Wikipédia:Bistro des non-francophones/Archives/2008

Discuter:Société des avions Caudron


Excuse me, I don't know French. I have a question here, somebody, please answer... -- (d) 14 décembre 2007 à 21:26 (CET) (Yuriybrisk)

"Caudron" sounds like "/kɔ.dʁɔ̃/" or "/kɔd.ʁɔ̃/" in the International Phonetic Alphabet, but need a confirmation. Guérin Nicolas     15 décembre 2007 à 12:15 (CET)
Mieux : /ko.dʁɔ̃/. Bourrichon 26 janvier 2008 à 18:57 (CET)

casques audio


Où puis-je trouver des informations fiables me permettant d'acheter un casque de bonne qualité?

Et bien pas ici. Posez, si vous le voulez, votre question sur l'Oracle de Wikipédia. Une "pythie" au courant de ces choses pourrait vous y donner de bons conseils. Amicalement Aluminium (d) 7 février 2008 à 21:53 (CET)

Probleme avec un article


J'ai créé deux articles sur ROBOTBOY FR et EN mais l'article francais est supprimé à chaque fois.

Je ne comprends pas, ce n'est qu'une traduction de l'article anglais vers le francais.

Merci de m'aider car je le fais dans un cadre professionnel.

D'après ceux qui ont supprimé l'article, il y a violation de copyright. Xic667 (d) 22 février 2008 à 15:49 (CET)
Passons, sur les erreurs sur la forme et l'orthographe... Cet article contient un copyvio pur et simple de ce site. Bonne continuation.--Bapti 25 février 2008 à 08:51 (CET)

Question About Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Article


Quick Background: I am a native English speaker, and I have learned some French for personal reasons. I like to visit the French Wikipedia, because it offers so many rich articles and perspectives. It is also an excellent way to develop my French linguistic skills.

Question: I was reading the article about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (en français), and I immediately noticed that he was being referred to as a "militant pour les droits civiques." I interpreted this to mean that he was being referred to as a militant in the English sense of the word (which is completely and utterly false). Does this phrase have different implications in French?

J'apprécie votre attention à cette question.

Hi. I think there is a slight difference in meaning. The French word does not always imply the use of force as a mean to achieve its (political) goals, and I think (correct me if I am wrong) that the English term does. In French, it simply means "someone who actively defends a cause, an idea". You can read an exact definition on;s=2590322640;r=1;nat=;sol=2; « Qui agit pour faire reconnaître ses idées, pour les faire triompher. » (approximatively translated: "someone who acts to make his ideas acknowledged, to make them triumph") R@vən (d) 6 mars 2008 à 16:58 (CET)

It is true that in English "militant" always has an aggressive or violent connotation. I am glad to know that this is not the idea being conveyed in the article. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

Militant comes from the verb militer, which meant in Old French "to make war" (from Latin miles, "soldier"). The English meaning is closer to the original meaning of the word. R@vən (d) 6 mars 2008 à 23:26 (CET)
Militant in French is better understood as "Activist" in english.
Yes, agreed. This is one example of a common problem for language learners of related languages, or language pairs which have lots of loanwords. Read more about this in English at en:False friend. Mathglot (discuter) 5 septembre 2015 à 00:07 (CEST)

Bac à sable - Sandbox


Is one permitted to create a personal sandbox page on French Wikipedia, as on English Wikipedia? If so, what is the approved method? Thankyou. Utilisateur:Retarius | Discussion 12 mars 2008 à 06:22 (CET)

Sure. I guess the best way to do it is to create a subpage like Utilisateur:Retarius/Sandbox (click on the red link and create the page). Link it fom your user page for simplicity and that's it. Tizeff (d) 12 mars 2008 à 11:18 (CET)
It is totally approved to create a personal sandbox, especially if your french is not so good. Create a special user page named Utilisateur:Retarius/Sandbox or Utilisateur:Retarius/Bac à sable (french version). Guérin Nicolas     12 mars 2008 à 18:01 (CET)
Thankyou both for your assistance. I have created a "Bac à sable" page (as you can see). I'll do my best to use as much French as I can on this site; to fit in and also to develop my knowledge of the language (I mean in places other than articles of course - I understand that any contributions there should be exclusively in French!). I have a basic understanding of written French but at this point, for the sake of speed (and avoiding giving unintended offence) I'll confine myself to writing English.
I would like to transfer some material to my user pages here from my pages at the English Wikipedia. I notice that some of the coding conventions are different on this site. Is it okay to do this? Utilisateur:Retarius | Discussion 13 mars 2008 à 04:12 (CET)
Hallo to Perth Émoticône, usually it's ok if you transfer material on your user's page, what kind of coding conventions exactly you speak about? Guérin Nicolas     13 mars 2008 à 08:52 (CET)
Hallo from Perth, Western Australia to Switzerland! I noticed that wiki-markup seems to have slightly different codes here, e.g. using & #124; for | in signature blocks and I thought there might be other differences that might cause system problems in copying blocks of text from say, a user page. If it's okay to experiment with it, I'll try it and see what works. Utilisateur:Retarius | Discussion 14 mars 2008 à 05:20 (CET)
for | in signature, you may look at {{!}}. Guérin Nicolas     14 mars 2008 à 09:43 (CET)
Thank you for your guidance. I'm going to try copying an article from English Wikipedia to my Bac à sable and then translating it. --Utilisateur:Retarius | Discussion 17 mars 2008 à 06:55 (CET)

