Utilisateur:Wikialine/Codes sources


Essayes de placer les classes http.class.php et wikiapi.class.php dans un dossier class/ et de placer le script suivant à la racine. Il est minuit passé, alors je te prépare ça vite fait. Tu vas voir, c'est super simple à prendre en main Émoticône

// Inclusion des classes
include 'class/http.class.php';
include 'class/wikiapi.class.php';

// Tu instancies la classe, en précisant le wiki auquel du désires te connecter (ici Wikipédia)
$alinebot = new wikipediaapi('fr.wikipedia.org');

// Ensuite, tu te connectes en précisant ton pseudo et ton mot de passe (ce qui devrait résoudre le bug de l'historique ;) )
$alinebot->login ( 'AlineBot', 'ton mot de passe' ) ;

// Et tu édites ensuite ta page
$page_nom = "User:AlineBot/Test1";
$page_contenu = "Ceci est un test de modification de la page $page_nom par {{u|AlineBot}} !!!\n";
$resume = "Bot : Mise à jour du modèle en ajoutant une donnée...";
$alinebot->edit ($page_nom , $page_contenu , $resume) ;



  • http.class.php
  • wikiapi.class.php
  • wikiadmin.class.php



This file has been written by , see .


// Please define a HTTP_USER_AGENT string (required to connect to MediaWiki)
define ('USER_AGENT', "CaBot Script" );

// by Cobi Carter

	class http {
		private $ch;
		private $uid;
		public $postfollowredirs;
		public $getfollowredirs;

		 * Our constructor function.  This just does basic cURL initialization.
		 * @return void
		function __construct () {
			global $proxyhost, $proxyport;
			$this->ch = curl_init();
			$this->uid = dechex(rand(0,99999999));
			if (isset($proxyhost) and isset($proxyport) and ($proxyport != null) and ($proxyhost != null)) {
			$this->postfollowredirs = 0;
			$this->getfollowredirs = 1;

		 * Post to a URL.
		 * @param $url The URL to post to.
		 * @param $data The post-data to post, should be an array of key => value pairs.
		 * @return Data retrieved from the POST request.
		function post ($url,$data) {
			$time = microtime(1);
			curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
			curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, USER_AGENT); 
			$data = curl_exec($this->ch);
			global $logfd; if (!is_resource($logfd)) $logfd = fopen('php://stderr','w'); fwrite($logfd,'POST: '.$url.' ('.(microtime(1) - $time).' s) ('.strlen($data)." b)\n");
			return $data;

		 * Get a URL.
		 * @param $url The URL to get.
		 * @return Data retrieved from the GET request.
		function get ($url) {
			$time = microtime(1);
			$useragent = "CaBot Script (running on nightshade.toolserver.org)"; 
			curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent); 
			$data = curl_exec($this->ch);
			// global $logfd; if (!is_resource($logfd)) $logfd = fopen('php://stderr','w'); fwrite($logfd,'GET: '.$url.' ('.(microtime(1) - $time).' s) ('.strlen($data)." b)\n");
			return $data;

		 * Our destructor.  Cleans up cURL and unlinks temporary files.
		function __destruct () {




This file is based on from .


	 * This class is for interacting with Wikipedia's api.php API.
	class wikipediaapi {
		private $http;
		private $edittoken;
		private $tokencache;
		public $continue = NULL;
		public $apiurl;
		private $lastedit = NULL;

		 * This is our constructor.
		 * @return void
		function __construct ($wikiurl) {
			global $__wp__http;
			if (!isset($__wp__http)) {
				$__wp__http = new http;
			$this->http = &$__wp__http;
			$this->apiurl = 'http://' .$wikiurl. '/w/api.php';

###################################       FONCTIONS DE CONNEXION      ###################################

		function login ($user, $pass)
			$req1 = $this->http->post($this->apiurl.'?action=login&format=php',array('lgname' => $user, 'lgpassword' => $pass));
			$req1 = unserialize($req1) ;
			$token = $req1['login']['token'];
			$req2 = $this->http->post($this->apiurl.'?action=login&format=php',array('lgname' => $user, 'lgpassword' => $pass, 'lgtoken' => $token));
			return unserialize ($req2) ;

		function logout ()
			return $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=logout');

