Discussion:Yitzhak Rabin

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Words from David Rutstein. I actually know the Yigal Amir family. Geula Amir, Yigal Amir's mom really well. As well as Barry Chamish really well. I am the one who built www.BarryChamish.com and www.YigalAmir.com. In fact, all email from both sites go to me. Email from Barry's site gets forwarded to Barry as well.

The first month of Yigal Amir's arrest, Yigal Amir denied doing the murder. After some friendly persuasion he was all into blaming the Rabbis and admitting everything. I am not sure what was discussed, money and threats. But that is what happened. Yigal Amir will never show remorse because he did not do the murder. The evidence is really overwhelming. The video of the Yitzhak Rabin murder is now online and even in that video you can see wierd things happenning. Look at the back passenger door of the limo close from the inside. There was a fourth person in that limo. Israeli TV showed the 10 minute video of the Yitzhak Rabin murder"the Kempler video", for 2 times in 1995, and has not shown the video since. In fact Yigal Amir played an exaggerated non-defense in which he seemed to want to get convicted. This exagerated desire to be convicted seems wierd and will cause Yigal Amir eventually to be freed because anybody who studies the case realizes that Yigal Amir shot blanks.

David Rutstein is leading the effort to bring to justice those responsible for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. David Rutstein built all the web sites which include the video of the murder. Here is his website

As well, Yigal Amir is not viewed as a hero by anyone. Most right wingers realize that Yigal did not murder Rabin. Barry Chamish has been giving lectures in Israel for years. Almost every right winger in Israel has heard of Barry. The left wingers are different. There is a complete censor on this subject in the entire Israel media. Since there is a big inclination for left winger to be "happy" that a religous Jew did a murder, the left wingers are less likely to have read one of the conspiracy books or heard Barry's lecture. As well left wingers get their information from TV and newspapers. Rabin conspiracy does not appear on these news vehicles. Right wingers watch less TV, read less newspapers and are less likely to believe what they see in those media anyways. It may seem that right wingers are "idiots" for not following the news. Right wingers in Israel is another word for religous Jews or those closer to the Jewish religous observance. The religous Jew studies Torah and study of Torah takes alot of time. End of comments by David Cohen

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Par Yann 15 jun 2005 à 15:05 (CEST)

Le 4 novembre 1995, à Tel Aviv, le premier ministre travailliste israélien, Itzhak Rabin est assassiné par un étudiant sioniste extrémiste désirant compromettre le processus de paix engagé entre Israël et la Palestine.

Né en 1922 à Jérusalem, I. Rabin s'engage dans l'armée après ses études d'agronomie. Chef d'état-major général de l'armée israélienne, il gagne la guerre des Six Jours (juin 1967).

Il devient ambassadeur d'Israël aux États-Unis (1968-1974) puis succède à Golda Meir au poste de premier ministre de 1974 à 1977.

Un scandale l'oblige à démissionner mais il continue à occuper divers postes au sein du gouvernement. En tant que ministre de la défense (1984-1990) il tente de réprimer par la force le nationalisme palestinien mais comprend en 1990 que ce conflit n'a pas de solution militaire.

En 1992, il redevient premier ministre et instaure un processus de paix avec la Syrie et la Jordanie. Parallèlement, les négociations entamées avec l'OLP permettent une reconnaissance mutuelle entre Israël et la Palestine le 13 septembre 1993. La signature des ces accords à Washington lui valent le Prix Nobel de la Paix en 1994 conjointement avec Yasser Arafat et Shimon Peres.

La mort de Rabin, si elle bouleverse le peuple d'Israël et désorganise le processus de paix, n'y met pas fin pour autant. Un temps retardées, les négociations reprennent, poursuivies par Shimon Peres puis par Benyamin Netanyahou et soutenues par les États-Unis.

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