Carol Zamfirescu

mathématicien roumain

Carol Zamfirescu est un mathématicien roumain.

Carol Zamfirescu
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Il enseigne à l'Université de Dortmund.

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Publications modifier

  • avec Boris Schauerte : Small k-pyramids and the complexity of determining k. J. Discrete Algorithms 30: 13-20 (2015)[1]
  • On Hypohamiltonian and Almost Hypohamiltonian Graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 79(1): 63-81 (2015)
  • (2)-pancyclic graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 161(7-8): 1128-1136 (2013)
  • Survey of two-dimensional acute triangulations. Discrete Mathematics 313(1): 35-49 (2013)
  • avec Lijie Jia, Liping Yuan et Tudor Zamfirescu : Balanced triangulations. Discrete Mathematics 313(20): 2178-2191 (2013)
  • avec Mohammadreza Jooyandeh, Brendan D. McKay, Patric R. J. Östergård, Ville Pettersson : Planar Hypohamiltonian Graphs on 40 Vertices. CoRR abs/1302.2698 (2013)
  • Hypohamiltonian Graphs and their Crossing Number. Electr. J. Comb. 19(4): P12 (2012)
  • An Infinite Family of Planar Non-Hamiltonian Bihomogeneously Traceable Oriented Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 26(1): 141-146 (2010)
  • avec Tudor Zamfirescu: A planar hypohamiltonian graph with 48 vertices. Journal of Graph Theory 55(4): 338-342 (2007)

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