Utilisateur:Natan Karczmar (english)

Natan Karczmar born in Paris in January 3rd 1933, is a cultural organizer in the fields of theater and the diffusion of art, mainly in France, Canada, and Israel. He is also a painter, photograph and artiste in “art of communication”.



Audiovisual diffusion of art


A continuous aspect of his work is the achievement of projects devoted to the diffusion of art. Pioneer in audiovisual diffusion of art through film, video and Internet, Natan Karczmar organizes in 1954 a festival of films on art in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, in Israel. [1] Moving to Montreal, Quebec, he creates the Canadian Museum of Film on Art in 1956 and distributes the programs in 40 canadian cities. In 1960, he organizes the Mexican Museum of Film on Art (Museo Mexicano de Peliculas sobre Art), and in 1962, the American Iinstitute of Film on Art. In 1963, was held in Montreal the a meeting of the International Museum of Film on Art.

« Centre Canadien d'Essai » - Canadian Workshop Center


Simultaneously, Natan Karczmar starts in in 1957 the theater of the « Centre canadien d'Essai [2] » or Canadian Workshop Center at the Fine Art Shool of Montreal. He presents one hundred productions until 1964, combining theater, and mainly one acte plays, contemporary dance, poetry and music. In 1958, he organizes the Salon de la jeune Peinture, sculpture and graphic arts.

In 1983, back in Israel, Natan Karczmar went on with his theatrical activity by creating the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Street Theater showing his play The Sandclock (Noa's adventures).



Related to the « Centre Canadien d'Essai[3], Natan Karczmar publishes several Cahiers d'Essai and created the Editions d'Essai. Published were the Young Poetry Award J'ai choisi la mort by Guy Lafond as well as Ballades du temps précieux by Pierre Perrault illustrated by Anne Treze. Natan Karczmar started also the Editions Graph which published albums by the following sculptors and printmakers from Quebec Armand Vaillancourt, Albert Roussil, Anne Kahane, Marcel Braitstein, Roland Giguère, Léon Bellefleur, Stanley Lewis and André Montpetit. In 1967, he publishes the first book on canadian sculpture [4]at the occasion of the World Fair Terre des Hommes in Montreal with a presentation by William Withrow and a foreword by Natan Karczmar. The photography was by Bruno Massenet.

Video publishing : Art Planet, the interactive museum. In 1989, Natan Karczmar created the bimonthly Art Planet video magazine which was distributed in one hundred modern art and contemporary museums around the world.In the framework of Art Planet, he organizes the Interactive Museum with real time visits at distance of museum exhibitions by using amplified telephone, video and slides, prefiguring thus Internet visioconferencing. The first presentation of the Interactive Museum happened in 1989 at the Art Planet Pavillon[5] with the collaboration of the french FR3 broadcasting station, at the Grand palais, in Paris, during L'Europe des Créateurs event. Interactive Museum events were also held in 1992 at the UNESCO International Council of Museums congress in Quebec. He presented Art Planet in 1989 at the canadian museums meeting at the Canadian Museum of Civilisation, in Hull, in Canada, and at the american museums meeting in New-Orleans, USA.

Internet Publishing : Artmag[6] In April 1996, he founded the first art magazine on Internet www.artmag.com which presents temporary museum and gallery exhibitions around the world. Anguéliki Garidis is the artistic director and editor.

Art/Communication/New Technologies Seminar (ArtComTec)


From 1992 until 1994, he directs the Art/Communication/New Technologies Seminar at Université Européenne de la Recherche, at the Ministère de la Recherche, 1 rue Descartes, in Paris and invites many lecturers : Philippe Quéau, Jean-Marc Philippe, Jacques Jaffelin, Michel Bret, Pierre Lévy (philosophe), Fred Forest, Edmond Couchot, Stephan Barron, Frank Popper, Jean-Louis Boissier, Monique Nahas, Hervé Huitric, Merkado, Norbert Hillaire, Pierre Restany, Jean-Claude Anglade, Philippe Helary, Christian Sevette, Isabelle Rieusset-Lemarie, Joël Hubaut, Mario Costa, Jacques Monnier-Raball, Roberto Barbanti, Louis Bec, and Hubertus von Amelunxen. In 2007 ArtComTec Seminars were held at the Chapelle des Recollets in Paris. Fred Forest, Louis-José Lestocart and Maurice Benayoun were lecturers.

