
Pablo Medina
Naissance (42 ans)
Nationalité Spanish

Pablo Medina is a Spanish publicist born in 1982 in Pamplona. He holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from the University of Navarra in Spain. He theorises and applies health communication in health organisations, mainly interpersonal communication and public relations. His general theories concern reputation as a strategic issue in the promotion of hospital communication and its effects on the complex relationships between the medical profession and patients. He has been developing the ethical principles of hospital communication for 15 years. Researcher in a chair in communication at the University of Alicante (Spain), he is Professor of Communication and Public Relations at the Canadian University of Dubai[1] in the United Arab Emirates. His teaching focuses on institutional communication in health organizations, communication techniques and information practices in public relations.



The early years


Pablo Medina Aguerrebere was born in 1982 in Pamplona, Spain, Catholic, to Felicia Aguerrebere, a housewife, and Lorenzo Medina, a Basque soldier during the Spanish Civil War, who was awarded 8 Medals of Merit between 1985 and 1999 in Pamplona. He has a brother, Javier Medina, hospital manager. In 2017, he marries in Spain Eva Medina, née Kroczynski, of Franco-Polish Jewish origin, Françoise Deblonde, a teacher, and Patrice Kroczynski, a robotics engineer. His wife is a lecturer in human sciences. They have a premature daughter in 2019, Rebecca Medina. During his youth, he studied at the Advertising School of Paris (France) where he obtained his Master's degree in Communication and Advertising. In Spain, he begins his first doctoral research in Health Communication - conceptual and operational framework - at the University of Navarra. He meets his thesis supervisor, Prof. Antonio Pacanowski, known as Toni. He says he "taught him everything". The two men have had a long friendship and have been publishing regularly together for the past 15 years. His director's thinking will influence him considerably regarding analytical methods in health communication. In France, he began his career in 2003 as communication strategy manager in the strategic planning department of the Publicis Groupe communication agency in Paris. He had a decisive meeting with the strategy director Marie-Madeleine Salmons of Publicis Groupe Paris. They have woven a solid friendship for more than 15 years. She influences his thinking on advertising strategies for health organizations.

2005-2010 Hospital journalism


From 2005 to 2007, Pablo Medina was Product Manager for Communication Strategy at the University Hospital of Navarra, not without discovering a reality between the lack of training in communication of doctors and their main role in the information transmitted and collected from patients. The hospital is the largest in the region but does not have an autonomous health communication service. Its research focuses mainly at this time on internal communication strategies towards the medical profession. He observed a strong reluctance on the part of the medical profession to receive training in interpersonal communication. He studies the factors of reluctance among health professionals and strategies to overcome them. His thinking is oriented towards the medical profession and influenced by the trend of journalism in health organizations: corporate online, intranet, press conferences, website. At this time, health communication in Europe is developing on the analysis of consumers in health organisations in order to better adapt the institutional discourse of the medical profession. Marketing becomes a communication tool in its own right3. From 2008, Pablo Medina moved to Switzerland. He became a lecturer-researcher at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra and at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Neuchâtel. He works on innovation in health organisations, in particular alongside Prof. Toni Pacanowski on the technique of computer graphics as information visualisation. Together they published "The communicational value of computer graphics" in the Spanish journal "El profesional de la información" in 2009.

2010-2015 Brand communication


In 2010, he is conducting research on strategic hospital communication on breast cancer treatment at the WHO Centre for Research and Prevention in Geneva. This experience made a significant impact on his understanding of the importance of the legitimacy of health organizations in making recommendations and promoting health worldwide. At this time, Europe is still very much affected by the economic crisis of 2008, the legitimacy of hospital groups is a survival issue in a competitive market and on a subject as sensitive as health. Brand communication becomes the main focus of Pablo Medina's research. His research work is based on the analysis of scientific literature reviews comparing hundreds of American hospitals. His starting hypothesis is that the founding legitimacy of a health organization is its brand. From the strengthening of brand communication, credibility increases leading to better patient health outcomes. His results on brand communication are of interest to many scientific journals. They will be published in his article "The case of oncology hospitals in the United States" in the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science; or "The case of cancer in French-speaking European countries" published by Quaderni. Cited by John Kasongo in the international journal of multidisciplinary research in 2019, or by Géraldine Lebailly in her "petit traité de marketing hospitalier à l'intention des infirmiers" in 2018. The result will be an extremely prolific period, with 14 books and 31 scientific articles published in the editorial and scientific press between 2010 and 2015. It is mainly referenced in France, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland and Spain.

In 2012, Pablo Medina is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Barcelona (Spain). He is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Toulouse (France). He works on strengthening the legitimacy of health organizations through the use of the concepts of personal branding, institutional communication and stakeholder relations. From 2013, Hongwei He and John Balmer's work will develop brand architecture: identity, mission, vision, values and culture; as a priority to help organizations strengthen their market positioning. Pablo Medina develops his thinking on reputation as a brand reinforcement. Reputation is becoming a strategic research issue to promote hospital communication.

2015-2020 Online reputation


Since the creation of Facebook in 2003, and the advent of the massive use of social media: Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedln, hospital organizations have been using social networks to promote their brand to stakeholders, especially patients. Deanna Attai's work focuses on the challenge for health organizations to become transparent. Epidemiological analyses have demonstrated the impact of hospitals' use of social media to provide patients with access to in-depth knowledge about their serious pathology and the positive evolution of treatment. The more patients become knowledgeable about their serious illness, particularly through the regularly updated use of social media, the more their anxiety is reduced and the chances of recovery increase. These theories inspire Pablo Medina's vision of online reputation via social networks. He is cited in the article "Appropriation and integration strategies of social media by communication professionals"[2] .In 2018, he published "The Role of Social Networks in Brand Communication in Canadian Hospitals" in the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science.

