Note : après avoir enregistré la page, vous devrez forcer le rechargement complet du cache de votre navigateur pour voir les changements.
Mozilla / Firefox / Konqueror / Safari : maintenez la touche Majuscule (Shift) en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser (Reload) ou pressez Maj-Ctrl-R (Cmd-R sur Apple Mac) ;
Firefox (sur GNU/Linux) / Chrome / Internet Explorer / Opera : maintenez la touche Ctrl en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou pressez Ctrl-F5.function markBlocked() {
if (!window.mbTempStyle)
mbTempStyle = 'opacity: 0.7; text-decoration: line-through'
if (!window.mbIndefStyle)
mbIndefStyle = 'opacity: 0.4; font-style: italic; text-decoration: line-through'
if (!window.mbTipBoxStyle)
mbTipBoxStyle = 'font-size:smaller; background:#FFFFF0; ' +
'border:1px solid #FEA; padding:0 0.3em; color:#AAA'
if (!window.mbTooltip) {
i18n = { // authors
'dsb': '(blokěrowany wót $2 za traśe wót $1: $3)', // hsb:User:Tlustulimu
'en': '(blocked by $2 with an expiry time of $1: $3)',
'es': '(bloqueado por $2 con una caducidad de $1: $3)', // m:User:MarcoAurelio
'eo': '(forbarita de $2 por daŭro de $1: $3)', // ru:User:Александр_Сигачёв
'hsb': '(zablokowany wot $2 za traće wot $1: $3)', // hsb:User:Tlustulimu
'pt': '(bloqueado por $2 até $1: $3)', // ru:User:Volkov
'ru': '(блокировка $2 на срок $1: $3)', // ru:User:Kalan
'sv': '(har blockerats av $2 till $1: $3)', // ru:User:Flrn
'uk': '(блокування $2 на термін $1: $3)', // ru:User:Ahonc
'fr': '(bloqué par $2 avec une expiration de $1 : $3)', // fr:User:AntonierCH
mbTooltip = i18n[mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')] || i18n.en
if (!window.mbInfinity) {
i18n = {
'en': 'infinity',
'es': 'para siempre',
'zh': '无限期',
'zh-hans': '无限期',
'zh-hant': '無限期',
'fr': 'infinie',
mbInfinity = i18n[mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')] || i18n.en
mw.util.addCSS('.user-blocked-temp {' + mbTempStyle + '}\n' +
'.user-blocked-indef {' + mbIndefStyle + '}\n' +
'.user-blocked-tipbox {' + mbTipBoxStyle + '}')
function apiRequest(params, callback) {
var aj = new XMLHttpRequest()
aj.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (aj.readyState != 4 || aj.status != 200) return
callback(eval('(' + aj.responseText + ')'))
aj.open('GET', mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?format=json&' + params, true)
var users = []
var userLinks = []
function checkLinks(namespaces) {
function target(link) {
ap = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1', '')
if (link.href.replace(window.location.protocol + mw.config.get('wgServer'), '').match(/^https?:/)) return ''
// elimnating the decodeURIComponent() error on non-UTF links
if (link.href.replace(window.location.protocol + mw.config.get('wgServer'), '').substr(0, ap.length) == ap) // .wikipedia.org/wiki/...
return link.title + (link.href.match(/#/) ? '#...' : '')
// that's risky, but we can't bypass IE6's bugs another way...
