

CategoryRCExtension.js is an extension for LiveRC. It permit to filter edits according to the categories of the edited page.


Filter by categories selector.

The extension add a checkbox labelled Categories in the RC control bar. With this checkbox, a checklist is available to choose the categories to filter.

While Categories is unchecked, the filter is inactive. Otherwise, only pages of the selected categories will appear in the RC table.

At any time, a category can be checked or unchecked to disable the corresponding filter, the category name can be modified (suggestions are available and an icon show if the choosen category exists or not), a category can be simply deleted from the list with the button - at the end of each line, and a new category can be addedt o the list through the     +     button at the end of the checklist.



A dedicated tab named RC by category permit to choose the categories in the checklist at LiveRC start and their initial state.

The initial state of the Categories checkbox can be set in the Options tab.

The texts are customizable through the Texts 1 and Texts 2 tabs of the config panel.

The icons to say if a page exists or not ( and ) are customizable in the Icons tab of the config panel.

  • Nota: these icons are used in some other place of the LiveRC interface.

Important :
  • The param « Load page infos (expensive) » must be checked in the Params tab. If not, the page categories won't be available and the filtering will not be possible (it would show no RC at all).