In 2019, Pablo Medina becomes Professor at the Canadian University of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The vision of hospital communication marketing in the New Middle East (Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman) is to improve profitability in order to invest in the latest technologies, research and high salaries to recruit the most qualified healthcare professionals, thus allowing to remain at the forefront of the field. Online reputation is becoming a major issue in health communication. Pablo Medina speaks at various international conferences on health promotion communication strategy, institutional communication, social media and public relations at the UAE, Europe, USA and WHO. He conceptualizes and implements a model that allows health professionals to integrate social networks in order to improve the physical and psychological health of patients: the Model for branding hospital brands .



A sense of ethics


Ethics in health communication has become one of the most important aspects in the field of interpersonal, internal and external hospital communication. Pablo Medina's work on ethics began in 2013, when he published the results of his analysis of the interdependence and "role of communication in organizational ethics" in the Canadian journal Communication . This study traces the evolution of ethics as a fundamental principle of the health professional, but rarely effective in reality.

After the advent of medical ethics in the 1960s and its second wave in the 1990s, the American scientist Zussman demonstrated in 1992 that patients are subject to interference in their decisions, participating in medical decisions less than one out of five times (Zussman, 1992). Quoted by Kristina Orfali in 2002. Ten years later, French researcher Ferrand confirmed the same conclusions. In a hospital immersion survey, he analysed that only 0.5% of patients had been involved in decisions concerning them (Ferrand, 2001). 10 years later, Pablo Medina's study, published in 2013, confirmed the same results. This strong reluctance of healthcare professionals to develop communication as an ethical and medical ethic, could find a favorable outcome through the implementation of a real hospital communication exclusively oriented towards the patient, requiring absolute transparency, which he calls "the sense of ethics". Quoted by Charline Gorez in 2017[3].

His experience in Switzerland has left a deep impression on him. He is confronted with the impunity of officials of health organisations, faced with strategic communication errors that have repercussions on the health of victims as much as on the legitimacy of international organisations, there are few possibilities for sanctions. The Geneva Tribune press has partly revealed this reality, while admitting a leaden blanket. It was during this period that he wrote his work Amerikanua, a novel on the issue of impunity and ethics. Published in 2019 in Madrid, the story mixes the viaticum and historical genre through the philosophical quest for human values and identity9 of a young Spanish immigrant who immigrated to America during the Spanish Civil War to flee the regime, passing through France.  

The reputation


The responsibility of advertising advertisers, marketing and public relations experts is to implement campaigns that help companies build trusting relationships with their stakeholders. These campaigns are based on the essential principle of reputation communication. During 10 years, between 2010 and 2020, Pablo Medina develops his most important theory on reputation. He establishes what he calls in the press "building a legacy" for healthcare and communication professionals. It is a line with a universal vocation, capable of being easily implemented in small hospitals, health organizations, or communication agencies. The reception of Pablo Medina's works is both literary and academic.

Pablo Medina's work, co-written with Pilar Buil, "Advertising sells - La publicidad Sí vende. Conversaciones con los diez grandes de la publicidad "[4], published in 2013 in Barcelona by Editions B, brings together ten interviews with the top ten advertising professionals of the last thirty years, with the idea of providing an answer to a big question: what will advertising look like in the coming years? It is both a practical and conceptual reflection on the challenges facing the marketing and communication industry. This literary work examines how to measure advertising campaigns, how to establish a relationship of trust between the agency and the advertiser, and how to create a brand and motivate the advertiser. It is a unique work because it is the only one in contact with the most imminent Spanish advertisers of the last 30 years, allowing us to understand the analysis of those who really created Spanish advertising as it is conceptualized today.

In addition to this literary work, Pablo Medina is conducting academic work, together with Maria Victoria and Ivan Lacasa, on "the pedagogical dimension of online hospital communication" published in 2013 in Spain in the magazine Sphera Publica. Cited by Carmen Costa in 2016. The results show a link between the development of hospital communication with an educational vocation, in order to daily increase knowledge about the patient's illness, and the implementation of the patient's health and the hospital's brand reputation. Online reputation is also analysed using methodological tools as broad as social media and homepage. Quoted by Anouk Papon in 2019. He conducts research with Toni Pacanowski on "Trends in informative scientific and medical online advertising", published in the journal El Profesional de la Información, on investing in new fields of creativity in health communication. In particular, the evolution of creativity in reputation advertising is the subject of an analysis of "Investigation in Spain from 1980 to 2012" published in the journal El Profesional de la Información in 2014. Quoted by Cristina Gonzalez in 2019[5].

Marketing in hospital communication


After meeting with experts in communication, advertising and marketing (Advertising sells), Pablo Medina discovered that most of them complain about the lack of business and management skills, especially among students who are finishing their degree in communication. For several years, he worked with Ignasi Ferrer (Financial Director of BBDO Spain) to help "advertisers" acquire marketing skills in communication. In particular, the book co-written by Pablo Medina and Ignaci Ferrer "The commercial management of the advertising agency - Gestión empresarial de la agencia de publicidad - The commercial management of the advertising agency "11 is published in 2013 in Madrid by Editions Díaz de Santos. Translated into 3 languages, French, Spanish and English, the book is a success in the press[6]. It is cited 80 times (May 2020) in the analyses of scientific works as varied as Bonilla Ramirez in the "Management of fashion collections to optimise value chains" in 2019, or in the "Taxonomic Classification" to optimise the simultaneous engineering of Dayni Reyes in 2016.

The literary work takes the form of a guide that allows the reader to immerse himself in the workings of advertising agencies, through fifty case studies in which the different economic and management concepts that determine the economic health of an agency (operating account, budgets, remuneration systems, contract negotiation, purchase and sale of holdings) are used. Each case is accompanied by a guide for its resolution. This is the continuation of the book Business Management for Advertisers, published the same year. Although the analysis of the economic structure and management of agencies is precise, in terms of communication, marketing cost management and sector, it proves to be a model that can be transposed to a variety of fields. In fact, it is an integral and detailed analysis of all the economic and management initiatives that can help business communication professionals in the entrepreneurship of advertising in general, in the sense of public relations.

