The Metal of Djizoes: (pronounced "Jesus") is pure and true. The rhythms are wild, the musical arrangements executed like clockwork, the total devotion of each of the bands musicians and their excellent stage presence constitute the perfect balance on which the group is founded. This band, started in 2002, has managed since it 's 3rd concert to get noticed by an association who immediately financed its first EP, "The Concrete Fog", which was amongst the top sellers in the region for an unsigned band (over 1,000 copies sold). After the release of "The Concrete Fog", the band had the opportunity to meet Gab Oueidat from Studio 77, who immediately offered to record the next album. "The Erkonos Project" is a promotional single, released at the end of February 2005, which gives an mouth-watering preview of what Djizoes: first album will really be; with amongst other things the addition of a second guitar played by Dje. The sales and the first echoes of this disc are already very promising, and are already opening new horizons for the band. Since the release of "The Erkonos Project", Djizoes: has had the opportunity to participate in important concerts and festivals, sharing the stage with world renowned artists, from various stylistic and cultural backgrounds. On stage, Djizoes: has always seduced the audience before which they performed, with their sincere and powerful soul. Their logo, Erkon, present since the beginning and forever to stay, has become a rallying sign, which several fans have not hesitated, amongst other things, to have tattooed or made into jewelry. The Djizoes: family continues to grow, and the band 's fan pool has now reached an international level, taking the band to Japan and the U.S. in 2006. The band just released their new album, "In The Papers" in Tokyo kicking off their 2nd Japan Tour!!

Djizoes: is distributed in Japan by Outbreak Records