Advice about the Japanese naming notation template


I noticed on FR that the Japanese name notation template is different than on EN, DE, etc. It involves switching the order of the actual Japanese characters in order to match the Western roman order.

On the other hand, EN does this: Junichiro Koizumi (小泉 純一郎, Koizumi Jun'ichirō - EN keeps the Japanese characters in the native order AND gives a Hepburn transliteration of the said Japanese characters.

The FR practice is almost never done, and Kanji is always correctly displayed family name first.

I previously made this point on the French language Bistro, but the discussion never went anywhere. I want to try again and have a definitive conclusion for the proposal (Approve or Disapprove) - Should someone translate this into French and post this on the French bistro page? Or should I post this in English? WhisperToMe (d) 18 mars 2008 à 00:43 (CET)

You spoke about it on the Projet:Japon page. It was replied :
« No, {{u|WhisperToMe}}, refrain [ editing unilaterally the template]. This has been disputed quite a few times (see for instance in related talks: [[Wikipédia:Prise de décision/Noms propres étrangers]], [[Discussion Wikipédia:Prise de décision/Transcription du japonais]], [[Discussion Wikipédia:Intitulé des noms étrangers]],...). See ? And your « ''[[Wikipédia:Le Bistro/13 septembre 2007#Mod.C3.A8le:Nom_japonais_invers.C3.A9|I decided that FR.Wikipedia should adopt the English Wikipedia's convention]]'' » is not how we work here. Beside, the {{m|nji}} order is used since so long... you'd have a boatload of articles to fix to your taste (that's not just the template). If you're not ready for that (discussion, collaboration, consensus, and further article maintenance), then please keep editing on your favorite wikipedia chapter. [[Utilisateur:Benjamin.pineau|Benjamin.pineau]] 14 septembre 2007 à 11:31 (CEST) »
I am well aware that unilateral editing is not done on FR. I am perfectly fine with collaboration and consensus (I have done this on many scenarios on EN). :) WhisperToMe (d) 18 mars 2008 à 10:16 (CET)
If you really want to change it now the only way is to open a PDD. - Zil (d) 18 mars 2008 à 07:34 (CET)
How do I open a PDD? How does the process work? WhisperToMe (d) 18 mars 2008 à 10:16 (CET)
You need to go to this page : WP:PDD to open it. There, you've got more or less how it works. Only, in french... But, as the subject has been already decided, as French is not your mother language, I warn you that you may be bitten. I'm not really sure this is a good idea. - Zil (d) 18 mars 2008 à 10:29 (CET)
I'll find someone to translate my statements and I will post the actual proposal French. I will say that I do not know French and that the French was translated by someone else. Regardless, whether I know French or not should not be a point of discussion; the point is the idea and people should talk about the idea. If people talk about the man it becomes an ad hominem and it completely misses the point. As long as people focus on the idea (the proposal, the concept) and whether the concept works, it will be okay. Also, "as the subject has been already decided" should not be necessarily a reason as consensus can change. Decision A can be made, but two years later it can shift to Decision B. What I will do is make a draft of a proposal and then have it translated in French once the wording is fine. Does this sound good? :) WhisperToMe (d) 18 mars 2008 à 10:47 (CET)
This is the French speaking encyclopedia. An encyclopedia made by French speaking people for French speaking people... I haven't an opinion on whether we should or not do the change you're pushing... But, I've got one on whom should decide it. Someone outside of the French speaking community, we'll receive a cold welcome. Specially, if you state something like : EN keeps the Japanese characters in the native order AND gives a Hepburn transliteration of the said Japanese characters. I'd just give you my point of view. Feel free to do as you want. - Zil (d) 18 mars 2008 à 10:57 (CET)
I am aware that this is a French-speaking encyclopedia and that the Wikis differ. The importance of the EN structure has nothing to do with the English language and the French language structure has nothing to do with the French language. It has to do with presentation of the Japanese characters. The point is not that EN.Wikipedia uses it. The point is that the structure that happens to be used by EN works better than the structure used by FR. So, then I should not say that EN uses it - But I should simply say the proposed style is better than the current style and present as not associated with any such language. Anyhow I will begin the proposal and I would like some input on how to word it :) WhisperToMe (d) 18 mars 2008 à 11:16 (CET)


