquement, du côté ammonite de la rivière Jabbok.) Le texte se réfère à des visions divines et à des signes de destruction future, dans un langage proche de celui de la Bible. Par exemple, nous lisons à propos des «dieux de Shaddaï», une expression proche du nom biblique El Shaddaï, «Dieu Tout-Puissant». D'un autre côté, le cadre n'est pas monothéiste: nous lisons, par exemple, à propos d'un rassemblement d'un groupe de dieux. Le mot élohim, qui dans la Bible (bien que pluriel) ne se réfère qu'à un seul Dieu, mais qui se réfère à plus d'un dieu dans le texte de Deir 'Alla.

En reconstituer le contenu est difficile, mais il est clair que Bileam apprend des dieux que le monde sera détruit, un événement apocalyptique qui est décrit avec des métaphores de la vie des oiseaux. D'une certaine manière, Bileam et son peuple semblent avoir évité ce désastre. Il y a aussi une description de l'Enfer. »

« Le texte est écrit dans un langue intermédiaire entre l'araméen et le cananéen. Il peut être daté d'environ 800 avant notre ère. Il a été découvert en 1967 par des archéologues hollandais, et sa première édition, par Hoftijzer et Van der Kooij, date de 1976. Les savants ont pu former deux grandes et dix petites combinaisons de fragments correspondants. Depuis lors, les chercheurs ont pu améliorer leurs lectures. La traduction proposée ici est de BA Levine, qui a également inséré les titres. Il a été publié en 2003 et se compose des deux principales combinaisons, moins les deux premières lignes de la Combinaison no 2.

Ces deux lignes, et les petites combinaisons, sont proposées dans la traduction originale par Hoftijzer et Van der Kooij (1976); pour les discerner de la traduction de Levine, ces lignes ont été imprimées en italique. Leur livre contient également des photos, des dessins et la description la plus détaillée des fragments. »

Traduction proposée


Combination I


[i.1] The misfortunes of the Book of Balaam, son of Beor. A divine seer was he.

The Theophany

[i.2] The gods came to him at night.

And he beheld a vision in accordance with El's utterance.

They said to Balaam, son of Beor:

"So will it be done, with naught surviving.

No one has seen [the likes of] what you have heard!"

Balaam Reports his Vision to His Intimates

[i.5] Balaam arose on the morrow;

He summoned the heads of the assembly to him,

[i.6] And for two days he fasted, and wept bitterly.

Then his intimates entered into his presence,

and they said to Balaam, son of Beor,

"Why do you fast, and why do you weep?"

[i.7] Then he said to them: "Be seated, and I will relate to you what the Shaddai gods have planned,

And go, see the acts of the god!"

Balaam Describes the Celestial Vision and Its Aftermath in the Land

"The gods have banded together;

[i.8] The Shaddai gods have established a council,

And they have said to [the goddess] Shagar:

'Sew up, close up the heavens with dense cloud,

That darkness exist there, not brilliance;

Obscurity and not clarity;

[i.9] So that you instill dread in dense darkness.

And - never utter a sound again!'

[i.10] It shall be that the swift and crane will shriek insult to the eagle,

And a nest of vultures shall cry out in response.

The stork, the young of the falcon and the owl,

[i.11] The chicks of the heron, sparrow and cluster of eagles;

Pigeons and birds, [and fowl in the s]ky.

And a rod [shall flay the cat]tle;

Where there are ewes, a staff shall be brought.

Hares - eat together!

Free[ly feed], oh beasts [of the field]!

And [freely] drink, asses and hyenas!"

Balaam Acts to Save the Goddess and the Land

[i.12] Heed the admonition, adversaries of Sha[gar-and-Ištar]!

... skilled diviner.

To skilled diviners shall one take you, and to an oracle;

[i.14] To a perfumer of myrrh and a priestess.

Who covers his body with oil,

And rubs himself with olive oil.

To one bearing an offering in a horn;

One augurer after another, and yet another.

As one augurer broke away from his colleagues,

The strikers departed ...

The Admonitions are Heeded; The Malevolent Gods are Punished, the Goddess Rescued, and the Land Saved

[i.15] They heard incantations from afar


Then disease was unleashed

[i.16] And all beheld acts of distress.

Shagar-and-Ištar did not ...

[i.17] The piglet [drove out] the leopard

And the ... drove out the young of the ...

.. double offerings

And he beheld ...

Combination II

[ii.4] .. a girl those who were used? to be saturated with love ...

[ii.5] .. a blinded one and the whole moistened? soil? ...

(A) El Builds a Necropolis

[ii.6] El satisfied himself with [lovemaking]

And then El fashioned an eternal house;

[A house ...]

[ii.7] A house where no traveler enters

Nor does a bridegroom enter there

(B) A Half-existence in Sheol

[ii.8] Worm rot from a grave.

From the reckless affairs of men.

And from the lustful desires of people.

(C) The Rejection of a Seer

[ii.9] If it is for counsel, on will not counsel with you!

Or for advising him, one will not take advice!

(D-E) More on Conditions in Sheol

[ii.10] From the bed they cover themselves with a wrap.

If you hate him, he will be mortally afflicted.

If you ...


[Worm rot] is under your head.

You shall lie on your eternal bedding,

To pass away to ...

(F-G) Kings and Other Corpses in Sheol

[ii.12] ... in their heart.

The corpse moans in his heart,

He moans ...


... a daughter.

There, kings behold ...

[ii.13] There is no mercy when Death seizes a suckling.

And a suckling ...

And a suckling ...

A suckling ...

There ... shall be.

[ii.14] The heart of the corpse is desolate

As he approaches [Sheol]. ...

To the edge of She[ol],

And the shadow of the hedge ...

(H-I) An Oracle: The Quests of Kings and Seers Come to Naught

[ii.15] "The quest of a king is moth rot,

And the quest of ... ... seers.

[ii.16] Your quest is distant from you.

To know how to deliver an oracle to his people.

You have been condemned for your speech

[ii.17] And [banned] from pronouncing words of execration.

[Lines ii.18-29 are incomprehensible.]

[ii.30-37] El will be wrathful ... ...

he will eat ... ...

my heart is a heart? ...


... for three?...

She? will drip of abundant? rain ...

She? will drip of dew and ...

... look for fodder and he? will eat ...

Other Combinations

[iii] iv.a.3 ... for heat? ...

iv.g.i ... green herbs ...

v.c.3 ... she? will faint ...

v.c.4 ... he was pulled down? ...

v.d.2 ... sprinkle ...

v.d.3 ... they came in crowds ...

v.f.2 ... hasten ...

v.q.1 ... horse and ...

vii.c.3 ... bone/strong/strength...

viii.b.1 ... head ...

viii.b.2 ... desire ...

viii.d.2 ... and Balaam, the son of Beor ...

ix.a.3 ... he is not cursed, his hands ...

x.b.1 ... is my lady?, Shagar? ...

x.d.2 ... for? him/her, his/her hands will wither. Take? ...

x.d.3 ... brother and chieftain? ...

xi.b.1 ... in the depths ...

xii.c.2 ... Balaam, the son of Beor, saying you/she will...