
Carlos Sahakian dans son atelier, Castelo de Vide, 2019

Carlos Sahakian, born August 3rd, 1957, in Montevideo is a Franco-Uruguayan visual artist and poet.


Peinture à l'huile, Arax luminoso y recuerdos (25x135cm), photographie, Castelo de Vide, 2019

Carlos Sahakian, born in 1957 in Montevideo, began his artistic training in Uruguay, with Echenique and Montiel in the Construcción workshop in Uruguay. Welcomed as a political fefugee in France from 1977, he continued his studies in Art History at the Vincennes University and joined the group of visual artsits of the Latin American space in Paris[1].

He participated in numerous group exhibitions in France, Spain, Egypt and Uruguay in particular [1],[2]. At the beginning of the 1990s, two personal exhibitions confirmed the recognition of his painting in France (Conches en Ouche) and Uruguay (Alliance Française).

Since his beginnings Carlos Sahakian has primarily used oil painting. In his works painted in Paris in the 1980s and 1990s, the artist plays with colors and textures to give his paintings hazy and dreamlike impression. "Carlos Sahakian's works are like ascending visual thoughts (...) they recall the best achievements of lyrical abstraction and constitute a harmonic and efficient series of refined structures, of multiple suggestions" (Alice Gall[3]).

During the same period, his poetry is published in Uruguay and France [4],[5]. His collection of poems Color Hombre received in 1988 the first prize of the poetry competition "Apartheid Basta" ("Down with Apartheid")[2].

According to the Uruguayan poet and essayist Luis Bravo, the poetic work of Carlos Sahakian can be grouped in the Uruguayan Contrecultural Movement[6].

Since 2010, after a break of more than 15 years, Carlos Sahakian begins to exhibit again. He has organized several exhibitions across Europe[7] and Latin America [8], ], notably one in Paris in 2012 [9] and in Lisbon in 2019 [3],[10].

Peinture à l'huile, Un recuerdo de infancia de Mesrop Mashtots (17x137cm), photographie, Castelo de Vide, 2019



Welcomed in France as a political refugee because of dictature en Uruguay, Carlos Sahakian is an artist committed against authoritarian regimes in Latin America, against l'Apartheid and in favor of minority rights. Coming from an Armenian family who had survived the Armenian Genocide, Carlos Sahakian recently committed to Armenia, especially during the la Guerre de 2020 au Haut-Karabagh. Indeed, the artist has mobilized the municipal council of his Portuguese "hermitage", in Castelo de Vide to vote a motion of support for Arménie and Artsakh[11].

Already in the 1980s, Carlos Sahakian had contributed, after the Séisme de 1988 qui avait dévasté plusieurs villes d'Arménie to a fundraising with Latin American artists by organizing a charity concert in the large amphitheater of the la Sorbonne "Latin America for Armenia".

Peinture à l'huile, El Ombu y el espectro (90x120 cm), photographie, Dourdan, 2016


  • Paris en Botella, Monte Sexto (1986)
  • Pronaos, la Carpe (1990)
  • Alfajias de Montevideo, Proyeccion (1992)
  • Color Hombre, I.N.C.L.A.(1988)


  1. a et b Pensées Sauvages, « Pensées Sauvages - fiche Artiste: Carlos Sahakian »
  2. a et b (es) Carlos Sahakian, Colombre Hombre, Paris, I.N.C.L.A., , 34 p., p. 1
  3. a et b (pt) Centro InterculturaCidade, « Invitation à l'exposition de peinture de Carlos Sahakian »
  4. « Penséesauvages - art contemporain à Dourdan - Éric Durousset et Carlos Sahakian », sur penseesauvages.org (consulté le )
  5. « Carlos Sahakian | Autores.uy », sur autores.uy (consulté le )
  6. (es) Luis Bravo, « Huérfanos, iconoclastas, plurales (La generación poética uruguaya del 80) »
  7. « Portes ouvertes des ateliers d'artistes loir-et-cher »
  8. « Resolución Nº 3992/14 », sur www.montevideo.gub.uy (consulté le )
  9. Anahid Samikyan, « Mensuel des cultures arméniennes n7 »
  10. (pt) Vitor Silva, « Apresentaçao da exposiçao de Carlos Sahakian, Lisboa »
  11. (pt) Carlos Sahakian, « Mau tempo em Karabakh: a guerra total contra o povo arménio »