The Influence of the Physician's Words on the Physical and Mental Health of the Patient


After several years of experience in hospital consulting in Spain and Switzerland, Pablo Medina analyses the concept of interpersonal communication in hospital communication among doctors and nurses. Most of these professionals have never received any training in this field, neither at university nor in hospitals. For this reason, he devotes an important part of his work to quantitative and qualitative analysis in this field. He tries to show that hospitals and medical schools have a new responsibility: to train medical professionals in interpersonal communication. Finally, he demonstrates to health professionals the correct uses of language communication in the context of health care, and emphasizes the importance of the emotional, social and therapeutic implications of communication, through his book "Communicating and Healing. A challenge for patients and health professionals - Comunicar y curar: un reto para pacientes y profesionales sanitarios " published in 2012 in Madrid by Castella Publishers. Quoted by Vera Maggi in 2013, the model is being implemented in a pediatric service in Santiago, and the results obtained on patients are satisfactory.

The book focuses on the professional management of institutional communication as a priority for all health organizations, especially hospitals. In addition, interpersonal communication is one of the professional skills that doctors and nurses need to work effectively. The analysis focuses in detail on how to implement communication in hospitals, both at the organizational level and at the individual level in the daily life of the physician. It is a work of disclosure aimed at healthcare professionals and patients, but also journalists, public authorities and pharmaceutical companies. This model is being implemented in two hospitals in Peru and satisfactory results are presented to the Peruvian Ministry of Health and published in the Journal Unsa Investiga[7] in 2018 (implemented in a gynaecological service), and the Medical Journal Vallejiana[8] (implemented in an internal medicine ward) in 2020.

Autonomy of internal hospital communication


In most organizations, internal communication is the "big forgotten". In the hospital field, too. This is a risk because most hospital employees interact directly with the patient and his or her environment, and depend on communication to do their job well. Authors in the field of hospital communication, such as German researchers Van Niekerk and Judith, have demonstrated the effects of harmful internal communication on patients' health. In particular, the Greek researcher Anchiopolis has analysed risk behaviour in patients and negative reports from doctors and nurses.

For 4 years, Pablo Medina has been working on the drafting of a handbook of internal communication in hospitals: "A handbook of internal communication in hospitals "13 co-translated into English by Victoria Pacanowska and Javier Medina and published in 2012 in Madrid by Fragua Editions. This literary work of scientific divulgation aims at the development of internal communication in hospital communication. In particular, the field of corporate health communication, through the creation of a new concept of internal hospital communication based on autonomy. The work is based on three hypotheses: 1) the hospital must have an autonomous internal communication department that reports directly to the management of the establishment; 2) internal communication transmits intangible elements that directly influence the perception of the hospital by employees and patients; and 3) internal communication influences the organizational functioning of the hospital. The research methodology used consists of a literature review and analysis of a real case study. To test these hypotheses, the author analyzes communication, management and marketing in hospitals, the strategic role of internal communication in the hospital and the organizational structure of the hospital's internal communication. Finally, the author proposes a paradigmatic model for the strategic management of internal hospital communication. The author's most important conclusion is that internal communication is the basis of the corporate communication strategy developed by the hospital, hence the importance of the internal communication department depending on the hospital's board of directors, and the other communication areas of the hospital depending on the internal communication department. This is the first book published in Europe on the professional management of internal communication in hospitals (2012). This work leads to a more concise research work by Pablo Medina on the schematization of the principles of autonomy of internal communication in hospitals: "Conceptual Framework and Implementation Model" published in the International Journal of Communication and Health in 2015. Cited by Benoy Krishna Hazra in 2018 in the context of a strategic implementation of health communication in a women's health centre in India. 

The online power of the patient


In 2012, the boom in social networks increases the risk of misinformation on the health field. Millions of people around the world are self-medicating without consulting a doctor. Faced with this situation, Pablo Medina is carrying out new research to develop better use of the internet and social networks by health organisations in order to help patients find quality medical information. Hospital communication researchers Antheunis, Tates and Nieboer show a gap between patients who mostly use Twitter and Facebook to get information and ask questions to other patients, and healthcare professionals who mostly use Twitter and Linkedin to contact other professional colleagues or for health communication marketing actions.  As a result, there is a discrepancy between the reasons why patients and healthcare professionals use social networks.  These reflections influence Pablo Medina to develop a new "bridge" between patients and health professionals, in "Sources of medical information - Fuentes de información médica "14 published in 2011 in Malaga by UOC, paperback collection. Structured in five sections with 21 figures and 12 tables, the book provides information and links to current Internet pages on health and medicine, to help the reader to effectively judge the different sources of medical information. An author devotes an analysis of the work of Pablo Medina, Concha Munoz. For her, with the form of a guide to navigating the internet, it is a fundamentally informative book for people who are reluctant to use internet resources. Providing links to quality resources, supported by highly reputable institutions and scientific dissemination entities, the book also helps to rule out low quality, even apocryphal, resources. Its content makes it possible to find out what can be found on the Internet on subjects as diverse as the scientific press and magazines, medical information networks, professional and institutional networks, the pharmaceutical industry or social networks.

Medina vocabulary


Businessad. Communication experts who work in an agency, or at the advertiser's, and who have communication, management and business skills.

Human mark. Health organizations that prioritize the interpersonal communication of their employees rather than the activities of the Communication Department.

Source of health information. Hospitals that focus their institutional communication on establishing health education initiatives for patients.

Health influence. Patients who are very active in hospitals' institutional social networks to share medical experiences and information about their treatment.


MEPRA Awards winner in Dubai.





In works


He is regularly invited to speak at international conferences in order to disseminate his ideas.

He is regularly quoted in articles published in scientific journals and books published in international editions.

Pablo Medina is cited 400 times on Google Scholar (May 2020)[9], including :

- Fernández LA, Arias PDE, Padilla OCR, et al. Alianzas y conflictos entre grupos de interés de un hospital militar: aplicación del método Mactor. Rev Cubana Invest Biomed. 2017 (36(1):1-14[10]). "The treatment of an organization's stakeholders is part of its concern to develop a socially responsible attitude - (original) el tratamiento a los grupos de interés de una organización se engloba en su preocupación por desarrollar una actitud socialmente responsable (Medina, 2012)"(36(1):1-14 [archive]). ". The collective construction of the brand between the organization and its stakeholders (coherent social responsibility initiatives) is integrated according to the vision of Pablo Medina's brand communication.