Journalist : Natan Karczmar was also active as an artistic journalist. He collaborated to the french division of Kol Israel (israeli broadcasting) in 1953-54. He also worked as a musical critic for the french daily L'Echo d'Israël 1952-54 and as an art critic forthe weekly Réalités d'Israël from 1982 to 1984.

Averroès-Maïmonides Center


With Jean-Pierre Faye, president of L'Université Européenne de la Recherche and the collaboration of Anguéliki Garidis, natan karczar organizes in 2007 the Centre Averroès-Maïmonides[7] devoted to the Judeo-Christian dialog and produces visioconferences between Paris and israeli institutions having inter-community cultural activities.

Painter and photographer


From 1969, Natan Karczmar devote himself to painting and shows non-objective works in 1970 at Galerie Entremonde [8]in Paris and at the Center Art Gallery in New-York. His artistic demarche includes also photographiy and lithography, in particular photomontages. Until 1983, he had shows in Canada, USA, Europe and Israel.

Communication artist


In 1983, he organizes « Installation Contact » (Mivne Maga) on the Kings Square (now Rabin Square), then in Haifa at Beth Rotschild and at the Acco Theater Festival with many games of communication and among them one including 24 telephones in closed circuit. In 1984, he meets Fred Forest who invites him to join the group of Aesthetics of Communication[9] which gathers theoreticians and artists using various technologies to achieve communication works, networks, performances and installations[10]. He takes part to the « L'immaginario tecnologico, Benevento, Museo del Sannio » curated by Mario Costa. He organizes the « ARTCOM ISRAEL 1984 » Symposium at Israel Museum, Jerusalem, the Haifa Museum and Tzavta Center in Tel Aviv with Fred Forest and Antonio Muntadas as guest lecturers. At this occasion, there were screenings of video art from several countries.

Videocollectives and installations


He begins his art video activities by organizing in November 1984, in Israel, the first « Collective and Simultaneous Video Event ». The simultaneity occurs thanks to the collaboration of a radio broadcasting station which gives the starting cue to videomakers. In 1985, he organizes a second vidéo event in Salerno, Italy, in the framework of « ARTMEDIA 1 » directed by Prof. Mario Costa at Salerno University. Many videocollectives[11] have been following and among them « VIDEO 6e » in the sixth borough in Paris with the participation of 22 videomakers. In 1986, he takes part to ARTMEDIA II in Salerno with the installation and video action « Investig'Action ». He co-organizes with Fred Forest the international symposium Artcom Paris 1986 at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris and assiste Wolgang Ziemer in the organization of Artcom Cologne 1986. In 1987, a Video twinning between the towns of Lille, Cologne, Liège, Asch-sur-Alzette and Grenoble is organized in the framework of the European Year of Environment with the participation of 60 videomakers. In 1988, he takes part to the Transinteractifs with « Transintercaricatures » betwenn Paris and Toronto. That same year, the videocollective event « Vive la Tour » is organized for the preparation to the Centenial of the Tour Eiffel with the collaboration of Antenne 2 Broadcating staion, France Inter and France Info radio stations. He participates to a video installation Paris-Cologne at « Worauf Warten Sie » at Fermate at the Alter Wartesaal in Cologne. In 1990 he participates to Arttransition at the Center for advanced visual studies (CAVS) at M.I.T. At Cambridge, Mass. He participates in 1992 to the International Symposium « L'Europe de la Deuxième Renaissance » in Paris. He is also invited ijn England, Spain, Finlande, Hollande, Italie, USA, canada and Russai to museums meetings.

Partnership with Vidéoformes : Since 2002, the Videocollectives are partners with rthe International Vidéoformes Festival in Clermont-Ferrand where they are regularly presented and archived. They are roduced by many videoakers around the world.



At the occasion of the launching of Art Planet in 1989 at the Grand Palais in Paris during L'Europe des Créateurs, he publishes a text describing his actions and those of other artrists, presenting them as « Relationnism ». He distinguishes it thus from Aesthetics of Communication which privileges the medium, the container, rather than the content of communicational actions and events while Relationnism grants an equal importance to the container and the content. The attention is given as much to the technological medium than to the content in the creation of communicational works and in art of communication.