###################################           LISTES DE PAGES         ###################################

		#########  listcategories()  #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste toutes les catégories      ##
		function listcategories ($continue=NULL)
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&acfrom='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;

			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=allpages&aplimit=5000&apnamespace=14&format=php'.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom'];
			return $x['query']['allpages'];

		#########    listpages()     #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste toutes les pages           ##
		function listpages ($continue=NULL)
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&apfrom='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;

			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=allpages&apfilterredir=nonredirects&aplimit=5000&apnamespace=0&format=php'.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom'];
			return $x['query']['allpages'];

		#########  listredirects()   #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste tous les redirects         ##
		function listredirects ($continue=NULL)
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&apfrom='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=allpages&apfilterredir=redirects&aplimit='.urlencode($apnumber).'&format=php'.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom'];
			return $x['query']['allpages'];

		#########   listbyprefix()   #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste toutes les pages qui       ##
		## commencent par $prefix           ##
		function listbyprefix ($prefix, $namespace = 0, $continue = null)
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&apfrom='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;
			$append .= '&apnamespace='.urlencode($namespace);
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=allpages&apprefix='.urlencode($prefix).'&format=php&aplimit='.$count.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom'];
			return $x['query']['allpages'];

###################################         OUTILS DE RECHERCHE       ###################################
		######### categorymembers()  #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste les membres de la          ##
		## catégorie $category              ##
		function categorymembers ($category, $continue=NULL)
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&cmcontinue='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle='.urlencode($category).'&format=php&cmlimit=5000'.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['categorymembers']['cmcontinue'];
			return $x['query']['categorymembers'];

		#########  recentchanges()   #########
		##                                  ##
		## Affiche les RC                   ##
		function recentchanges ($count = 10, $rcshow=null, $namespace = null, $continue=NULL) 
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&rcstart='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;

			$append .= (!empty($rcshow)) ? '&rcshow='.urlencode($rcshow) : '' ;
			$append .= (!empty($namespace)) ? '&rcnamespace='.urlencode($rcnamespace) : '' ;
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=recentchanges&rcprop=user|comment|flags|timestamp|title|ids|sizes&rcdir=older&format=php&rclimit='.$count.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			return $x['query']['recentchanges'];

		function search ($search,$namespace = 0,$what = 'text',$redirs = false) {
			$array_pages = array();
				$append = NULL;
				if (!empty($this->sroffset)) $append = '&sroffset='.urlencode($this->sroffset) ;
				if ($redirs == true) $append .= '&srredirects=1';
				$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=search&format=php&srlimit=49&srnamespace='.urlencode($namespace).'&srwhat='.urlencode($what).'&srsearch='.urlencode($search).$append);
				$x = unserialize($x); // srlimit à 49, il devrait être à 500 (bug API)
				$this->sroffset = $x['query-continue']['search']['sroffset'];
				$array_pages = $x['query']['search'] ;
			return $array_pages;

###################################     INFORMATIONS SUR UNE PAGE     ###################################

		#########    embeddedin()    #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste les pages dans lesquels    ##
		## sont inclus le modèle $template  ##
		function embeddedin ($template, $continue=NULL)
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&eicontinue='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=embeddedin&eititle='.urlencode($template).'&format=php&eilimit=5000'.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['embeddedin']['eicontinue'];
			return $x['query']['embeddedin'];

		#########     getlinks()     #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste les liens inclus dans      ##
		## la page $page                    ##
		function getlinks ($page, $continue=NULL)
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&plcontinue='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;

			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&prop=links&titles='.urlencode($page).'&pllimit=500&plnamespace=0&format=php'.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['links']['plcontinue'];
			//ATTENTION ! Utiliser foreach
			//return $x['query']['pages'][$key]['links'];
		#########     backlinks()    #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste les pages qui pointent     ##
		## vers la page $page               ##
		function backlinks ($page, $filter = null, $ns=null, $continue = null)
			$append = (!empty($continue)) ? '&blcontinue='.urlencode($continue) : '' ;

			$append .= (!empty($filter)) ? '&blfilterredir='.urlencode($filter) : '' ;
			$append .= (!empty($filter)) ? '&blnamespace='.urlencode($ns) : '' ;
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=backlinks&bltitle='.urlencode($page).'&format=php&bllimit=5000'.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['backlinks']['blcontinue'];
			return $x['query']['backlinks'];

