
Ajout pour l'article Saison 2 (2004) de MythBusters

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Épisode 10 : Canon à poulets

  • Diffusion originale : 18 janvier 2004

Canon à poulets


Apparemment, les compagnies ferroviaires britanniques ont emprunté le canon à poulet de la NASA pour tester les pare-brises des trains à grande vitesse, mais ont été choquées et confuses par la quantité de carnage que le canon a fait. Quand elles ont demandé à la NASA ce qu'elles faisaient mal, elles ont été invitées à dégeler les poulets avant de tirer.

Mythe Statut Notes
Un poulet congelé lancé dans un simulateur de collision aviaire peut-il mieux pénétrer le pare-brise d'un avion ou d'un train qu'un poulet décongelé ? Busted
(later overturned)
First, Jamie and Adam designed and built an air gun with a barrel big enough to handle chickens. Jamie re-used and enlarged the design he used when designing the "improved" 7Up vending machine that was featured in a TV commercial - a tank of compressed air connected to a barrel by a butterfly valve that could release the air in an instant. They then designed foam sabots for the chickens to make sure they were propelled properly out of the gun and procured a used Piper Cherokee fuselage and several spare windshields to shoot at.

With the blessing of pumpkin chunking world champion Bruce Bradford, they proceeded with their initial test. Not only did both frozen and thawed chickens go through the windshields every time, but on their test shot, a frozen chicken broke the pane of Lexan they had set up to protect the windshields. They declared the myth busted - but then realized they had made a big mistake: Piper Cherokee windscreens are not rated for bird strikes.

They then came up with another test - time of impact (which would be the one variable that could affect force of impact since mass was constant whether the chicken was frozen or thawed) - and tested it by firing the chickens at metal plate viewed with a high speed camera. They found that the impact times were exactly the same and thus declared the myth busted, but this verdict was later overturned in the Myths Revisited episode when they found that the penetration was still different.

After their initial verdict, they also fired a pumpkin at one of the windows, which went through both windows, through the Lexan glass shield and came to rest several meters away.

La lessive de la mort

Myth statement Status Notes
En bourrant sa machine à laver avec 50 livres (22,7 kg) de vêtements, un homme s'est accidentellement coincé le pied dans la machine et a appuyé sur le bouton de mise en marche, s'est cogné contre une étagère, renversant du bicarbonate de soude, puis son chien a uriné dessus ; le mélange a provoqué un petite explosion, qui elle même a entrainé le cycle de séchage faisant tournoyé l'homme, ce dernier finissant par se cogner sur l'étagère le tuant sur le coup. "Decimated" (Busted) Not one part of this myth was found to be even plausible. A normal washing machine drum has so little torque that it can be halted in its spin cycle simply by grabbing on to it, though a motor from an electric car was able to spin Buster at dangerous speeds. In addition, most machines have a safety feature that prevents the machine from running if the door is open. Finally, dog urine does not react with baking soda in a way that would cause an explosion. Adam stated at the end that, due to not a single element of this myth having one grain of truth, he found the Myth "Decimated" (the bumper after showing "Busted").

Episode 11 – "Break Step Bridge"

  • Original air date: January 25, 2004

Breakstep Bridge

Myth statement Status Notes
Soldiers marching in unison can cause harmonic oscillation in a bridge and cause it to collapse. (see Broughton Suspension Bridge) Busted Adam built a 60 pieds (18,288 m) by 6 pieds (1,8288 m) suspension bridge from metal tubing and nylon rope, while Jamie built 12 dummy soldiers out of air-powered actuators and combat boots. In the initial test, the soldiers moved far too slowly due to a disconnected hose. During the second and third tests, the soldiers stomped too hard on the bridge, causing the bridge to collapse from impact without any harmonic vibration.

The myth was retested for Myths Revisited and found plausible. It was ultimately cut out of the episode, but later included in MythBusters Outtakes.[1]

Rowing Water Skier

Mythe Statut Notes
Peut-on faire du ski nautique derrière un bateau de courses d’aviron ? Confirmé Après plusieurs essais, Jamie a réussi à rester debout pendant plus de 40 secondes, avec seulement quelques heures d’entrainement en ski nautique.

Toothbrush Surprise

Myth statement Status Notes
Fecal coliform bacteria can travel from a toilet to a toothbrush and grow in its bristles. Confirmed After confirming that a toilet flush does emit an aerosol spray, Adam builds a rack to hold 44 toothbrushes at various distances from the toilet in the shop, as well as two controls kept in the office. Each day, Adam and Jamie exposed the brushes to toothpaste and rinsed with distilled water, with brushing with a pair kept right above the toilet bowl. Fecal coliforms were indeed found on all the test brushes, including the control ones, but none at a level high enough to be dangerous. A microbiologist from UCSF confirmed that such coliforms were impossible to completely avoid, and that there was no significant difference in the number of bacteria based on where the toothbrushes were placed in respect to the toilet bowl.

Episode SP1 – "Viewers-Choice/Christmas Special"

  • Original air date: December 22, 2004

In this episode, Adam and Jamie test holiday-related myths while revealing the top-10 myths as voted upon by fans of the series. Clips were shown from each of these segments, in reverse order from #10 to #1.

  1. L'arbre canon
  2. La chevrolet à réaction
  3. Escape From Alcatraz
  4. Stinky Car
  5. Tonneau de briques
  6. Chaise de jardin et ballons
  7. Pop Rocks & Soda
  8. On ne peut pas tricher à l'alcootest
  9. Chicken Gun (clips from both the original test and the revisit are shown)
  10. Les CD qui explosent ?

Holiday Myths:

Mythe Statut Notes
Une dinde congelée peut-elle exploser si elle est jetée dans une friteuse ? Busted While it will not explode, the turkey can cause the boiling oil to splash all over the place (which can be extremely dangerous) if it is dropped into the deep fryer improperly.
Une petite cuillère dans le goulot d'une bouteille de Champagne permet-il de conserver les bulles ? Busted The spoon actually reduces the fizziness of champagne. In a blind taste test when compared to several controls (opened champagne, re-corked champagne, and unopened champagne) both Adam and Jamie ranked the spooned champagne the lowest in terms of fizziness.
Une stalactite de glace peut-elle tuer quelqu'un en tombant ? Confirmed An icicle over 1,5 pi ( Unité «  » inconnue du modèle {{Conversion}}.) in length falling from about 15 pi ( Unité «  » inconnue du modèle {{Conversion}}.) completely penetrated a steak, showing it is possible for an icicle to kill a person.
Un bonhomme de neige habillé fond-il plus vite, qu'un bonbonne de neige "nu" ? Confirmed In the 80°F San Francisco summer heat, the naked snowman (representing Jamie) melted considerably faster than the clothed snowman (representing Adam). The clothes on the Adam snowman protected it from the heat and acted as insulation to help keep the temperature of the snow from rising.
Un jet d'urine peut-il se congeler ? Busted When tested in a freezer at −70 degrés Fahrenheit ( Unité «  » inconnue du modèle {{Conversion}}.), the fake urine stream the MythBusters used did not freeze in midair.
Un feu dans la cheminée refroidit-il la maison ? Confirmed The living room was heated and the nearby kitchen remained unchanged, but other, more distant, rooms got almost 3°F (2°C) colder.

Saison 2014


épisode 4


Poursuite de voitures/Bêtises d'animaux

Peut-on conduire en partageant les taches, changeant de place ou en sortant le conducteur ? Qu'est-ce qui éloigne les animaux ?