Actions and theme


As an artist of communication and organizer of events, his actions include the telephone, video, fax, Internet, radio, installations, symposiums and seminars. His main themes are ubiquity, simultaneity, interactivity, collective actions, events, ephemeral and the trace.



In, 2004, a commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the first festival of film on art held in 1954 is organized at the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Cinematheques with the collaboration of André Parinaud, founder of the International Festival of Film on Art at UNESCO.

In 2007, a a commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the Centre Canadien d'Essai is organized withh the collaboration if six Maisons de la Culturein Montréal. In this framework, 2 visioconferences are held with the cooeration of the Canadian Cultural Center in Paris and la maison de la Culture of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce in Montréal.

In 2009, a retropective is organized at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of « Videocollectives » at the International Vidéoformes Festival in Clermont-Ferrand as well as in 5 israeli cinematheques (Tel Aviv, jerusalem, haifa, Rosh-Pina, Sderot). A restrospective of Videocollectives is also presented at the International Traces de Vie festival in Clermont-Ferrand.


• Biography of Natan Karczmar : http://www.artmag.com/tosee/karczma2.html • Online Artmag magazine: http://www.artmag.com/ • Videocollectives : http://www.videocollectif.org/ Partnership of Vidéocollective and the International Festival Vidéoformes : http://videocollectifs.jimdo.com/ • 50th anniversary of the création ofS CENTRE CANADIEN D'ESSAI : http://www.artmag.com/events/traces.html • Publication Ligea on Les Transinteractifs : http://www.revue-ligeia.com/contenu.php?id=18 • Publication Olats on the symposium Artmédia VIII : http://www.olats.org/projetpart/artmedia/2002/expositions.html • 5 December 1989, Paris, Europe des créateurs, Utopies 1989, Grand Palais, meeting of René Berger with Natan Karczmar (Art Planète): http://college-de-vevey.vd.ch/auteur/dates-technoculture.htm • Traces d'Ephémère : http://www.lejournal2000.com/Sorties.htm • Publication Sculpture canadienne / Canadian sculpture / introduction by William Withrow ; photographs by Bruno Massenet ; Publisher and foreword by Natan Karczmar http://www.worldcat.org/title/sculpture-canadienne-canadian-sculpture-introduction-by-william-withrow-photographs-by-bruno-massenet-foreword-by-natan-karczmar/oclc/49023918 Bibliography • Sculpture Canadienne à l'Expo 67 - Canadian Sculpture at Expo 67, author-publisher : Natan Karczmar, Éditions graph. • Artcom Israël 1984, texts Fred Forest, Mario Costa, Natan Karczmar • Artmedia, Opera universitaria di Salerno, rassegna internationale di estetic del video e della comunicazione, 1985 • Artcom Paris 86, Rencontres et performances sur l'esthétique de la communication, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. • Vidéo 6e, collective and simultaneous video event by Natan Karczmar, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, texts by Derrick de Kerkhove and Fred Forest. • Frank Popper, L'Art à l'âge électronique, 1997. • Special Edition "Artmedia VIII, « From Aestetics of Communication to Net art », Artpress, December 2002. • Les Transinteractifs, Actes du colloque sur la Transinteractivité, Centre culturel Canadien, 4-5 novembre, 1988, éd. D. de Kerckhove and Christian Sevette, Paris. • Vers une culture de l'interactivité, collection "Déchiffrages", directed by Frank Popper, Espace SNVB International. • Fred Forest, Art et Internet, Imaginaire : Mode d'emploi, Éditions Cercle d'Art 2008.