I propose that the presentation of modern Japanese names should be changed to the following format:

  • Name in Western order (Japanese characters in Japanese order Hepburn romanization transliteration)

The current FR format uses this:

  • Name in Western order (Japanese characters in Western order)

It is common for Japanese names to be expressed in a Western order in Indo-European languages. However switching kanji to reflect an Indo-European naming order is almost never done. Kanji are always presented in Japanese order in every situation.

When a Western person sees the Japanese text he or she will assume that the Japanese text is the way the person's name is written in Japanese. Therefore the Japanese text should be presented in the order used in Japan. This order differs from the order used in Western languages, but this can be explained with a footnote. I am aware that the current format uses a footnote to explain why the kanji are reversed, but this format is pointless because the "switched kanji format" is never used in the real world. "Junichiro Koizumi" is often seen in the real world, but "純一郎 小泉" is not.


However I have an alternate proposal.

One could take the French template and add a comma in between the kanji like this (純一郎, 小泉) - It disrupts the flow of the kanji and it reminds the person that the name is likely not in its native order and not as usually presented. It is like "Smith, John" - It tells the person that the name as presented is intentionally out of order. If you like that idea better I could present this instead. WhisperToMe (d) 18 mars 2008 à 11:16 (CET)

I told you that I don't have an opinion on the change you're speaking about...
Quick translation :


Je propose que la représentation des noms en japonais moderne soit changer sur ce format :

  • Prénom Nom (Caractères japonais avec ordre : Nom Prénom transliteration Hepburn)

actuellement, ce format est utilisé :

  • Prénom Nom (Caractères japonais avec ordre : Prénom Nom transliteration Hepburn)

Il est assez commun d'utiliser l'ordre prénom nom dans les languages indo-européen. Mais inverser les kanji pour refleter l'ordre indo-européen n'est presque jamais fait. Les Kanji sont toujours présenté dans l'ordre japonais.

Quand quelqu'un verra un texte japonais, il pourrait comprendre que ce texte reflete la manière dont le nom est écrit en japonais. C'est pourquoi le texte japonais devrait représenté la manière japonaise... Cet ordre diffère de l'ordre indo-européen mais cela peut être expliqué dans une note de bas de page. Je suis au courant que le format actuel utilise une note de bas de page pour expliquer pourquoi l'ordre est inversé mais ce format n'a pas de sens car le format de kanji inversé n'est jamais utilisé dans la vraie vie. "Junichiro Koizumi" est utilisé mais "純一郎 小泉" ne l'est pas.


Une autre proposition serait d'utiliser une virgule entre les kanji comme cela (純一郎, 小泉) Cela interrompt la lecture des kanji et rappelle que ce n'est pas présenté dans l'ordre du japonais. Comme "Smith, John" rappel que le nom n'est pas utilisé dans ce format...


To be less intrusive, instead of doing a PDD, I would do a sondage (polls). It is on the same page... Check the format of the current ones. I could help you with any translation. - Zil (d) 18 mars 2008 à 13:58 (CET)
Thank you for the translation :) - Let me set up the sondage WhisperToMe (d) 19 mars 2008 à 00:09 (CET)

I copied and pasted the translation to Wikipédia:Sondage/la représentation des noms en japonais - I'll see where I should place the template so others can read the page :) - What should be the poll's closing date? WhisperToMe (d) 19 mars 2008 à 00:16 (CET)

I modified your sondage... Here, you've got some help... I would recommend 1 month as the length... - Zil (d) 19 mars 2008 à 07:50 (CET)
Thank you :) - I set the closure to April 19 - Before I list I decided that I need to set the question - I put the tentative question as "la représentation des noms en japonais - format A ou format B?" - but is there likely a better way to phrase the question? WhisperToMe (d) 19 mars 2008 à 15:52 (CET)

I would like to have a translation of Darkoneko's post at Wikipédia:Sondage/la_représentation_des_noms_en_japonais#Discussion - May I have one? I may evaluate and/or respond to it :) - Also I believe this Discussion_Modèle:Nom_japonais_inversé#D.C3.A9saccord_de_pertinence discusses another option for Japanese naming. Could this be added to the sondage? WhisperToMe (d) 20 mars 2008 à 22:16 (CET)

Translation request - for the Sondage on Japanese names


I placed this in the talk page but I would like to see this in French on the actual sondage page.

