Unified Gravity Field of Electro-Static Polarization and Magneto-Optical Refraction of light


Myoung-June Kim A-JouUniv. Suwon,Korea mjkim@ajou.ac.kr

Gravity Unified Field Theoretical Analysis(GUFTA) is interdisciplinary research area including Geo-Science, Astronomy, Meteorology, Specially Chemical Industry, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bio-Science , High power Laser of Strategic Arm. As the application area is very wide, It is called as Theory of Everything. Especially, Gravity Theory seems to have key to problems of formation and rotation of earth, formation of ocean and season, and birth of life. Thus, It is estimated as very important basic theory which change the future of earth predictable astronomically, geo-scientifically, and meteorologically.

To complete gravity unified Field theory based on electrostatic force, We survey Natural phenomena confirmative with the theory, On the basis of the data, Details of the theory have been built. And to perform application research originated form the detailed theory, Destiny of the research is education and delivery of gravity unified theoretical analysis. As an example of application, approaching problems of Chemical Ozone and Fuel cell, the theory provides natural phenomena which has same principles, and explains the mechanisms of thunder which is a basic driving energy sources.

As gravity is background theory of Astrophysics, Geo-Science, and meteorology, Enhancement of Gravity theory is evaluated as very effective. The theory has been a basis of inter-disciplinary research area. The theoretical analysis should be used as a content of high school education content and actually will be a basis of peripheral part technology of space development.

Electro gravity Insist that surface charge of planet and sun cause astronomical gravitation. Therefore surface charge density cause daily variation of geomagnetic field. Amplitude of oceanic daily variation of geomagnetic field is enough to provide gravitational force.

Top paradox is that it does not fall when rotated. Gyroscope is more certain visual example of top paradox than top is. Balls of many kinds are considered for optical gravity. Surface roughness and spin results in alternate attractive and repulsive forces due to slow response of electric surface polarization.

Law of gravity may be discussed as follows

1. Gravitational force is electric.

2. Gravitational wave is electromagnetic.

3. Gravitational force is integrated value of attractive electric force between surfaces or interfaces of objects

4. Gravitational response is not instantaneous due to relatively slow change of optically polarized electric surface charge distribution.

5. Electric force is magnetic Lorentz force

6. Magnetic force is derived from momentum conservation

Recently, basic mechanics of optical interface refraction has been studied as an interaction between photon and surface photo induced magnetism. Interference of photon seems to be the result of Lorentz force particle theoretically

Introduction of Optical Gravity Unification


We introduce assumption that gravity is electric polarization phenomena. In Fig. 1 Large sphere of left side induce uniformly shifted electric polarization on the small sphere of the right side, net electrostatic force between two spheres is approximated as follows

F = q1q2/(4πεr2) (2Δr/r)                           1)

If we get the above equation, it seems difficult to unify the gravity because delta r may be proportional to 1/rr. Nontheless, Bravely we write as follows

q1 = em1/(t1u)                                       2)

Then we need mass, charge relationship

G =Δ(r,m2,r1) (e/u)2/(2πεt1t2) 3)

where e is charge of electron, u unified mass constant ie nucleon. and t = (# of neutron + # of proton)/ # of proton then G is calculated as follows

If G is Constant, according to this unification theory, delta is constant and value of delta 1s 1.4 X 10 to the power of -36. Using astronomical data, We fill the table below.

Table 1 Value of Δr. if G is constant

Astronomical object Δr

Sun-Earth 2.1× 10-25 m

Earth-Human 8.96× 10-30 m

Center of Galaxy-Sun 6.34× 10-16 m

Because earth rotates around the sun and spins also, Daily variation of electric polarization of earth induces daily variation of geomagnetism.

According to table 1. Delta is very small. thus It is reasonable to introduce the second model of induced electro-static polarization on the surface of both spheres.

To calculate attraction forces between spheres, we assumes electro static forces are function of mass and distance of the sphere and radius of itelf, electro static force between spheres is written possibly as follows. ................................................................4) Additionally we transform the first model as sigma as cos theta multiplied by amplitude as follows.

σ1a = k(r) m2/4πr12,  σ2a = -k(r) m1/4πr22                                                5)

where we assume once more amplitude of polarization is proportional to the mass of other sphere and surface area of surface. We use above relation in equation 4. we find forces below. k is proportionality constant We get the following equations

It is preferable to explain gravity with electrostatic polarization model only when amplitude of polarization is not function of distance between them.

According to daily variation of geomagnetism, It is desirable that normalized electro static polarization function should be replaced by generalized function.


According to data measured in London, Daily variation of geomagnetism is approxmately 40 gamma( 1 gamma is 1 nanotesla) The value is 1/10 of expected by the theory.

According to Ref[2] Geomagnetism measured by flus gate sensor in Daejon, Amplitude of daily variation of geomagnetic field is maximum in summer.