		#########     langlinks()    #########
		##                                  ##
		## Liste les interwikis de la       ##
		## page $page                       ##
		function langlinks ($page)
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&prop=langlinks&titles='.urlencode($page).'&format=php&lllimit=500');
			$x = unserialize($x);
			foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $key => $value) {
				$iwiki = $x['query']['pages'][$key]['langlinks'];
				if (empty($iwiki))  return NULL;
				$langs = array();
				foreach ($iwiki as $key => $value)
					$lang = $iwiki[$key]['lang'];
					$langs[$lang] = $iwiki[$key]['*'];
				return $langs;

###################################  INFORMATIONS SUR UN UTILISATEUR  ###################################

		function logs ($user = null,$title = null,$limit = 500,$type = null,$start = null,$end = null,$dir = 'older') {
			$append = '';
			if ($user != null) $append.= '&leuser='.urlencode($user);
			if ($title != null) $append.= '&letitle='.urlencode($title);
			if ($limit != null) $append.= '&lelimit='.urlencode($limit);
			if ($type != null) $append.= '&letype='.urlencode($type);
			if ($start != null) $append.= '&lestart='.urlencode($start);
			if ($end != null) $append.= '&leend='.urlencode($end);
			if ($dir != null) $append.= '&ledir='.urlencode($dir);
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&format=php&list=logevents&leprop=ids|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details'.$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['logevents']['lestart'] ;
			return $x['query']['logevents'];

		function usercontribs ($user,$ucstart) {
				$array_pages = array();
				$dir = 'older';
				$append = NULL;
				if (!empty($ucstart)) $append = '&ucstart='.urlencode($ucstart) ;
				$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=usercontribs&ucuser='.urlencode($user).'&ucdir='.urlencode($dir).'&format=php&uclimit=5000'.$append);
				$x = unserialize($x);
				$this->ucstart = $x['query-continue']['usercontribs']['ucstart'];
				return $x['query']['usercontribs'];

		function users ($start = null,$limit = 1,$group = null,$requirestart = false,&$continue = null) {
			$append = '';
			if ($start != null) $append .= '&aufrom='.urlencode($start);
			if ($group != null) $append .= '&augroup='.urlencode($group);
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&list=allusers&format=php&auprop=blockinfo|editcount|registration|groups&aulimit='.urlencode($limit).$append);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			$this->continue = $x['query-continue']['allusers']['aufrom'];
			if (($requirestart == true) and ($x['query']['allusers'][0]['name'] != $start)) return false;
			return $x['query']['allusers'];

		function contribcount ($user) {
			$ret = $this->api->users($user,1,null,true);
			if ($ret !== false) return $ret[0]['editcount'];
			return false;

###################################           WIKIPEDIAQUERY          ###################################

		function getpage ($page)
			$ret = $this->revisions($page,1,'older',true,null,true,false,false,false);
			return $ret[0]['*'];

		function revisions ($page,$count = 1,$dir = 'older',$content = false,$revid = null,$wait = true,$getrbtok = false,$dieonerror = true,$redirects = false) {
			$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&prop=revisions&titles='.urlencode($page).'&rvlimit='.urlencode($count).'&rvprop=timestamp|ids|user|comment'.(($content)?'|content':'').'&format=php&meta=userinfo&rvdir='.urlencode($dir).(($revid !== null)?'&rvstartid='.urlencode($revid):'').(($getrbtok == true)?'&rvtoken=rollback':'').(($redirects == true)?'&redirects':''));
			$x = unserialize($x);
			if ($revid !== null) {
				$found = false;
				if (!isset($x['query']['pages']) or !is_array($x['query']['pages'])) {
					/*if ($dieonerror == true) die('No such page.'."\n");
					else*/ return false;
				foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $data) {
					if (!isset($data['revisions']) or !is_array($data['revisions'])) {
						/*if ($dieonerror == true) die('No such page.'."\n");
						else*/ return false;
					foreach ($data['revisions'] as $data2) if ($data2['revid'] == $revid) $found = true;