  • Regarding choosing which people to have their names represented in Western order and which people to represent in Japanese order one could use the first year of Meiji as the dividing line: People born BEFORE 1868 are in Japanese order and people born on 1868 or afterwards are in Western order.

WhisperToMe (d) 1 avril 2008 à 11:45 (CEST)

Regarding the relationship of a person's actions and a person's idea


I have started a separate discussion so that this does not affect the proposal discussion. Aucassin told me about this: "On the discussion, DarkoNeko bluntly said you annoyed him greatly and it would influence his opinion ; I was surprised enough to check old discussions. To be frank I found that you had been very vocal about the question (according to my feel of French wiki standards, at any rate) and I understand how it could have alienated some people. Nonetheless, however offhand your ways may be felt, it has nothing to do with your point being relevant or not : this is what I wrote." If this is indeed the case:

  • I did not intend for my ways to feel offhand and I am trying to correct this by using a different approach. Maybe I came on too strongly in my wording, but I am now trying to change this. My past errors should not poison the issue at hand. In logic classes there is mention of the ad hominem:
    • "An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject."
  • I feel therefore that Darkoneko's argument consists of or is affected by an ad hominem argument. This makes the discussion off topic and this is what happened last time. This time I am rejecting my old techniques and I am asking Darkoneko to please "forgive" me and move on. This time the discussion should be on topic and focus on the argument and not the person making the argument. WhisperToMe (d) 21 mars 2008 à 20:28 (CET)
Ce sondage est une vaste rigolade
This pool is not serious
  • Son auteur ne parle pas français et est un habitué du "je viens pour corriger ce que j'aime pas sur frwiki" (j'ai toujours perçu ça comme "Moi venir montrer à vous, gentils sauvages, comment font les gens civilisés", mais j'ai un biais). La dernière tentative a échouée donc il tente une autre méthode...
  • His autor doesn't speak French and he's used to "I came to correct what I don't like on frwiki"(I always fell that as "I'm coming to explain civilization to native people " but I had some bias Last time failed, so he tries something else...
  • Il n'y a pas de proposition sans la partie "translittération hepburn". Les propositions sont toutes des variations d'un même moule (nom en écriture romaine, puis kanjis, puis 2eme fois le nom dans le sens japonais) (le modèle qu'utilise enwiki), et donc le résultat du sondage en sera forcément biaisé.
  • There is no proposal without Hepburn transliterration all proposal are on the same shape (name in romanji, then kanji, then2nd times the name in the japonese way) (Template in use on en), so the result of this polls will be with bias.
  • par exemple, il n'y a pas de proposition : "prenom nom (kanji_prénom kanji_nom)" / "nom prenom (kanji_nom kanji_prénom)" ou encore "prenom nom (kanji_nom kanji_prénom)"
  • for instance, there is no proposal like : "first_name last_name (kanji_first_name kanji_last_name)" / "last_name first_name (kanji_last_name kanji_first_name)" ou encore "first_name last_name (kanji_last_name kanji_first_name)"
Enfin bref. Soyons honnêtes, je ne peut pas piffrer l'auteur du sondage et mon jugement s'en ressent. La question est donc si vous trouvez les arguments que j'ai cité valides ou pas.
To be honest, I can't stand the autor of this poll and my judgement is impacted. Question is : Do you find those arguments valid or not...
DarkoNeko (にゃ ) 20 mars 2008 à 12:12 (CET)
translated by - Zil (d) 21 mars 2008 à 22:48 (CET)

Proposal for a solution


To show your good willing, you should integrate the 3 proposals of DarkoNeko (d · c · b) : "prenom nom (kanji_prénom kanji_nom)" / "nom prenom (kanji_nom kanji_prénom)" ou encore "prenom nom (kanji_nom kanji_prénom)" Then, I will contact all the participant of the sondage on their discussion page with a sentence like : Based on the proposal of someone, the polls has been improved. New options are available. Please review your position to make eventually a change based on this. (in French: == [[Wikipédia:Sondage/la représentation des noms en japonais]] == Un contributeur a proposé une amelioration au sondage de nouvelles options sont disponble. Vous pouvez revoir votre position pour faire un changement éventuel... - Zil (d) 21 mars 2008 à 23:00 (CET)

  • Okay, then I will add the options to the poll, and you may contact the participants of the poll. WhisperToMe (d)

I was looking for a Simple French Wikipedia but there isn't one per se. But just now, I found out there's something similar: Vikidia, the kids' encyclopedia in French. There are no [Aide:Lien inter-langue|interlanguage links / liens inter-langues] (ILLs) pointing to it.

