
Dimitry Politov


Dimitry Politov est un danseur russe de pole dance, champion du monde en 2016 et 2017[1]. Il a commencé la pratique de la pole dance en 2012[2] et a gagné la même année deux compétitions nationales ainsi que la première place au concours Mr Pole Dance Russia et a depuis remporté de nombreuses compétitions et championnats[3].


  • Vainqueur du World Pole Dance Championships à Pékin, 2015
  • Vainqueur du Battle of the Pole à Prague, 2015
  • Vainqueur du Pole Art Italy à Milan, 2015
  • Vainqueur du Pole Art Chypre, 2016
  • Vainqueur du Pole Art Suisse,2016
  • Vainqueur du World Ultra Pole Championship à London, 2016
  • Vainqueur du World Pole Sport Championship, 2017
  • Vainqueur du World Pole Art Championship dans la catégorie doubles, à Amsterdam, 2017.

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My name is Dimitry Politov and I am 25 years old. I started pole dancing in 2012.

The same year I won two championships in Russia (International Pole Sport 2012 in St. Petersburg, Mr.Pole Dance Russia 2012 CFO in Moscow), also I took 1st place at Mr.Pole Dance Russia Final 2013 and twice went to semifinals of Ukraine Got Talent and Russia Got Talent, in 2014 i came 3rd at Pole Art Cyprus 2014, then I took 1st place at Pole Art Italy 2015, 1st place at Battle Of The Pole 2015 in Prague, 1st place at the World Pole Dance Championship 2015 in Beijing.

Category: Men

Nationality: Russia


Dimitry Politov started pole dancing in 2012. Since then his has won 4 national competitions in Russia and Ukraine in 2013. He has won in many competitions including:

  • 1st place at the World Pole Dance Championships in Beijing, 2015
  • 1st place at Battle of the Pole in Prague, 2015
  • 1st place at Pole Art Italy in Milan, 2015
  • 1st place at Pole Art Cyprus, 2016
  • 1st place at Pole Art Switzerland,2016
  • 1st place at World Ultra Pole Championship in London, 2016
  • 1st place at World Pole Sport Championship, 2017
  • 1st place at World Pole Art Championship in doubles category, Amsterdam, 2017.





Alessandra Marchetti


Alessandra Marchetti est une gymnaste italienne championne du monde de pole dance 2013[4]. Elle commence la gymnastique à l'âge de cinq ans et la danse classique à dix ans. Elle a étudié au prestigieux Balletto di Roma. A 25 ans, elle a commencé une carrière de compétiteur en gymnastique et a découvert la pole dance à l'âge de 35 ans en 2010. Un an plus tard, elle deviendra championne d'Italie de pole dance. Elle sera sacrée championne du monde de pole sport en 2013 à Londres.

Elle dirige son studio de pole Marketti Pole Studio à La Spezia en Italie.


  • Championne d'Italie 2011, 2012 et 2013.
  • Vainqueur de l'European Pole Sport Champion à Rome en 2015
  • Vainqueur du World Pole Sport Champion 2013 à Londres
  • Finaliste du Pole Art 2013 à Helsinki

Since September 2015 I’m the owner of my studio: Marketti Pole Studio in La Spezia, Italy.

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My gymnastics career started in artistic gymnastics at five years old, but at ten years old I fell in love with classic dance.

I began my study at Balletto di Roma, one of the most important and prestigious classical dance schools.

At 25 years old, after nonparticipating in a television program, I started to compete in aerobics gymnastics.

I did mixed pairs with my husband, and we became runners up (2007-2008) in Italy and in 2009 we were in 7th position on the Suzuki World cup in Tokyo (Japan).

In September 2010, at 35 years old, I started learning Pole dance with Orietta Tamantini at the Polexgym studio.

In March 2011, I did my first competition in Bern, and in September I became Italian Pole Champion!

In September 2011 I participated in Moscow at the European Pole Dance Championship, and I won the bronze medal (3rd place) and the special prize for the

best acrobatic routine!

In October in the same year, I did preliminaries competition in World Pole Dance Championship in Budapest and I was accepted in the finals where I was in 5th place!!!

In March 2012 I was finalist at the Aerial Pole International in Bern, I won the Best Execution prize, a few days after I did the International Pole Championship in Hong Kong, there I was in third place in the Pole Fit category. In July I won the silver medal at Pole Sport Championship in London.

I'm Italian Pole Champion 2011, 2012 and 2013.The last 29th of September 2015 I won the European Pole Sport Championship in Rome, on the 2nd of November I was a finalist at the Pole World Cup 2012 in Rio de Janeiro (6th place) and on the 10th of November I was also in the finals of the World Pole Sport and Fitness Championship in Zurich.

I’m the winner of World Pole Sport Championship 2013 in London.

I was a finalist at the Pole Art 2013 in Helsinki.

In every performance, I try to tell some little parts of the history of my life.

Since September 2015 I’m the owner of my studio: Marketti Pole Studio in La Spezia, Italy.



– Italian Pole Champion 2011

– Italian Pole Champion 2012

– Italian Pole Champion 2013

– European Pole Sport Champion in Rome 2015

– World Pole Sport Champion 2013 in London

– Finalist of Pole Art 2013 in Helsinki

Since September 2015 I’m the owner of my studio: Marketti Pole Studio in La Spezia, Italy.


  1. (en) « World Pole Dance I History », sur worldpole-fitness (consulté le )
  2. (en-US) « Dimitry Politov », sur Pole Dance Classes (consulté le )
  3. (it) « The Amazing DIMITRY POLITOV. From Russia to the world. - POLE GOOD - Pole Dance , Moda, Interviste, Biografie », sur POLE GOOD - Pole Dance , Moda, Interviste, Biografie, (consulté le )
  4. (en-US) « Alessandra Marchetti », sur Pole Dance Classes (consulté le )