
Cristian Todie, born in 1954 on the april 19th in the city of Constanta, is an artist, a paintor, a sculptor from Roumanie, currently living now in Paris. He is the initiator of the theoretical art and the inventor-creator of the Todiebook. He is the grandson of the Romanian writer Eugen Todie.

Biography modifier

Cristian Todie is drawn in his early childhood to drawing and painting with the support of his family. At fourteen years old he studies in the visual arts high school of Constanza where he sculpts a serie of busts. Geometry becomes quickly one of his main interests, he creates his first geometrical work of arts and develops his own mathematical theorems.

In 1970, takes place his first exhibition at the galery of the House of culture of Constanza[1].

In 1971, he is arrested by the Securitate, while he attempts to cross the frontier illegaly. Judged by the military tribunal of Bucarest, he is sentenced to one-year prison as a political prisoner at the Vacaresti prison. Depraved of space, material and liberty, its creativity is nurtured by a theorical and an unmaterial medium: his mind escapes into a Cartesian way of thinking and leads to the first works of his theoretical art consisting of brain projections of “geometric places”.

In 1972, after being released from prison, he continues his formation in Constanza where geometry remains the most important materia[2].

In 1975, he finally crosses the boarder and manages to escape from the Socialist Republic of Roumania. He arrives at the Campo Profughi di Padriciano in Italy. He then settles in Paris, France, where he obtains political asylum from the OFRA and starts working in a printing press to sustain himself and to obtain the materials of his works and artistic experiments.

In 1977, he works at Goteborg as a copist, and starts to work on his manifest of theoretical art.

In 1979, he comes back to Paris. After a few year of technical apprenticehip, studying art history and experimenting, he publishes in 1989 his manifest of theoretical art that he will then present at the FIAC of Paris in the Grand Palais.

In 1999, Cristian Todie develops his work on geometry with the volume 2D and the spatial-temporal fracture[3], and starts using blocks of pre-printed papers that he sculpts like he would with a piece of wood.

In 2003, he obtains his first patent of invention with the industrial potential of his artistic work on the volume 2D[4].

In 2012, he fills his second patent of invention[5] on the same basis of a particular geometry, with the protection of the Todiebook as a central point[6].

In 2013, he presents the Todiébook at the 33rd edition of the Book Art Fair in Paris[7]. He then introduces it to the BookFest in Bucharest[8] and later on in Beijing.

In 2016, he creates the potential reality of the casino of Constanza[9].

In 2018, he founds the Todie Foundation[10].

Works of art modifier

  • Raw foundry, bronze, 1980 [11]
  • Nijinsky, Tondo, oïl on canvas, 1987 [12]
  • Rubens, oïl on canvas 1989 [13]
  • Goemetrical aura of the Sabines kidnapping (Pierre Paul Rubens), mixt technic, 1990 [14]
  • Diformed violin, bronze, 1990 [15]
  • The fall of Icarus, bronze, 1990 [16]
  • Equestrial levitation, bronze, 1992 [17]
  • A silver snail, bronze, 2008 [18]
  • Flight dynamics painted steel, 2009
  • Yellow Torus, painted steel, 2009 [19]
  • Retro, 2009, painted steel [20]
  • Non-euclidian geometrical construction, 2012, painted steel [21]

Exhibitions and performances [22] modifier


Theories and Theorems, Paris, France, 1979


Logic’art, Galery La Tricorne[23], France, april 1986

Perspective, Galery La Tricorne, september 1986

Primary or mathematical déformations, Galery La Tricorne, november 1986

Concavexe world, Art Galery of Orly, décembre 1986


Five artists in 88, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, february 1988

Projections et gravures sur ektachromes, Espace Gran Dia, april 1988

Happy new year Mister Todié, Tarpaulins and geometrical constructions, Espace Gran Dia, december 1988


Performance at Roques printing factory, december 1999


Performance « Achat » at the contemporary art fair « Auteuil 2000 », 2001


Performance « Fractured Time-Space », Biennale of Liverpool, october 2012


Performance « Fractured Time-Space” at Artmark in Bucarest, 19 january 2013

Références modifier

  1. « Cazinoul poate fi salvat! Proiectul genial al unui constănţean fugit în Franţa », sur CugetLiber.ro (consulté le )
  2. (ro) « Artistul Cristian Todie prezinta la Constanta, „Cartea Obiect” », sur InfoPress.Tv Romania, (consulté le )
  3. (ro) « Artistul Cristian Todie prezinta la Constanta, „Cartea Obiect” », sur InfoPress.Tv Romania, (consulté le )
  4. Cristian Todie, Method for Producing Images in the Edge of a Volume of Paper Sheets, (lire en ligne)
  5. Method for creating designs and raised patterns on the folds, recessed portions, and edge surfaces of objects consisting of sheets, (lire en ligne)
  6. Centre France, « Exposition - Christian Todie, artiste-inventeur à la Maison des arts », sur www.lamontagne.fr (consulté le )
  7. Paris Match, « Salon du livre : Le Todiebook, le troisième livre de l'humanité », sur parismatch.com (consulté le )
  8. (en-US) « Cristian Todie „Fractured Time-Space” @ Artmark Bucharest | Nasui Gallery » (consulté le )
  9. « 'Cazinoul va fi îmbrăcat într-o operă de artă din schele!' », sur CugetLiber.ro (consulté le )
  10. (ro) « Fundația Todie își deschide porțile în acest weekend în Constanța », sur ZIUA de Constanta, (consulté le )