I know the ILL system is currently only used for links between official Wikipedias. But think Vikidia is the closest thing to a Simple French Wikipedia that will ever be created: now that it exists, nobody will start a Simple French Wikipedia; if they say they want to start one, as some people have, it's probably because they don't know that Vikidia exists.

So, do you agree with me that we should ask the developers to change the settings so that pages here on French Wikipedia can have ILLs to Vikidia? It will make many more people realize that Vikidia exists. Cheers, Unforgettableid (d) 2 avril 2008 à 22:14 (CEST)

No, we can't. Vikia is not linked to the wikimedia foundation.
NicDumZ ~ 3 avril 2008 à 00:41 (CEST)
NicDumZ, Vikidia, pas Vikia, ce n'est pas la même chose (mais ça ne change rien à ta réponse). --Esch. coli 21 avril 2008 à 15:15 (CEST)

Adieu au romantique Français


Le Français meurt. L'ordinateur et l'Internet le tuent. Dans le monde entier les gens apprennent anglais dans les collèges publics, pas Français. Donc, les gens d'autres langues écrivent aussi en anglais, pas Français. Seulement dans Wikipedia il y a 3 ou 4 fois plus d'articles en anglais que Français. Donc l'Ordinateur et Internet donnent aux gens plus de chances d'exercer leurs Anglais que leurs Français. Donc, si vous aviez quelque chose pour dire au monde quoi langue est-ce que vous choisiriez?. Est-ce que vous gaspilleriez votre temps en français?. Je l'ai fait. J'ai écrit ceci [en:Political power, about the emotional basis of] aussi en français, et il a été effacé immédiatement. Il est marqué pour suppression en anglais ("recherche originale"), il sera effacé en 3 jours, mais n'a jamais existé en français. De toute façon, j'ai placé une objection parce que je pense que le sujet est assez important pour mériter une exception. De quoi s'agis il?. Bien, est-ce que quelqu'un a lu "Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu" (1864) du français Maurice Joly ou "Surveiller et Punir" (1975) du français Michel Foucault?. S'agis de cela, plus ou moins.
Tout le monde peut noter que mon Français n'est pas parfait, mais non plus est si horrible. Ma langue natal est Espagnole. Est-ce que vous avez jamais essayé d'écrire dans une langue étrangère?. Est-ce que vous pourriez écrire en espagnol mieux que j'en français?. Mais, si seulement une personne le trouve valable et promet donner seulement une heure pour polir l'article, je pourrais ré-publier le, je pourrais donner aux Français autre chance. Je ne toucherai pas encore l'article, je ne déferai pas aucun changement. Cette offre expire en 24 heures. À propos. est-ce que quelqu'un connaît un bon site web pour écrire en français?.
Autrement, peut-être ce devrait être ainsi. Tout est comme doit être. Peut-être tout le monde terminera parlant anglais, si c'est notre destin. Le français est encore une langue vivante. Chaque chose vivante a besoin d'intelligence pour survivre, parce que l'intelligence est la capacité d'adaptation aux changements. Peut-être que quelque chose pas assez intelligent ne mérite pas survivre. Peut-être que l'adaptation pourrait vouloir dire ré-écrire ou corriger un article imparfait au lieu d'effacer-le. Mais cela exige beaucoup de travail, donc peut être qu'il soit plus facile effacer l'article simplement, peut-être que essayer de sauver au Français ne vaut pas la peine.
19 avril 2008 à 22:54 (CEST)

Je peux te relire si tu veux. Mais avant de publier l'article, fais le moi lire, je te dirais ce qui va ou ne pas, s'il est admissible, ... — Steƒ (  Стеф  ) Mende, le 19 avril 2008 à 23:07 (CEST)
(conflit d'édit...)Olà ! No tengo muchas ocasiones de hablar español... Su francés es muy bonita pero tenemos un proyectos de traducción en la wikipedia en francés. Usted puede preguntar una traducción aqui. Podemos traducir de muchas lenguas en francés... - Zil (d) 19 avril 2008 à 23:17 (CEST)
Merci beaucoup, Stel. Excusez-moi. Je suis bizut. Comment est-ce que je pourrais faire vous lire l'article?. Je pense que le meilleur est que vous le lisez en anglais, vite, avant lui été effacé, dans l'adresse déjà montrée au-dessus ([en:Political power, about the emotional basis of], vous avez besoin d'ajouter autre paire de [], bien qu'il ne travaille pas ici, ce qui se traduit à,_about_the_emotional_basis_of). Est-ce que quelqu'un sait quelque chose au sujet de ces livres françaises?. Merci beaucoup, Zil. J'ai déjà fait presque tout le travail et l'effort pour le Français, et vous pouvez voir par ma forme d'écrire qu'il n'aurait pas besoin de trop de travail pour l'arranger. S'il valait la peine, me plairais s'il a été traduit aux autres langues ce que je ne peux pas diriger: Russe, Chinois, Arabe, Hindou, etc.20 avril 2008 à 17:25 (CEST)

