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Contoverse de neutralité


It seems that Marconi never experimented in Salvan, and in 1895 was engaged elsewere. Elettra Marconi herself states that she never heard about Salvan and Marconi foundation states there is not a single evidence of what said here. As reported by swissinfo.ch read here it sounds more like a commercial and touristic fake. See also http://www.radiomarconi.com/marconi/itu.html For this reason I attach the tag of NPOV --Biopresto (d) 7 décembre 2008 à 17:32 (CET)Répondre

Well I can't read italian, so it is not so clear what the article exactly says. On the other hand, from this article: Freddy GARDIOL1, Yves FOURNIER, Salvan, berceau de la Télégraphie Sans Fil Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique R.E.E., avril 2008 it is pretty clear that the fact that Marconi was in Salvan is based on a single testimony, but it is also hard to believe that it is a fake. I guess we can mention that there is a swiss-italian debate over this, but we cannot rule for one version or the other. Thanks to have brought this to our attention though. Sylenius (d) 14 décembre 2008 à 15:59 (CET)Répondre

Suppression du bandeau


Je me suis permis de supprimer le bandeau "neutralité" après avoir retouché l'article. En effet, la controverse ne portait pas sur la totalité de l'article, mais seulement sur le point de savoir si Marconi avait, ou non, réalisé son expérience de TSF à Salvan. J'ai donc essayé de présenter de façon plus neutre les deux points de vue. Le bandeau ne semble plus justifié. Goliadkine (d) 14 mars 2009 à 06:24 (CET)Répondre

Princess Elettra Marconi Giovanelli wrote a very fine “preface” for the booklet "Salvan, following Marconi's Footsteps,” by Yves Fournier, published in May 2000. Anyone can read her handwitten text on the first page of the booklet. In it she clearly indicates that Salvan offered the idyllic site where some first steps of TSF by her father Guglielmo Marconi took place. Does she really claim now that she never heard about Salvan? For more information, look up the site of the Marconi Foundation: http://118marconi.free.fr/ -- (d) 1 juillet 2009 à 05:50 (CEST)Freddy Gardiol, 1 July 2009Répondre

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