// "thanks" Tim Starling if it breaks eventually :(
else // .wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=...
return decodeURIComponent(link.href.replace(mw.config.get('wgScript'), '')
.replace(/.*[?&]title=(.*?)&[^#]*/, '$1')
.replace(/_/g, ' '))
var content = document.getElementById('content') ||
document.getElementById('mw_content') ||
var links = content.getElementsByTagName('a')
var ns = namespaces.query.namespaces
var ca
for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.query.specialpagealiases.length; i++) {
if (namespaces.query.specialpagealiases[i].realname == 'Contributions')
ca = namespaces.query.specialpagealiases[i].aliases
if (!namespaces.fromcookie) {
document.cookie = 'mbNamespaces='
+ escape([ns[-1]['*'], ns[2]['*'], ns[3]['*'], ca.join('|')].join(':'))
+ '; expires=' + (new Date((new Date).getTime() + Math.exp(20))).toGMTString()
// User: User_talk: Special:Contributions/ in canonical form, as they are in hrefs
var isUser = new RegExp('^((' + ns[2]['*'] + '|' + ns[3]['*'] + '):|' + ns[-1]['*'] +
':(' + ca.join('|').replace(/_/g, ' ') + ')\\/)([^\\/#]*)$')
var j = 0
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (target(links[i]).match(isUser)) {
users[j++] = target(links[i]).replace(isUser, '$4')
userLinks[j-1] = links[i]
links[i].style.opacity = window.mbLoadingOpacity || 0.85 // a way to mark that the data is loading
if (j == 0) return // nobody to mark
var query = ''
// performing sort and duplicate cleanup, otherwise we risk of some users being marked twice
var usersTemp = users.join('|').split('|')
var u = []
u[0] = usersTemp[0]
if (usersTemp[1]) {
j = 1
for (i = 1; i < usersTemp.length; i++) {
if (usersTemp[i] != usersTemp[i-1])
u[j++] = usersTemp[i]
for (i = 0; i < u.length; i++) {
if (query.length > 1666 || query.length - query.replace(/\|/g, '').length >= 49) { // splitting the URL into small parts when needed
apiRequest('action=query&list=blocks&bklimit=500&bkusers=' + query, markLinks)
query = ''
query += (query ? '|' : '') + encodeURIComponent(u[i])
if (query) apiRequest('action=query&list=blocks&bklimit=500&bkusers=' + query, markLinks)
function markLinks(banlist) {
var bl = banlist.query.blocks
if (!bl) { // no bans
for (var i = 0; i < userLinks.length; i++)
userLinks[i].style.opacity = ''
var mark = []
var tips = {}
var infin = {}
var j = 0
for (var i = 0; i < bl.length; i++) {
mark[j++] = bl[i].user
tips[bl[i].user] = ' ' + mbTooltip
.replace('$1', bl[i].expiry.replace(/(.*)T(.*)Z/, '$1 $2 UTC').replace('infinity', mbInfinity))
.replace('$2', bl[i].by)
.replace('$3', bl[i].reason)
infin[bl[i].user] = bl[i].expiry.substr(0, 2) == 'in'
var fenceOfShame = '|' + mark.join('|') + '|'
var span
for (var i = 0; i < userLinks.length; i++) {
userLinks[i].style.opacity = ''
if (fenceOfShame.indexOf('|' + users[i] + '|') > -1) {
userLinks[i].className += ' user-blocked-' + (infin[users[i]] ? 'indef' : 'temp')
if (window.mbTipBox) {
span = document.createElement('span')
span.title = users[i] + tips[users[i]]
span.className = 'user-blocked-tipbox'
span.innerHTML = '#'
userLinks[i].parentNode.insertBefore(span, userLinks[i])
} else
userLinks[i].title += tips[users[i]]
if (ca = document.getElementById('ca-showblocks'))
var cookie = document.cookie.match(/mbNamespaces=(.*?);/)
if (cookie) {
cookie = unescape(cookie[1]).split(':')
'query': {
'namespaces': { '-1': { '*': cookie[0] }, '2': { '*': cookie[1] }, '3': { '*': cookie[2] } },
'specialpagealiases': [{'realname': 'Contributions', 'aliases': cookie[3].split('|')}]
'fromcookie': 1
} else {
apiRequest('action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces|specialpagealiases', checkLinks)
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if (window.mbNoAutoStart) {
f = function(){
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:markBlocked()', 'XX', 'ca-showblocks')
} else {
f = markBlocked