Decks de Yûgi (manga) - Do we really need this?


This looks like it is not encyclopedic? Should this be redirected? WhisperToMe (d) 21 avril 2008 à 03:05 (CEST)

WhisperToMe (d) 20 avril 2008 à 11:04 (CEST)

True. It looks quite messy. And not really important. I'm going to discuss it on the French speakers Bistro, try to find someone who know Yugi Oh better than me.Émoticône sourire Thanks for noticing it. Sora Saoirse [ditiramber] 21 avril 2008 à 17:02 (CEST)

copy-paste move


Toupie (réservoir) was'n moved but copy-pasted into Malaxeur (camion). Could some admin please fix that? --32X (d) 25 avril 2008 à 18:59 (CEST)

✔️ Done p-e 3 mai 2008 à 09:54 (CEST)

More Yu-Gi-Oh! "deck" articles that need to be deleted


I found more Yu-Gi-Oh! deck articles that should be deleted:

WhisperToMe (d) 25 avril 2008 à 20:34 (CEST)

I'm a bit upset for last time, when an administrator deleted the page without consulting anyone. So I hope you'll find someone to read and apply what's on your post Émoticône sourire, I won't. Sora Saoirse [ditiramber] 3 mai 2008 à 09:44 (CEST)
--> WP:PàS. ~ PV250X (Discuter) ~ 3 mai 2008 à 09:58 (CEST)

Usurpation of user name


I would like to take over the user name Ekko on this wiki. Thanks to Single User Login (SUL) I have that username on several wikis. Where do I put the request? Thanks for you help, (d) 14 juin 2008 à 17:57 (CEST) Ekko on the norwegian wikis.

Check here. - Zil (d) 14 juin 2008 à 18:00 (CEST)

Functioning principles of Wikipédia:Le bistro


Hi! In we are discussing possible changes on the structure of our bistro. As I had a look at the bistro on, I was wondering if you have a page explaining how the bistro works, especially the archiving process for the old discussions (is it done by automatically by bot, etc.). Thank you for any help --Rutja76 (d) 5 août 2008 à 09:45 (CEST)

As far as I can tell, there are no rules. Archives are dealt with through the calendar at the top of the page. Cheers, Popo le Chien ouah 6 août 2008 à 11:33 (CEST)
I think that the main purpose of a bistro is not to have archives. La discussion du jour est la discussion du jour, et c'est l'endroit pour dire des choses dont on ne souviendra pas. Se dovrebbe ricordarsi di tutto... Amichevole Aluminium (d) 14 août 2008 à 01:31 (CEST)

Article Jorge Queirolo Bravo


Hi, I'm sysop on Spanish Wikipedia and today we find out that this article (check deletion log) has been created by anonymous users and single-purpose accounts in several wikis, including here. This article violates vanity, COI and notability policies, and may be eligible for deletion. If you want, you can check the creation of this article in the following Wikis:

af:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, az:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, bar:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, bs:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, ca:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, cbk-zam:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, cs:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, da:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, de:Jorge Queirolo, diq:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, en:Jorge Queirolo B., eo:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, et:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, eu:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, fi:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, fr:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, fur:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, hr:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, hu:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, id:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, it:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, la:Georgius Queirolo Bravo, lad:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, lt:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, ms:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, mt:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, nds-nl:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, nl:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, nn:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, pl:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, pms:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, pt:Jorge Queirolo B., ro:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, sc:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, sco:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, sk:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, sl:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, sq:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, sv:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, sw:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, tr:Jorge Queirolo Bravo, vls:Jorge Queirolo Bravo.