				if ($found == false) {
					if ($wait == true) {
						return $this->revisions($page,$count,$dir,$content,$revid,false,$getrbtok,$dieonerror);
					} else {
						/*if ($dieonerror == true) die('Revision error.'."\n");*/
			foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $key => $data) {
				$data['revisions']['ns'] = $data['ns'];
				$data['revisions']['title'] = $data['title'];
				$data['revisions']['currentuser'] = $x['query']['userinfo']['name'];
//				$data['revisions']['currentuser'] = $x['query']['userinfo']['currentuser']['name'];
				$data['revisions']['continue'] = $x['query-continue']['revisions']['rvstartid'];
				$data['revisions']['pageid'] = $key;
				return $data['revisions'];

		function getedittoken () {
			$tokens = $this->gettokens('Main Page');
			if ($tokens['edittoken'] == '') $tokens = $this->gettokens('Main Page',true);
			$this->edittoken = $tokens['edittoken'];
			return $tokens['edittoken'];

		function gettokens ($title,$flush = false) {
			if (!is_array($this->tokencache)) $this->tokencache = array();
			foreach ($this->tokencache as $t => $data) if (time() - $data['timestamp'] > 6*60*60) unset($this->tokencache[$t]);
			if (isset($this->tokencache[$title]) && (!$flush)) {
				return $this->tokencache[$title]['tokens'];
			} else {
				$tokens = array();
				$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&format=php&prop=info&intoken=edit|delete|protect|move|block|unblock|email&titles='.urlencode($title));
				$x = unserialize($x);
				foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $y) {
					$tokens['edittoken'] = $y['edittoken'];
					$tokens['deletetoken'] = $y['deletetoken'];
					$tokens['protecttoken'] = $y['protecttoken'];
					$tokens['movetoken'] = $y['movetoken'];
					$tokens['blocktoken'] = $y['blocktoken'];
					$tokens['unblocktoken'] = $y['unblocktoken'];
					$tokens['emailtoken'] = $y['emailtoken'];
					$this->tokencache[$title] = array(
							'timestamp' => time(),
							'tokens' => $tokens
					return $tokens;

		function page_empty ($title) {

				$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&format=php&prop=info&intoken=edit&titles='.urlencode($title));
				$x = unserialize($x);
				foreach ( $x['query']['pages'] as $key => $value )
					if ($x['query']['pages'][$key]['length'] == 0) return TRUE;
					else return FALSE;

		function isprotected ($title) {

				$x = $this->getprotections ($title) ;
				if ($x[0]['type'] == 'edit' && $x[0]['level'] == 'sysop') return TRUE;
				else return FALSE;

		function getprotections ($title) {

				$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&format=php&prop=info&inprop=protection&titles='.urlencode($title));
				$x = unserialize($x);
				foreach ( $x['query']['pages'] as $key => $value )
					$x = $x['query']['pages'][$key]['protection'] ;
					return $x;

		function pages_info ($array) {
				$titles = '';
				foreach ($array as $key => $value)
						$pn = $array[$key]['title'];
						$titles .= (empty($titles)) ? $pn : '|' . $pn ;

				$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl.'?action=query&format=php&prop=info&titles='.urlencode($titles));
				$x = unserialize($x);
				return $x;

###################################        ACTIONS SUR LE WIKI        ###################################

		#########       edit()       #########
		##                                  ##
		## Edite la page $page              ##
		function edit ($page, $data, $summary = '', $minor = true, $bot = true)
			// On vérifie que l'arrêt d'urgence n'a pas été déclenché
			// if ($page != PAGE_ARRET && $page != PAGE_STATUT) $this->arreturgence() ;
			$params = Array(
				'maxlag' => 5 ,
				'action' => 'edit',
				'format' => 'php',
				'title' => $page,
				'text' => $data,
				'token' => $this->getedittoken(),
				'summary' => $summary,
				($minor?'minor':'notminor') => '1',
				($bot?'bot':'notbot') => '1'
			$params['starttimestamp'] = time();
			//if ($wpStarttime !== null) $params['starttimestamp'] = $wpStarttime;
			//if ($wpEdittime !== null) $params['basetimestamp'] = $wpEdittime;
		## Compteur pour limiter les edits par unite de temps
		$vt = 10 ;
			$tm = ( time() - $this->lastedit ) ;
			if ( $tm < $vt ) { sleep($vt - $tm); }
			$this->lastedit = time() ; 
			$params['basetimestamp'] = time() ;
			$x = $this->http->post($this->apiurl,$params);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			if ($x['error']['code']=='maxlag') {
				preg_match ("#([0-9]+) seconds lagged#", $x['error']['info'], $flimit) ;
				sleep ( $flimit[1] ) ;
				$f=fopen('maxlag.txt','a+'); fputs($f,date('d/m/Y H:i:s')."\n"); fclose($f);
				$this->edit ($page,$data,$summary,$minor,$bot,$wpStarttime,$wpEdittime,$checkrun) ;
			if ($x['edit']['result'] == 'Success') return true;
			else return false;

