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Erdrokan 6 janvier 2014 à 23:28 (CET)Répondre

Page speedcubing


Bonjour, je suis Julio974 (un des contributeurs de la page Speedcubing), et je pense qu'on devrait collaborer pour rendre la page Speedcubing plus lisible, aérée, etc.. Pour ça, j'ai proposé 2 choses en page de discussion, et j'aimerai savoir ce que tu/vous en pense/pensez ! Julio974 (discuter) 18 août 2018 à 13:35 (CEST)Répondre

Bonjour, c'est une bonne idee, mais... I don't actually speak French. I just try to keep the records up to date. But could you also have a look at Feliks Zemdegs - there's this huge blue table in the article that makes no sense. Merci, Judith Sunrise (discuter) 18 août 2018 à 13:49 (CEST)Répondre
And I'm also very happy to see that someone wants to improve the articles. Without proper French skills there's only so much I can do. Judith Sunrise (discuter) 18 août 2018 à 14:06 (CEST)Répondre
I can help you if you want (or need). The blue table you're talking about in the page for Feliks Zemdegs is just showing what world records he has (or had) and who preceded/followed him.
But the blue table is very out of date. Is it supposed to be the latest record in each event? If yes, I can update it. But maybe it should be explained (and my French is really not good enough for that). Judith Sunrise (discuter) 22 août 2018 à 19:31 (CEST)Répondre
I don't think it needs a lot of explaining, apart from "Mise à jour des records" ("Updated records"). Julio974 (discuter) 23 août 2018 à 14:39 (CEST)Répondre
I didn't mean explaining my edit (that should be pretty self-explanatory), but a short explanation in the article, what the table means (something like "latest world records per event" - "Record du monde le plus récent par catégorie" ... ou quelque chose comme ca?). I'm also not really happy about other things in the table: The table makes it look like Feliks took the 5x5 average record from Dan Cohen in November 2017 (since that's when he got the 43.21). But in reality he took it from Dan Cohen in September 2010. Judith Sunrise (discuter) 23 août 2018 à 15:26 (CEST)Répondre
I added the precision that it's about world records in the article. I'll also update the whole thing. And the left part isn't who the record was taken from, but who is the last distinct WR holder. Julio974 (discuter) 23 août 2018 à 16:42 (CEST)Répondre
Merci beaucoup! Judith Sunrise (discuter) 24 août 2018 à 16:14 (CEST)Répondre
I created a template on the english wikipedia for international speedcube matches: en:Template:Speedcube match. I used it to make the start of a page for the 2017 Nations Cup, which is here. Tell me what you think of it! Julio974 (discuter) 8 septembre 2018 à 18:21 (CEST)Répondre
Cool stuff, but I'm not sure whether we have much use for it. It's not even sure whether there will be a Nations Cup next year. And adding the 2017 Cup to the Speedcubing article would clutter the article. We would first need a full article about the 2017 World Championship before we can even begin to think about adding the information about the Nations Cup. Judith Sunrise (discuter) 10 septembre 2018 à 14:58 (CEST)Répondre
Ok. I started working on a page for the 2017WC, here it is: en:Draft:World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017. Julio974 (discuter) 24 septembre 2018 à 21:21 (CEST)Répondre