  1. Two festivals of films on art are organized 20 years later at the Gan Hapizga in Old Jaffa, Israel, in 1977-78.S
  2. Broadacast Partage du Jour at Radio Canada : Le centre canadien d'essai. Date: 1962-11-28, Guest : Karczmar Natan, director of Centre canadien d'essai : http://www.crlq.umontreal.ca/CAGM/rechsimple?emission=PARTAGE%20DU%20JOUR&s=0 [archive]
  3. 50th anniversary of Centre Canadien d'Essai, visioconferences between Montréal and Paris : http://www.canada-culture.org/archivesphoto/1882/invitation_CCAM.pdf [archive]
  4. Publication Sculpture canadienne / Canadian sculpture / introduction by William Withrow ; photographs by Bruno Massenet ; Publisher and foreword by Natan Karczmar : http://www.worldcat.org/title/sculpture-canadienne-canadian-sculpture-introduction-by-william-withrow-photographs-by-bruno-massenet-foreword-by-natan-karczmar/oclc/49023918 [archive]
  5. 5 décembre 1989, Paris, Europe des créateurs, Utopies 1989, Grand Palais, meeting of René Berger with Natan Karczmar (Art Planète) : http://college-de-vevey.vd.ch/auteur/dates-technoculture.htm [archive]
  6. The magazine Artmag : http://www.artmag.com/ [archive]
  7. Centre Averroès-Maimonide : http://www.jean-pierre-faye.net/category/biographie-de-jean-pierre-faye/ [archive]
  8. Le Monde, 14 mai 1970 - La Galerie des Arts, 15 mai 1970 – L'amateur d'ART, jeudi 14 mai 1970.
  9. Wikipedia : Esthétique de la communication
  10. Events linked to Aesthetics of Communication : Among the artists, theoreticians, philosophers, art critics and institutions officials having also participated and contributed to publications, events and symposiums linked to the easthetics of communication, Artcom, Artmedia, Transinteractifs, Les Interactifs, Art Planète, etc... there are : Philippe Quéau, Jean-Marc Philippe, Jacques Jaffelin, Michel Bret, Pierre Lévy, Fred Forest, Edmond Couchot, Stephan Barron, Frank Popper, Jean-Louis Boissier, Monique Nahas, Hervé Huitric, Merkado, Norbert Hillaire, Pierre Restany, Jean-Claude Anglade, Philippe Helary, Christian Sevette, Isabelle Rieusset-Lemarie, Joël Hubaut, Mario Costa, Jacques Monnier-Raball, Roberto Barbanti, Louis Bec, Hubertus von Amelunxen, Derrick de Kerckhove, Roy Ascott, Annick Bureaud, Louise Poissant, Pierre Moeglin, Anne Moeglin Delcroix, Abraham Moles, François Molnar, Antonio Muntadas, Dominique Noguez, Flor Bex, Marc Denjean, Michel Gérard, Bernard Teyssedre, Wolfgang Ziemer, Frederic Develay, Orlan, Mathilde Ferrer, Eric Gidney, Jean-Pierre Giovanelli, Tom Klinkowstein, Piotr Kowalski, Gilles Mahe, Mit Mitropoulos, Jean-Marc Philippe, Catherine Pineau, Eric Samah, H.A. Schult, Alain Snyers, André Bercoff, Eric Darmon, Xavier Gros, Catherine Millet, Robert Allezaud, Mario Borillo, Anne Cauquelin, Dominique Chateau, Jean Deveze, Anne Marie Duguet, Flor Bex, Hélène David, Claude F. Faure, Vilem Flusser, Ollé Granath, Robert Adrian, Eric Gidney, Maria Paola Fimiani, Samuel Bianchini, Nicolas Reeves, Jean-Paul Longavesne, Andreas Broeckmann, Monika Fleischmann, Wolfgand Strauss, Roger Malina, Karen O'Rourke, Sharon Daniel, Christophe Charles, Daniel Charles, Thimothée Rollin, Bruno samper, Bruno Beusch Tina Cassani, Gilberto Prado, Steve Dietz, Jemima Rellie, Eduardo Kac, Vincenzo Cuomo, Reynald Drouin, Jean-Paul Fourmentraux, Gregory Chatonsky, Jean-Pierre Balpe, Matteo d'Ambrosio, Eric Sadin, Marie-Claude Vettraini-Soulard, Luc Courchesne, Anolga Rodionoff, Mauricio Bolognini, Olivier Auber, Angelo Trimarco, Victoria Vesna, Dominique Lestel, François Soulages, Sophie Lavaud, Enrico Nuzzo, Jean-Louis Boissier, Christian Lavigne, Randy Raine-Reusch, Bure-Soh, Doug Hamburg, David Rockeby, John Vincent, Muhtadi, Keith Holding, René Berger, Louis-José Lestocart, Maurice Benayoun and Jean-Louis Boissier.
  11. The videocollectives: http://www.videocollectif.org/ [archive]