- In Lopez-Salazar, J Ojeda-Hidalgo. Factors influencing the social responsibility of a public hospital. International Journal of Business Administration. 2016 (vol. 7, no. 6[11]). "The hospital setting and the emotional connotations of medical treatment require that the concept of social responsibility leading to the improvement of the basic service offered to citizens (health care, The hospital setting and the emotional connotations of medical treatment necessitate that the concept of social responsibility conducive to the improvement in the basic service offered to citizens (health care, scientific research, and teaching) above the socially responsible initiatives common in other sectors and in other activities (Medina, 2012)". In the hospital field, Pablo Medina's vision of ethics integrates social responsibility as a communication tool to satisfy the patient.

- KR Grandon, LA Reinoso. Social Responsibility in the Education of the Inferno. Un Estudio piloto en Chile. Notas de Enfermería. 2017 (vol. 17, no. 30[12]). "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined as "the behaviour that a company should adopt for its stakeholders and society as a whole, leading to the fulfilment of certain commitments - (original) La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) puede definirse como "el comportamiento que debe adoptar una empresa para sus grupos de interés y la sociedad en su conjunto, llevando al cumplimiento de ciertos compromisos (Medina, 2012)". The social legitimacy of an institution is a fundamental phase in the construction of reputation, in the sense described by Pablo Medina (reputation implies ethics).

- DEC Franco, JD Bedoya. El talento humano en la realidad empresarial contemporánea. Kairos Gerencial, 2018 (vol. 3, no. 6[13]). "According to Medina (2013), they lead to a reflection so that the company does not just become a brand, but that it brings its social character to life, because the company must associate itself in order to survive and legitimise the function it fulfils in society - Al igual Medina (2013), llevan a la reflexión para que la empresa no se convierta únicamente en una marca; sino que, haga vivo su carácter social porque la empresa debe asociarsepara sobrevivir y legitimar la función que cumple dentro de una sociedad". Brand communication in the sense of Pablo Medina (interdependence of ethics with reputation) should help the company to explain why the meaning of its activity is important to society.

- C De Las Heras-Pedrosa, D Rando-Cueto. Analysis and study of hospital communication via social media from the patient perspective. Cogen Social Sciences, 2020 (vol. 6, issue 1[14]). "However, there are hospitals whose profile and brand are highly visible on social media: the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic and Mount Sinai Hospital, all in the United States - (Medina-Aguerrebere, 2018). (original) However, there are hospitals with a highly visible profile and brand recognition on social media: the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic and Mount Sinai Hospital, all of which are in the United States (Medina-Aguerrebere, 2018). The autonomy of internal communication and the recruitment of experts are essential for the visibility of the hospital on social media: the American hospitals that have been practicing it for about ten years are still the best in brand visibility on social networks (See Pablo Medina's article "The impact of social networks on hospital communication in the United States" published in 2017 in the French Journal of Information and Communication Sciences).

In the press


Pablo Medina's works have been successful in the spanish and international[15] press, as an author "who helps advertisers"[16] , including :

- La Publicida: He is quoted in the Spanish national press La Publicida, twice in 2014, on the occasion of the publication of the book "Business management for advertisers - Dirección empresarial para publicitarios"[17]. The press specifies "the solid knowledge of management strategies" in the analysis of the work.

- Reasons Why: In 2014, in the marketing and economic press Reasons Why[18], Carlos Municio, General Director of Ogilvy & Mather Spain, highlights Pablo Medina's analysis in an interview: "a detailed analysis with very valuable information for all those who hold management positions in an agency and who have to make decisions to improve the economic health of the agency". For Ignasi Ferrer, financial director at BBDO, co-author with Pablo Medina of the book "Management Manual for Advertising Agencies - Manual de Gestión para la Agencia de Publicidad": "this book tries to solve [...] the lack of business mentality and the poor command of economic language".

- Equipos&talentos: Pablo Medina is also quoted by the Spanish press as "a great contribution for students currently training in communication faculties and advertising professionals "[19].

- El Publicita: The press El Publicita[20] and Ad Latina[21] refer to the visibility of Pablo Medina's works in Latin America.

- In an interview with the Spanish national radio 5 Noticias[22], Pablo Medina expresses his vision on the evolution of advertising in Spain over the last 20 years, including the impact of the growth of advertising creativity in Spain on the "development of Golden Lions and creativity awards", along side Ignasi Ferrer[23].

- Marketing Directo: Journalist Diaz de Santos[24] [25] of the Spanish newspaper Marketing Directo dedicates two articles to Pablo Medina's analytical work in marketing communications and advertising.

- Europa press: Journalist Elena Castellarnau of the international newspaper Europa press dedicates the front page: "The country's greatest publicists agree that you have to take risks to keep talent alive - (original) Los grandes publicitarios del país coinciden en que hay que arriesgar para mantener vivo el talento" on the analysis of advertising by Pablo Medina, on the occasion of the release of his book "Advertising sells" co-written with Pilar Buil.

- Escitoras: The Spanish press Escitoras[26] describes the work of Pablo Medina as: "the Decalogue of the hand of the best oracles to guide his career".

- MEPRA Awards 2019 and Hill+Knowltown Strategies: In 2019, Pablo Medina is invited to present the award for Best Middle East Advertising, Academic Category, at the MEPRA Awards Festival[27] in Dubai.

- Breizh : In 2020, Pablo Medina's analysis of the health communication management of the health crisis during Coronavirus and its consequences is published in the French newspaper Breizh.

- Caligrama (ed.): In 2019, his latest work, Amerikanua, a historical novel about Spanish immigration to America, is a literary success in Spain and the United States, where Pablo Medina will present his work during the year 2020 (pending publication).

  • Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2019). Amerikanua. Madrid : Caligrama. 434 p.
  • Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2017). La gestión de la marca en la comunicación institucional hospitalaria. Dans: Cuesta, Ubaldo; Peñafiel, Carmen; Terrón, José Luis; Bustamante, Edilson; Gaspar, Sandra (éds.). Comunicación y Salud (pp. 353-364). Madrid: Dextra. (ISBN 978-84-16898-21-3).
  • Ferrer Lorenzo, Ignasi; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2014). De Director de Cuentas a Director de Agencia. 50 casos prácticos sobre Agencias de Publicidad. Madrid: Dykinson.
  • Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo; Ferrer Lorenzo, Ignasi (2014). Dirección empresarial para publicitarios. Madrid: Dykinson.
  • Ferrer, Ignasi; Medina, Pablo (2013). Gestión empresarial de la agencia de publicidad. Madrid: Díaz de Santos[1].
  • Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2013). Marca y comunicación empresarial. Barcelona: Editorial UOC[2].
  • Medina, Pablo; Buil, Pilar (2013). La publicidad Sí vende. Conversaciones con los diez grandes de la publicidad. Barcelona: Ediciones B.
  • Medina, Pablo (2012). La farmacia online. Dans: Medina, Pablo; González, Toni (Coords.), La comunicación médica interactiva: el desafío de Internet (pp. 163-176). Madrid: Fragua[3].
  • Medina, Pablo (2012). Comunicar y curar: un reto para pacientes y profesionales sanitarios. Barcelona: Editorial UOC. 182 p.
  • Medina, Pablo (2012). A handbook of internal communication in hospitals. Madrid: Fragua. 308 p.
  • Medina, Pablo (2012). Fuentes de información médica. Barcelona: Editorial UOC. 116 p.
  • Medina, Pablo; González, Toni (2012). Comunicación hospitalaria: un plan para el siglo XXI. Madrid: Fragua. 247 p[4].
  • Medina, Pablo; González, Toni (2012). La comunicación médica interactiva: el desafío de Internet. Madrid: Fragua. 297 p.
  • Medina, Pablo (2012). La comunicación interpersonal como fuente de motivación del personal hospitalario. El caso europeo. Dans: Cuesta, Ubaldo; Gaspar, Sandra; Ugarte, Aitor (Coords), Comunicación y salud: estrategias y experiencias en prevención, promoción y educación para la salud (p. 91-106). Madrid: Fragua[5].
  • Medina, Pablo; González, Toni (2011). Comunicación de la salud: una aproximación multidisciplinar. Madrid: Fragua. 223 p[6].
  • Medina, Pablo (2011). Organización de la comunicación interna en hospitales. Madrid: Fragua. 322 p[7].

[1] http://www.uic.es/en/news/pablo-medina-publica-dos-nuevos-libros-para-publicitarios

[2] https://www.abebooks.fr/rechercher-livre/auteur/medina-aguerrebere-pablo/

[3] https://www.abebooks.fr/edition-originale/COMUNICACION-M%C3%89DICA-INTERACTIVA-DESAFIO-INTERNET-PABLO/21728752715/bd

[4] https://www.marcialpons.es/libros/comunicacion-hospitalaria/9788470745232/

[5] https://webs.ucm.es/BUCM/ecsa//9788499380889.pdf

[6] https://www.iberlibro.com/buscar-libro/autor/medina-20gonz-e1lez/

[7] https://www.fragua.es/producto/organizacion-de-la-comunicacion-interna-en-hospitales/

Scientific articles


In english

  • Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo; González Pacanowski, Toni; Medina, Eva (2020). The impact of social media in building hospital brands based on human values: a proposal model. Ponte: Multidisciplinary Journal of Sciences and Research (University of Florence –Italy-; (ISSN 0032-423X)), vol. 76 (2), pp. 107-118. Journal indexed in:  JCR Thomson Reuters (impact factor: 0,814), ISI, Scopus, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Carhus Plus, Doaj.
  • Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo; González Pacanowski, Toni; Medina, Eva (2019). Doctors-patients communication through social media: a proposal model for building a reputed hospital brand. Ponte: Multidisciplinary Journal of Sciences and Research (University of Florence –Italy-; (ISSN 0032-423X)), vol. 75 (10), pp. 92-104. Journal indexed in:  JCR Thomson Reuters (impact factor: 0,814), ISI, Scopus, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Carhus Plus, Doaj.
  • Bieronski, Eva; Medina, Pablo (2018). The Autonomy of the Patient in Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Care: What is the Position in the Holy Texts (The Torah, Bible and Koran)? Primary Care Epidemioliolgy and Global Health (School of Public Health, University of Texas – United States-), vol. 1, pp. 1-9. Non-indexed Journal.
  • Medina, Pablo; Buil, Pilar; Heath, Robert (2016). Establishing and demostrating US Hospital Brands Through Facebook. Observatorio. Obs* Journal (ISCTE Business School – Portugal-; (ISSN 1646-5954)), nº 10 (3), pp. 20-40. Journal indexed in : Scopus, Latindex, SJR, Doaj.   
  • Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo; Buil Gazol, Pilar; Heath, Robert (2015). Brand dissemination in canadian hospitals through Facebook. The International Journal of Communication and Health. (University of Bucharest – Romania-; (ISSN 2359-8220)), nº 7, pp. 27-39.
  • Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2015). Management of the internal communication in hospitals: conceptual framework and implementation model. The International Journal of Communication and Health (University of Bucharest – Roumanie-; (ISSN 2359-8220)), nº 5, pp. 53-65.
  • Giardina, Marco ; Medina, Pablo (2013). Information graphics design challenges and worflow management. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (Eastern Mediterranean University - Turquie- ; (ISSN 1986-3497)), vol. 3, nº 1, pp. 108-124. Journal indexed in : DOAJ, EBSCO.

