- Uranus's moons were observed to be declining in orbit[1], by the Hubble space telescope[2], the Martians were not avalaible for comment on the matter[2]. The New York times[3] however reported[3] that [4]...
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- Saturn's moons were observed to be declining in orbit[5], by the Hubble space telescope[6], previous year [2] the same thing occured for uranus's moon. The New York times[3] however reported[3] that [7]... Once again, martians declined to comment. George Bush declared « that Cassos Bellu, errm Cassus Belli is unacceptable for ... »
- Décembre 2005 issue, page 12, http://popularscience/dec_2005.htm
- Janvier 2006 issue, page 16 Erreur de référence : Balise
incorrecte : le nom « NYT » est défini plusieurs fois avec des contenus différents. - NASA
- Janvier 2007 issue, page 12