In addition, a checkuser verification in Spanish Wikipedia thrown a relationship between the anonymous users involved in the creation of the article and Jorge Queirolo Bravo. Please, review the quoted article with your local policies and delete it if necessary. Cheers, Kved (d) 18 août 2008 à 22:37 (CEST)

article deleted... --GdGourou - °o° - Talk to me 18 août 2008 à 22:55 (CEST)



Hi, I'm an Italian Wikipedia user. I'm interested in meteorology, among other things. I would like to know if there is a French term for a precipitation of snow and rain mixed (other than "Mélange de pluie et neige") and if it is the case to merge Giboulée with a more general page like that or Averse: the term Giboulée seems to be pretty European, as it virtually unknown in Québec and other Francophone areas.--Carnby (d) 30 août 2008 à 10:49 (CEST)

Giboulée is a good term, I think, for your proposition of a precipitation of snow and rain mixed. — Steƒ (  Стеф  ) 30 août 2008 à 11:09 (CEST)
Nope. Giboulée is an succession of snow, rain and sun that is observed mostly in the spring (March, according to common wisdom). I have never observed such a phenomenon in N.America. For a mix of snow and rain, I would think of sleet in english, but no French équivalent comes to mind ("sloche" in Quebec relates to molten snow turning to mud). Check Meteo Canada between mid-october and late november, or end of March to late May: they will know. Popo le Chien ouah 30 août 2008 à 12:31 (CEST)
Thank you. Anyway many French dictionaries say that giboulée is just an averse de pluie (no mention of snow or hail). Also check this article, Giboulées de mars, which should me merged with Giboulée--Carnby (d) 30 août 2008 à 12:55 (CEST)

Reponse à la question du Giboulée .Answer to question for Giboulée


Yes one can see Giboulée and its really in countries of North Africa it exists is a mixture between gréle and rain (sometimes deneige and of rain) the climate of its areas there supports this natural phenomenon one finds it in winter as at the beginning of spring in these areas there.--Palkana (d) 12 septembre 2008 à 14:14 (CEST)

Image:Maroc AlHoceima Quemado.JPG


Hi, this image is very small, the description page on commons says, that the original image at the french Wikipedia was 600×800 (130 267 octets), maybe an administrator of the french Wikipedia could check the deletet image Image:Maroc AlHoceima Quemado.JPG. Thanks, --Martin H. (d) 14 septembre 2008 à 16:20 (CEST)

Yep, it's there and bigger, but also with the same mention that's on commons "Auteur : Sébastien Lamorinière ©2006)"
I didn't see any OTRS mention - I guess this pic should be deleted (the original poster has 3 edits and has not shown up since 2006). Popo le Chien ouah 14 septembre 2008 à 21:02 (CEST)
I see no reason, also a free image is still copyrighted, but it is copyrighted under a free licence (until the uploader placed the licence tag himself on the imagepage or agreed to it). The username and this copyrightinformation are very similar and i have no information, that this user uploaded non-free images in the past. Can you restore the image on the French wikipedia? I will recheck the imagepage, transfer it to commons again and then mark it for speedydeletion again. --Martin H. (d) 15 septembre 2008 à 11:23 (CEST)


  • Minha página está com várias interwikis pra boxes de babel em outras wikis por causa dessa predefinição, e não sei como consertar, na wiki-pt o sistema é diferente. Alguém pode me dizer como fazer? Obg. Tarsie (d) 16 septembre 2008 à 00:00 (CEST)
  • My user page is connected to templates in several other interwikis because of this. I must done something wrong, but don't know what.. Could someone tell me what I have to do? Tks. Tarsie (d) 16 septembre 2008 à 00:00 (CEST)
Dont know what happened, but looks like its solved. Thanks anyway. Tarsie (d) 17 septembre 2008 à 02:11 (CEST)

article Modibo Maiga


Bonjour ,

tres peu utilisateur de wiki , j'apporte ma modeste contribution en ajoutant quelques details. Pourquoi donc vous evertuez vous à eliminer mes recentes modifications sur modibo maiga la fiche wiki ?

merci de votre reponse cordialement phr

Je pense que c'est lié à l'insertion de liens en majuscules ("philippe ROMIEU") et au fait que l'info sur le raja casablanca n'est qu'une redite de ce qui est indiqué un peu plus bas. Il s'agit donc plutôt d'une question de style/pertinence, on dirait.
Cordialement, Popo le Chien ouah 16 septembre 2008 à 16:38 (CEST)

Cross-wiki vandalism


Bonjour! I am a syspo of Japanese wikipedia. I've found on ja.wp that the article ja:Olivier Gourvil have been created and deleted speedily 3 times since the last April. The article was all written in French although it is on ja.wp, and soon after sul:Retronpop created the article on ja.wp last time today, he also created the same thing on fr.wp here Olivier Gourvil. Although there seems no any logs of deletion of the article here on fr.wp, it is obviously abnormal behaviour, hence I guessed it is a kind of cross-wiki vandalism. --Peccafly (d) 24 septembre 2008 à 12:57 (CEST)