[1] http://www.pontejournal.net/mainpanel/abstract.php?TOKEN=gRkgF5411G&PID=PJ-6BBWQ

[2] http://www.pontejournal.net/mainpanel/abstract.php?TOKEN=gRkgF5411G&PID=PJ-2J043

[3] https://ospopac.com/journal/primary-care-epidemiology-global-health/present-issue/The-Autonomy-of-the-Patient-in-Voluntary-Termination-of-Pregnancy-Care-What-is-the-Position-in-the-Holy-Texts-The-Torah-Bible-and-Koran

[4] http://www.scielo.mec.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1646-59542016000400002&lng=pt&nrm=iso&tlng=en

[5] http://communicationandhealth.ro/upload/number7/PABLO-MEDINA.pdf

[6] http://communicationandhealth.ro/upload/number5/PABLO-MEDINA.pdf

In french


- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2018). Le role des reseaux sociaux dans la communication de marque des hopitaux canadiens. Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Information et de Bibliothéconomie (Université de Montréal –Canada- ; (ISSN 1195-096X)), vol. 42, nº 3-4, pp. 176-191. Journal indexed in: Scopus, Academic Search Elite/Premier, IBR, LISA.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2018). L’impact des réseaux sociaux sur la gestion professionnelle de la communication hospitalière au Royaume-Uni. Observatorio. Obs* Journal (ISCTE Business School – Portugal-; (ISSN 1646-5954)), nº 11 (4), pp. 13-25. Journal indexed in: Scopus, Latindex, SJR, Doaj.

- Medina, Pablo (2017). L’impact des réseaux sociaux sur la communication hospitalière aux États-Unis. Revue française des sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (Société Française de Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication – France- ; (ISSN 2263-0856)), vol. 11. Revue indexée dans : AERES.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2014). La construction de la valeur de marque des universités à travers les réseaux sociaux. Le cas de Facebook. Quaderni (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme à Paris – France- ; (ISSN 0987-1381)), vol. 85, pp. 85-100. Revue indexée dans: IBSS, Dialnet.

- Del Río Pérez, Jorge; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2014). La diffusion scientifique de la créativité publicitaire de 1965 à 2012. Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Information et de Bibliothéconomie (Université de Montréal – Canada- ; (ISSN 1195-096X)), vol. 38, nº 1, pp. 53 - 63. Revue indexée dans: ISI (Facteur d’impact JCR: 0,17), Scopus, Academic Search Elite/Premier, IBR, LISA.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2013). Le rôle de la communication dans l’éthique organisationnelle. Communication (Université de Laval – Canada- ; (ISSN 1189-3788)), vol. 31, nº 2, pp. 2-14. Revue indexée dans: Francis, DOAJ, Communicaton & Mass Media Index.

- Medina, Pablo (2013). Le rôle d’Internet comme outil de communication transgénérationnelle dans le milieu hospitalier français. Commposite (Université de Montréal – Canada-; (ISSN 1206-9256)), vol. 16, nº 1, pp. 87-107. Revue indexée dans: Bibliothèque et Archive National du Québec (BanQ).

- Medina, Pablo (2013). La diffusion de l’identité de l’hôpital à travers la communication interne. Quaderni (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme à Paris – France- ; (ISSN 0987-1381)), vol. 81, pp. 95-103. Revue indexée dans: IBSS, AERES.

- Medina, Pablo (2012). La création de valeur de marque à travers la communication interne dans le milieu hospitalier. Communication, Lettres et Sciences du Langage (Université de Sherbrooke –Canada-; (ISSN 1718-5882)), vol. 6, nº 1, pp. 30-40. Revue indexée dans: Bibliothèque et Archive National du Québec (BanQ).

- Medina, Pablo; Lahmadi, Ghizlaine (2012). La dimension communicationnelle du management hospitalier. Communication & Organisation (Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3 –France-; (ISSN 1168-5549)), vol. 41, pp. 157-168. Revue indexée dans: IBSS, AERES.

- Medina, Pablo (2012) L’impact stratégique de la communication online des hôpitaux. Le cas du cancer dans les pays européens francophones. Quaderni (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme à Paris – France- ; (ISSN 0987-1381)), vol.77, pp. 121-130. Revue indexée dans: IBSS, AERES.

- Medina, Pablo (2012). Le rôle de l’interactivité entre l’hôpital et le patient grâce à la homepage. Le cas des hôpitaux oncologiques des États-Unis. Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Information et de Bibliothéconomie (Université de Montréal –Canada- ; (ISSN 1195-096X)), vol. 36, nº 3-4, pp. 106 - 121. Revue indexée dans : ISI (Facteur d’impact JCR: 0,22), Scopus, Academic Search Elite/Premier, IBR, Lisa.

- Medina, Pablo (2011). Les réseaux sociaux: le nouveau défi de la communication institutionnelle hospitalière. Les Enjeux de l’Information et de la Communication. (Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3–France- ; (ISSN 1778-4239)), 12 (1) : 107-123. Revue indexée dans: IBSS, AERES.

- Medina, Pablo (2011). La communication institutionnelle online dans les organisations hospitalières. Le cas des hôpitaux belges francophones. Recherches en Communication (Université Catholique de Louvain –Belgique-; (ISSN 2033-3331)), vol. 32, pp. 171-180. Revue indexée dans: AERES.

- Medina, Pablo (2011). L’influence des applications du Web 2.0 dans la communication en ligne des hôpitaux canadiens francophones. Communication, Lettres et Sciences du Langage (Université de Sherbrooke –Canada-; (ISSN 1718-5882)), vol. 5, nº 1, pp. 21-29. Revue indexée dans: Bibliothèque et Archive National du Québec (BanQ).

- Medina, Pablo ; Virgili, Jordi (2011). Un sigle politique à haute valeur de marque. Le cas de ZP dans les élections générales en Espagne en 2004. Mots. Les langages du politique (École Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Lyon –France-; (ISSN 0243-6450)), vol. 95, pp. 99-108. Revue indexée dans: IBSS, AERES.

