Discussion:Rainbow Warrior

Dernier commentaire : il y a 19 ans par Korrigan dans le sujet Type de navire
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Rainbow Warrior Bombing - 1985 On 7 July 1985 the Rainbow Warrior, flagship of the Greenpeace Organisation, an international body concerned with conservation and environmental issues, arrived in Auckland and tied up at Marsden Wharf. On the night of 10 July 1985 disaster struck. Shortly before midnight two high explosive devices, attached to the hull of the Rainbow Warrior some time previously, detonated within the space of a few minutes. The force of the explosions was such that a hole eight feet in size was opened below the waterline at the engine room. The vessel sank within minutes. Earlier that evening approximately 30 people had been on board the ship attending a birthday party and at the time of the explosion 12 people, including the captain, were still present. Only 11 made it to the safety of the wharf. Fernando Pereira, crew member and official photographer was drowned while attempting to retrieve photographic equipment from his cabin. The incident was immediately treated as a homicide enquiry and under the guidance of Detective Superintendent Allan Galbraith there began one of the most far reaching investigations this country has ever seen. As a major international scandal it was, ironically, to give Greenpeace far more publicity than would have occurred had the ill fated Rainbow Warrior completed her voyage to Muroroa Atoll. The discovery of an abandoned rubber Zodiac dinghy and an outboard motor and the sighting of a blue and white campervan, led to the interview of a French speaking couple two days later by the Police, and their subsequent arrest on 15 July. Although initially identified as Alain Jacques Turenge and his wife Sophie Frederique Clare Turenge, inquiries revealed their true identities to be Major Alain Mafart, aged 35 and Captain Dominique Prieur, aged 36. Serving as commissioned officers in the French Armed Forces, they had been detailed to assist members of the French Security Forces to ensure the much publicised voyage of the Rainbow Warrior to French territorial waters did not eventuate. To prevent the voyage occurring the vessel had to be so extensively damaged that repairs could not be completed in time for the voyage to begin. What the French had failed to take into account was the small population of New Zealand and the uniqueness of a bombing. Extensive media coverage brought out the best in New Zealanders. The public was horrified by the bombing and they flooded the Police with information. When linked with information obtained by New Zealand detectives in New Caledonia, Norfolk Island, Australia, Switzerland, France and England this proved without any doubt the major role played by the French Security Service in the bombing and the subsequent death of Fernando Pereira. Police investigations soon led to the yacht Ouvea, which had been hired from Noumea to transport the explosives and French agents to New Zealand. The yacht was never located and is thought to have been scuttled. The positioning and successful detonation of the explosives indicated those responsible were trained and expert in underwater warfare. A sighting of Mafart and Prieur in possession of the Zodiac dinghy led to their early apprehension by New Zealand Police. Initially arrested on charges relating to false passports, they were later charged with arson, conspiring to commit arson on the Rainbow Warrior and with the murder of Pereira. Inquiries were however to suggest their role had only been one of support for those who had placed the explosive devices and, as part of their support role, they had picked up and transported from the rendezvous point at Hobson Bay one of those responsible for the placement of the explosive. In the weeks leading up to the depositions hearing, media interest was fanned by conflicting statements from the French Government. On 27 August President Mitterrand of France had released a report which fully exonerated the French Secret Services. The correct names of the Ouvea crew, who presented themselves to the French police in Paris were contained in the report when it was published. The French Government refused a request for their extradition to New Zealand. The French Press was not satisfied and a number of prominent French papers continued to pressure the Government for the truth. Their persistent enquiries led to the inescapable conclusion that their own Government was responsible. Following a further round of official denials, Monsieur Hernu, the Defence Minister resigned and on 22 September Prime Minister Laurent Fabius admitted, in the face of indisputable evidence, that the French Secret Service had ordered the attack on the Rainbow Warrior.

Type de navire


Je ne sais pas dans quel catégorie classer ce bateau. Ce n'est pas un navire océanographique, ni un bateau de service. Je n'aime pas l'appelation Navire écologiste. Sous quel type d'activité le classeriez-vous ? Merci de faire part de toutes vos idées. Ludo 26 août 2005 à 10:51 (CEST)Répondre

Les catégories des navires suivent habituellement l'usage qu'on en fait. Quel etait l'usage précis de celui-ci ? Moi, "navire écologiste", ça ne me heurte pas. Greenpeace s'en servait pour des actions militantes dans le domaine écologiste, non ? Traroth | @ 26 août 2005 à 11:55 (CEST)Répondre
J'ai surement tort mais navire écologiste me choque, je trouve que Greenpeace est trop hard. Je trouve que Rainbow Warrior rappel plus des mouvements violents plus qu'un militantisme vrai. Qu'en penses-tu ? Ludo 26 août 2005 à 12:04 (CEST)Répondre
Je ne sais pas. Essayes de regarder ici pour te faire une idée. 26 août 2005 à 13:36 (CEST)Répondre
Que penses tu de navire célébre ? Au fond, le Rainbow Warrior est bien plus connu en tant que symbole qu'entend que bateau ; peu de gens savaient qu'il existait avant qu'il ne se fasse couler. Sinon, navire d'intervention (ou l'on pourrait mettre les vedettes de polices, etc.) ? Navire écologiste à deux défauts : 1) son but n'était pas l'écologie, mais plutôt l'action anti-polueur 2) y a t'il suffisament de bateaux a mettre dans cette categorie ? Aineko 26 août 2005 à 13:54 (CEST)Répondre
Navire célèbre me plaît bien. Cette catégorie invite à mettre d'autres unités dedans. Pour sa position vis à vis de l'écologie, il est déjà référencé dans Greenpeace. Ludo 26 août 2005 à 14:20 (CEST)Répondre
Tous les bateaux qui "ont droit" à un article dans Wikipédia sont plus ou moins célèbres. Si vous voulez une catégorie fourre-tout, autant utiliser catégorie:Bateau tout court dans ce but. Étant donné que c'est un voilier je le mets dans "navire à voile". Révertez si vous n'êtes pas d'accord.--Teofilo @ 26 août 2005 à 16:46 (CEST)Répondre
Rien n'empêche de mettre un bateau dans plusieurs catégories à la fois. En l'occurrence, voilier, et pourquoi pas "navire associatif" (nom à améliorer ?), catégorie pouvant inclure aussi le Doulos (ancien paquebot utilisé par des évangélistes) ou le bateau du père Jaouen.
D'accord avec Teofilo : "Navire célèbre" est discutable, ça risque de devenir un joyeux fourre-tout. le Korrigan bla 26 août 2005 à 18:30 (CEST)Répondre
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