Geomagnetic field is minimum at 9 am. of the day and become maximum ad 3PM. actually Amplitute of Daily variation of Daejon Geomagnetism in summer reaches 90 gamma Although it is smaller than the expected value.

If we consider electric polarization of water molecule, It is expected that Daily variation of geomagnetism on the ocean may be more than 10 fold.

Actually. According to paper of ocean floor expansion theory the amplitude shows reasonable.

Mars geomagnetism is also available. According to eq. 5, It is 4fold of that of earth.

Unifying Trials of Magneto-Optical Refraction by Magneto-Hydrodynamics


M.-J. Kim(Ajou University)

Magneto-Electricity Assumes gravity and electric force is not original the relationship between magnetism and electricity can be written as follows

	Ei = ∑j vij × Bij(rij)  1)

Although the above equation is nearly Lorentz equation. It resembles Maxwell's equation and can be used to extend Einstein's particle theory. so we call it Maxwell Einstein Lorentz Equation or simply MEL equation.

MEL equation is basic equation of motion of spinning particle including photons, electrons etc. Under uniform magnetic field, spinning, that is to say, charged particle moves circularly of Helically, If spin and magnetic field is parallel. In two particle system of heavy spin down proton and light spin up electron, electric field applied to electron Ee is v×B and ∇×H equal zero. There fore if H=-∇φ , phi can be written as

H(r)= -μ1/r2+2(μ1·r)r/r4     	2)

Thus potential energy U(r) of the interaction of two particles is given as follows

	U(r) = +μ1·μ2/r2 - 2(μ1·r)(μ2·r)/r4			3)

if spins of electron and proton are perpendicular to r and anti-parallel to each other. the second term can be neglected. the conservation law of angular momentum can be written as follows.

	μ1 = eJ/2m1 - er12ω/2  		4)

if total angular momentum is zero then.

μ1 = -er12ω1

μ2 = -μ1 +er22ω/2 = eωr12(1+(m1/m2)2)/2 5)

where r2 is distance between the center of mass and m2 so,

thus total angular momentum is zero

F(r) = -ω2/2 e2r 6)

where omega is also function of distance. If we use generalized Kepler's third law in the above equation, electric force is given as follows

	F(r) = - k/2  e2r/r3.		      			7)

Thus k=1/2ε0π which is the relationship between kepler constant and permeability. Dimensional analysis is traditional method to confirm the derived equation, it was ok but coulomb should be root kg. If we assume magnetism from electricity wire and static electricity are phenomena based on the same principle. Static electricity is due to surface spin produced by friction. By the relation of surface spin, a bit of paper can be moved as magnetic fields withdraws. If electricity flow in the wire, at this time the effect happens inside the surfaces.

The surface electron gain spin as electron moves colliding surfaces. Such spins result in magnetic field around wire. thus magnetic field of coil can be deduced in the same way. It is necessary to describe the electric field in the condenser. According to MEL equation, electron orbital motion in the polar surfaces and normal spin in the surface contribute to the electric field. For the junction tunneling problem of diode, Magneto-electricity assumption assert that exciton should be interpreted otherwise. Recently, it is known that positronium experiment is under going. Actually, to apply magneto-electricity theory to photonics, angular motional magnetism concept and MEL equation is applied to electron-antielectron pair anihilation and creation of gamma ray. the pair particle model of photon comes in the sight. same particle of antiparallel spin attract with magnetical force and collide inelastically. If the spin energy are transformed to translational energy.

 	mv2/2 = Iω2/2 		              		            8)

where speed of electron is put as c then radius of electron can be calculated. Actually to satisfy the conservation of linear angular momentum, cooncept of jet should be introduced.

In figure 1. propagation way of pair particle model is that spin is transformed to translational motion resulting in remnant oscillating spin. the pair particles collide twice in a cycle and spins of the pair increased with distance between them. then magnetic forces increases. Again They approach each other. It is expected that there are offset in the remnant oscillating spin. As sunlight is incident on the planet like earth obliquely. Electron on the surface gain spins which we call photo spin effect. this effect is the second kind of photo electric effect. Especilly, refraction phenomena of general interfaces are due to the magnetic field produced by this phenomena. It is desirable to use MEL equation to analize the dynamics of light refraction. That is to say, In fig.2 Basic mechanics of optical interface refraction is interaction is interaction of photon and surface photo induced magnetism. Incident photons are decelerated and deflected according to MEL equation. We use delta function to ease the problem, surface magnetism can be written as M(z) = Mδ(z). The electric field applied to photon is

 	E = v μ0Mδ(z) 						           9)

Work of the force reduced the speed of light. magnetism is given as follows

	M = mc(n2-1)/(2qμ0n2) 	 		           10)

MEL equation was proved with magneto-jet assumption. and Interference seems to be the result of Lorentz force

Pair particle photon

elliptically polarized photon model

Features of Light


Media interaction


Optical component


MKPaulo : MayJune Kaneshiro Paulo

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