- Medina, Pablo (2010). La communication de recrutement dans le milieu hospitalier. Communication & Organisation (Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3 –France-; (ISSN 1168-5549)), vol. 37, pp. 103-114. Revue indexée dans: IBSS, AERES.

- Medina, Pablo (2010). La diffusion online de la marque hospitalière: le cas des hôpitaux français. Quaderni, vol. 74, pp. 97-104.

- Medina, Pablo (2010). La homepage dans la communication des hôpitaux suisses francophones. Revue Électronique Suisse de Science de l’Information, vol. 11.

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[16] https://journals.openedition.org/mots/20136

[17] https://journals.openedition.org/communicationorganisation/1290

In spanish


- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2019). La promoción de la marca hospitalaria a través de la comunicación interpersonal que mantiene el profesional de la salud en las redes sociales. Tripodos (University Ramon Llull – Spain-; (ISSN 1138-3305)), vol. 44, pp. 9-23. Journal indexed in: Scopus, Redib, Circ, Ebsco.

- González Pacanowski, Toni; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2018). El rol de las redes sociales en la difusión de la identidad corporativa de los hospitales españoles. Revista de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación (Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Spain: (ISSN 2341-2690)), vol. 5, n 10, pp. 30-38. Journal indexed in: Latindex, ErihPlus, CIRC.

- González Pacanowski, Toni; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2018). Las apps en la identidad digital hospitalaria: implicaciones en la reputación y tendencias. Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain; (ISSN 1989-9882)), vol. 9, n 1, pp. 82-92. Journal indexed in: EBSCO, DOAJ, Latindex, ISOC.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2018). El rol de las redes sociales en la comunicación de marca de los hospitales españoles. adComunica. Revista Científica de Estrategias, Tendencias e Innovación en Comunicación (Universidad Jaume I – Alicante, Spain-; (ISSN 2174-0992)), v. 15, pp. 215-233. Journal indexed in: DOAJ, Latindex, ESCI, RESH, ISOC.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2018). El rol de las redes sociales en la comunicación de marca de los hospitales españoles. adComunica. Revista Científica de Estrategias, Tendencias e Innovación en Comunicación (Universidad Jaume I – Alicante, Espagne-; (ISSN 2174-0992)), v. 15, pp. 215-233. Revue indexée dans: DOAJ, Latindex, ESCI, RESH, ISOC.

- González Pacanowski, Antonio; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo; Iglesias García, Mar (2017). Estrategias para la optimización de la comunicación de riesgo en la crisis del ébola. Revista de Comunicación y Salud (Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Espagne-; (ISSN 2174-5323)), v. 7, pp.173-186. Revue indexée dans : Academic Searh Premier, Dialnet, DOAJ, Latindex.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2017). La gestión de la reputación online de las marcas hospitalarias: una propuesta de modelo. ZER Revista de Estudios de Comunicación (Université du Pays Basque – Espagne-; (ISSN 1989-631X)), v. 22, nº 43, pp. 53-68. Revue indexée dans : Academic Searh Premier, Dialnet, Carhus, Latindex.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo; González Pacanowski, Antonio (2017). Las estrategias de comunicación corporativa en los hospitales. Austral Comunicación (Universidad Austral – Argentina-; 2313-9137), vol. 6 nº 1, pp. 161 - 180. Revista indexada en Latindex, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thomson Reuters), CIRC, OAJI.

- Medina, P. & Buil, P. (2016). La figura del dircom como generador de diálogo y reputación con los stakeholders. Sphera Publica (Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia – España-; (ISSN 1576-4192)), nº1(16), pp. 77-94. Revue indexée dans: Latindex, CIRC, Carhus, Rebiun, Dialnet.

- Del Río Pérez, Jorge ; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2015). Comunicación interna hospitalaria: una aproximación desde la creatividad. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación (Universidad de Alicante – Espagne-; (ISSN 1989-872X)), vol. 6, nº 2. Revue indexée dans: Latindex, Doaj, Ebsco, Ulrich’s, Carhus, Dice.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2014). Gestión de la informacion en hospitales. Dans: Peñafiel, Carmen; Echegaray, Lázaro (Coords.), Estudios de comunicación y salud (pp. 103-124). Tenerife: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social.

- González Pacanowski, Toni; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2014). Tendencias de las publicaciones informativas científico-médicas en la era 2-0. Revista BID. Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomía i Documentació (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona/UOC –España-; (ISSN 1575-5886)), nº 33. Revue indexée dans: Scopus, Carhus Plus, Latindex, LISA, LISTA, DOAJ.

- Del Río Pérez, Jorge; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2014). Análisis de la investigación sobre creatividad en publicidad en España de 1980 a 2012. El Profesional de la Información (Barcelone, Espagne, (ISSN 1386-6710)), vol. 23, nº 4, pp. 401 -408. Revue indexée dans: ISI (Facteur d’impact JCR: 0.43), Scopus, Ebsco, Dialnet, Lista.

- Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo; Lacasa, Iván; Victoria-Mas, María (2013). La dimensión pedagógica de la comunicación hospitalaria online. Sphera Pública (Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia – Espagne-; (ISSN 1576-4192)), nº 13, vol. 2, pp. 124-140. Revue indexée dans: IN-RECS, Carhus +.

- Medina, Pablo (2012). La comunicación hospitalaria 2.0: un nuevo desafío para la comunicación institucional. Austral Comunicación (Université Austral – Argentine-; 2313-9137), vol. 1, nº 2, pp. 189-202.

- Medina, Pablo (2012). La responsabilidad social corporativa en hospitales: un nuevo desafío para la comunicación institucional. Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud (Université de Málaga -Espagne- ; (ISSN 1989-9882)), vol. 3, nº 1, pp.77-87. Revue indexée dans: Dialnet, Latindex, EbscoHost, Dice, Resh.

- Medina, Pablo (2012). El valor estratégico de la comunicación interna hospitalaria. Revista de Comunicación y Salud (Institut International de Communication et Santé - Espagne-; (ISSN 2173-1675)), vol. 2, nº 1, pp. 19 - 28. Revue indexée dans: DOAJ, Dialnet, Latindex, Dice.

