
How to download and install WikipediaBioReference?

  • Download WikipediaBioReferences.zip in the Folder C:\Program Files\
  • Uncompress WikipediaBioReferences.zip in C:\Program Files\WikipediaBioReferences
  • Follow the instructions of the file README.txt (which content is also in this page).

Content of README.txt

  1. You need to have Java 1.5 installed on your machine
    On MacOS X it is certainly already the case
    1. go to http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
    2. click on button "download" corresponding to "Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update 10" (or more than 10)
    3. Click on "Accept agreement"
    4. Click on the link corresponding to your platform
  2. If you are surfing on the web through a Proxy, you should:
    1. If you want to use only the CLI (en:Command line interface):
      1. copy options.properties.sample as options.properties
      2. fill options.properties
    2. If you want to use also the GUI (en:Graphical user interface):
      1. start the GUI with WikipediaBioReferencesGUI.bat (ou .sh under linux)
      2. click on Button "Options"
      3. fill the fields "ProxyAddress", "ProxyPort" and "ProxyType"
  3. In the future, if you want to upgrade to a newer version of WikipediaBioReferences, just
    1. stop WikipediaBioReferences
    2. download http://perso.numericable.fr/~scristop/WikipediaBioReferences.zip
    3. unzip WikipediaBioReferences.zip it in the same location (it will overwrite the software but not your personal file options.properties)
  4. If you need any presentation, documentation, help or discribe a bug:Utilisateur:Liné1/WikiBioReferences

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