		#########       move()       #########
		##                                  ##
		## Dépalace la page $old            ##
		function move ($old,$new,$reason) {
			$tokens = $this->gettokens($old);
			$params = array(
				'action' => 'move',
				'format' => 'php',
				'from' => $old,
				'to' => $new,
				'token' => $tokens['movetoken'],
				'reason' => $reason

			$x = $this->http->post($this->apiurl,$params);
			$x = unserialize($x);

		#########     rollback()     #########
		##                                  ##
		## Reverte l'utilisateur $user      ##
		function rollback ($title,$user,$reason,$token = null) {
			if (($token == null) or ($token == '')) {
				$token = $this->revisions($title,1,'older',false,null,true,true);
				if ($token[0]['user'] == $user) {
					$token = $token[0]['rollbacktoken'];
				} else {
					return false;
			$params = array(
				'action' => 'rollback',
				'format' => 'php',
				'title' => $title,
				'user' => $user,
				'summary' => $reason,
				'token' => $token,
				'markbot' => 1

			echo 'Posting to API: ';
			$x = $this->http->post($this->apiurl,$params);
			$x = unserialize($x);
			return (isset($x['rollback']['summary'])?true:false);

###################################          AUTRES FONCTIONS         ###################################

		// If you have an emergency button on your bot userpage :
		function arreturgence () {
				if ( ! $this->page_empty(PAGE_ARRET) )
					exit("\nArrêt d'urgence du bot !\n\n");





This class only needs to be included if the bot runs with sysop rights.


	class wikipediaadmin {	
		private $http;
		private $apiurl;
		function __construct ($wikiurl) {
			global $__wp__http;
			if (!isset($__wp__http)) {
				$__wp__http = new http;
			$this->http = &$__wp__http;
			$this->apiurl = 'http://' .$wikiurl. '/w/api.php';

		function gettoken ($type) {
			if ($type=='protect' || $type=='delete')
				$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl . '?action=query&format=php&prop=info&intoken='.$type.'&titles=Main+Page');
				$x = unserialize($x);
				foreach ($x['query']['pages'] as $y) { $token = $y[$type.'token']; }
			elseif ($type=='patrol')
				$x = $this->http->get($this->apiurl . '?action=query&format=php&list=recentchanges&rctoken=patrol&rclimit=1');
				$x = unserialize($x);
				$token = $x['query']['recentchanges'][0]['patroltoken'];
			return $token;
		function protect ($page, $reason='', $protections='edit=sysop|move=sysop', $expiry='infinite', $cascade=NULL) {
			$params = Array(
				'action' => 'protect',
				'format' => 'php',
				'title' => $page,
				'token' => $this->gettoken('protect'),
				'protections' => $protections,
				'expiry' => $expiry,
				'reason' => $reason,
				($cascade?'cascade':'') => '1'

			$x = $this->http->post($this->apiurl,$params);
			$x = unserialize($x);

		function delete ($page, $reason='') {

			$params = Array(
				'action' => 'delete',
				'format' => 'php',
				'title' => $page,
				'token' => $this->gettoken('delete'),
				'reason' => $reason

			$x = $this->http->post($this->apiurl,$params);
			$x = unserialize($x);

		function patrol ($rcid) {

			$params = Array(
				'action' => 'patrol',
				'format' => 'php',
				'rcid' => $rcid,
				'token' => $this->gettoken('patrol')

			$x = $this->http->post($this->apiurl,$params);
			$x = unserialize($x);