- Medina, Pablo (2012). La comunicación en el hospital. La gestión de la comunicación en el ámbito sanitario, de Carmen Costa Sánchez. Comunicación y Sociedad (Université de Navarre – Espagne-; (ISSN 0214-0039)), vol. 25, nº 2. Revue indexée dans: ISI (Factor Impacto: 0,20), IBSS, Scopus, Ebsco, In-Recs, Latindex.

- Medina, Pablo (2011). El carácter estratégico de la proyección externa de la marca hospitalaria: el caso de Mayo Clinic. Revista Universidad y Salud (Université de Nariño – Colombie- ; (ISSN 0124-7107)), vol. 2, nº 14, pp. 79-86. Revue indexée dans: Colciencias.

- González, Toni; Medina, Pablo (2011). Blogs para pacientes como nueva fuente de información de salud. El Profesional de la Información (Barcelone, Espagne, (ISSN 1386-6710)), vol. 20, nº 6, pp. 652 -658. Revue indexé dans: ISI (Facteur d’Impact JCR: 0.32), Scopus, Ebsco, Dialnet, Lista.

- Medina, Pablo (2010). El impacto de la comunicación interpersonal en la motivación del personal hospitalario. Revista Universidad y Salud (Université de Nariño – Colombie- ; (ISSN 0124-7107)), vol. 1, nº 12, pp.110-119. Revue indexée dans: Colciencias.

- Medina, Pablo; Pérez, Ana (2010). Impacto del vídeo educativo en la formación de salud. El caso de las aulas hospitalarias. Admira, vol. 1, nº 2, pp. 97-105.

- González, Toni; Medina, Pablo (2010). Sistemas de usuario en la gestión online de contenidos biomédicos. El Profesional de la Información, vol. 19, nº 3, pp. 260-268.

- Medina, Pablo (2009). La batalla contra el estrés en el trabajador español: implicaciones para el empleado y la organización. Revista Gerencia y Políticas de Salud, vol. 8, nº 17, pp. 30-42.

- González, Toni; Medina, Pablo (2009). Comunicación online en el sector salud. Valor de la infografía. El Profesional de la Información, vol. 18, nº 4, pp. 413-420.

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[3] https://e-revistas.uc3m.es/index.php/RECS/article/view/4255

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[5] http://rua.ua.es/dspace/handle/10045/72321

[6] https://www.ehu.eus/ojs/index.php/Zer/article/view/17908

[7] http://repositori.uic.es/handle/20.500.12328/1347

[8] http://bid.ub.edu/es/33/gonzalez2.htm

[9] https://pascal-francis.inist.fr/vibad/index.php?action=getRecordDetail&idt=28800729

[10] http://sphera.ucam.edu/index.php/sphera-01/article/view/159


[12] http://www.aecs.es/3_1_8.pdf

[13] http://www.revistadecomunicacionysalud.es/index.php/rcys/article/view/135

[14] https://dadun.unav.edu/handle/10171/56925

[15] http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0124-71072011000200009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=es

[16] https://pascal-francis.inist.fr/vibad/index.php?action=getRecordDetail&idt=25357493

[17] https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/usalud/article/view/192

[18] https://idus.us.es/handle/11441/76127

[19] https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/EPI/article/view/epi.2010.may.06

[20] http://www.scielo.org.co/pdf/rgps/v8n17/v8n17a03.pdf

International colloquia

  • Buil Gazol, Pilar; Medina Aguerrebere, Pablo (2015). Targeting effective communication campaigns: challenges and trends. PR Meeting 5 International Conference on Theory in Practice in Public Relations through to the fullyfunctioning society. Barcelone (Espagne), 30 juin-1 juillet 2015, Universidad Oberta de Cataluña (Spain)[28].
  • Medina, Pablo (2014). “Comunicación en las organizaciones”. Conference in Management of Mental Health Patient Organizations. Albert J. Jovell Institute of Public Health and Patients of the International University of Catalonia, 4 June 2014.
  • Giardina, Marco; Medina, Pablo (2012). Infographics driven media narrative ecosystems transformation. Media Mutations 4. Narrative Ecosystems: flows, transformations, social uses. Bologne (Italy), 22-23 May 2012, University of Bologne (Italy).
  • Stoll, Michael; Giardina, Marco; Medina, Pablo (2012). How the implementation of an information graphic department affects the process management in newspapers: the case of New York Times (USA) Vs. Die Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Germany). EMMA Conference 2012. What so special about media management. Budapest (Hungary), 10-11 February 2012, Institute of Marketing and Media (Corvinus University of Budapest)[29].
  • Giardina, Marco; Medina, Pablo (2011). Impact of interactive infographics on newspapers business models. International Conference on Business, Research & Emergent Markets in Audiovisual Industry. Lisbonne (Portugal), 25-26 November 2011, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, New University of Lisbon.
  • Medina, Pablo; Pérez, Ana (2010). La universalización del argumento de la salud en la comunicación institucional. XII Foro Universitario de Investigación en Comunicación. La investigación en comunicación institucional. Madrid (Spain), 25-26 November 2010, Faculty of Communication of Rey Juan Carlos University.
  • Medina, Pablo; Terrón, José Luis (2010). Comunicación y salud en España. El caso del Observatorio de Comunicación y Salud Incom-UAB. XXV Congreso Internacional de Comunicación « Modelos de negocio para una economía digital: el valor de los contenidos». Pampelona (Spain), 25-26 November 2010, Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarre.
  • Medina, Pablo (2009). El infografista de salud. XXIII Congreso Internacional de Comunicación « Excelencia e Innovación en Comunicación». Pampelona (Spain), 12-13 February 2009, Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarre.
  • Researcher in a chair in communication at the University of Alicante (Spain)
  • Member of the International Study Group on Communication and Culture in Barcelona (Spain)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal Communication and Health in Madrid (Spain)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal Communication and Health in Malaga (Spain)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal Health Research in Narino (Colombia)

Related article


Liste des références

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