I've put the article up for deletion request - looks very much like a vanity creation to me...
Thanks, Popo le Chien ouah 24 septembre 2008 à 15:39 (CEST)

Welcome message


copié depuis le Bistro du 30 sept 08 Moez m'écrire 30 septembre 2008 à 02:18 (CEST)

I would like to know how does your Wikipedia system send the Welcome message to users whom are automatically login. It is different from others. Perhaps this system could be practice in other WP versions. Diagramma Della Verita (d) 30 septembre 2008 à 02:16 (CEST)

See also Loveless (Bot account) and perhaps User:Loveless/trucs#bienvenutage.
Loveless can't have an account on english Wikipedia : there is already another count having an editionless. If you want more informations, you would contact Darkoneko. Regards — Steƒ (  Стеф  ) 30 septembre 2008 à 07:30 (CEST)

Administrator's noticeboard/Incidents


Sur le wikipedia anglais il y a un panneau d'affichage pour des incidents avec des personnes ayant des problèmes avec des utilisateurs ou des articles. [1] Y a il une telle chose sur le wikipedia français, ou est de lui ces bistros à la place, (très civilisé)? Je voudrais avoir connaissance de toutes les dramatis personae. :) Pretentiousmoi (d) 2 octobre 2008 à 04:50 (CEST)

Wikipédia:Appel à commentaires/Utilisateur ? — Steƒ (  Стеф  ) 2 octobre 2008 à 07:31 (CEST)

AN/I est pour les différents incidents que les gens pensent qu'ils ont besoin d'un admin pour aider. (Qui pourrait finir dans un Appel à commentaires/Utilisateur si quelqu'un est mentionné là assez de temps.) Pour l'exemple

  • Un IP indique qu'il se tuera.
  • Un utilisateur m'harcelle. (Un autre utilisateur dit.)
  • Un autre utilisateur maintient l'utilisation homophobe pour éditer des résumés.
  • L'utilisateur notoire est éditent la lutte encore.
  • Un admin a bloqué quelqu'un quand ils ont été impliqués de l'utilisateur et de l'article en question.

Pretentiousmoi (d) 2 octobre 2008 à 14:57 (CEST)

WP:BA ou même WP:RA ? — Steƒ (  Стеф  ) 2 octobre 2008 à 17:36 (CEST)
Oui, c'est lui, merci.:) Pretentiousmoi (d) 2 octobre 2008 à 19:47 (CEST)

Unified login


Quick Background: I'm user Microphone from the Chinese Wikipedia. I'm a native Chinese speaker, English is my second language, and I do not speak French. I'm currently trying to create a "unified login" with the help page on Meta-Wiki.

Question: Through searching the toolserver, I found that someone has created an account on the French Wikipedia with the username "Microphone" that I currently using on other wiki, and seems like that account was blocked due to vandalism.

And, because of the fact that I'm not quite active on the Wikipedia (I seldom do editing - busy with homework/studying ... ), which makes the Editcount of user Microphone on other wiki (which is controlled by me) a bit low.

The problem is that, as the "Editcount" of user "Microphone" on the French Wikipedia is higher than the Editcount of user Microphone on any other wiki, the "unified login" server treat the French Wikipedia as the "Home wiki" of user "Microphone" - and that's totally wrong.

Besides that, while the "Home wiki" is blocked from editing, I can't merge any accounts.

I don't know what I can do now. Any help will be appreciated :-) (d) 6 octobre 2008 à 16:36 (CEST)

You should request an account renaming for this french vandal here. I hope it will be accepted (no interest to keep this vandal account with this name). Then it will be possible to usurpate the account. --GdGourou - °o° - Talk to me 6 octobre 2008 à 16:53 (CEST)

József Szoboszló


There are indications that this guy is a fake or far from being notable, at least with respect to mathematics. Maybe you want to take a look at it? -- (d) 7 octobre 2008 à 14:23 (CEST)

That question should rather be asked to the hungarian wikipedians:édia:Törlésre_javasolt_lapok/Szoboszló_József Comte0 (d) 7 octobre 2008 à 17:04 (CEST)

Bagieu Jacques, Bertrand Bajon, baisoire


Hi, here is 3 articles from russian Encyclopédie Brockhaus et Efron than can be used for frwiki:

спасибо за внимание [] 24 novembre 2008 à 22:07 (CET)