Bienvenue sur Wikipédia, Majid Khalili Dermani !

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Hérisson grognon (discuter) 19 avril 2023 à 10:48 (CEST)Répondre

Trés bon !


Pour ton 3eme edit ! Hugo en résidence (discuter) 23 avril 2023 à 23:21 (CEST)Répondre

Hello Dear Prof
I hope you are doing well
As you khow, I passed the following course with you:
Valoriser ses recherches sur Wikipédia Nombre d'heures : 6 Date : 19-04-2023 Horaire : 09h30 - 16h30
but as I informed you before I will have the following course too:
Transformer des publications scientifiques en articles Wikipédia Nombre d'heures : 3 Date : 24-04-2023 Horaire : 9h30-12h30
As you told me before both of them is the same course, and it s not needed to partipate in the second one
But Would it be possible for you to do my present in your list ? (instead of presenting in this course,If you prefer you can give me a project to do) ( I told that because the information of the courses is the same and I can learn sth more from you if it will be possible )
Best regards
Majid Majid Khalili Dermani (discuter) 24 avril 2023 à 00:48 (CEST)Répondre
Hello Majid Khalili Dermani, thank for this wiki-message ! Émoticône
I marked you as « excused » and explained to the EDT the situation. I cannot mark you as present since it would grant you a double notation for the same program.
As for the your idea of some homework, it's a very good idea I could develop in coming month(s). I could develop a mentoring-training program with a project to do (an article), associated to a EDT course and « credit ». I will think about that and keep you informed.
Feel free to continue expanding your draft page on Wikipedia and ask for me to review it, when I open the new course (based on your idea), I will take into account your work already done. Hugo en résidence (discuter) 25 avril 2023 à 14:42 (CEST)Répondre
Hello Dear ;)
thanks for your explication to EDT
about your proposition, I am really glad to follow that,I will look forward to join this practical project
I will back you soon when I will have question
Best reagrds
Majid Majid Khalili Dermani (discuter) 26 avril 2023 à 04:43 (CEST)Répondre