

Is your gandmother able to contribute ?

Mine isn't.


Universal encyclopedia, but not editable for everybody ? Hell !

What can we do ? modifier

GLAM projects : the entrance gate modifier

  • Old people like GLAMs
  • GLAMs are everywhere
  • You can easily find sources

Already started ! modifier

  • Wikipedians in residence : new users welcomed
  • Wiki loves monuments : success !

Change ! modifier

  • For everybody !
  • We start with GLAMs, we have not finished
  • Let's change Wikimedia projects :

"If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. But if you teach him to fish, he will eat every day" — Moïse Maïmonide, Mishné Torah

"We just have to hope he likes fish" — Philippe Geluck, Le tour du chat en 365 jours