

Since version 1.0.0, MediaWiki:Gadget-LiveRC.js/i18n subpages are dedicated to the translation of LiveRC interface.

Propose a new language


You can use ProposeTranslation extension, available in the configuration panel, to create automatically a new tranlation page in one of your sandbox subpages.

Creation method of a new sub-page


Once the new translation created within previous step, a sysop has to:

  1. Create a new page called MediaWiki:Gadget-LiveRC.js/i18n/XX.js, where XX is the new language code.
  2. Update the page MediaWiki:Gadget-LiveRC.js by adding the new language code in the variable LiveRC_Config["SupportedLanguages"].
  3. After by-passing the cache, launch LiveRC and update the config page with the button MW Configuration located in the configuration panel. This will get the system messages used by LiveRC in the new language.

Subpages list


Talk pages list



Aucune modification ne correspond à ces critères sur la période indiquée.