Bienvenue sur Wikipédia, Straßburg Elsaß !

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--Romary 5 novembre 2006 à 01:11 (CET)Répondre



J'ai essayé d'intégrer vos ajouts à l'article, merci pour ces informations. :-) Manchot 5 novembre 2006 à 01:32 (CET)Répondre

Merci de vos précisions et de votre effort dans la langue de Molière. Émoticône sourire --VARNA 6 novembre 2006 à 18:53 (CET)Répondre

Merci. Comme vous pouvez imaginer, ma langue maternelle n'est pas francais (ni le chinois ;-)), mais Lewis est un scientifique tres respetable et son recherche est tres solide. Straßburg Elsaß

Re : Heckruder


Halo ! Danke ! Ich werde in Englisch schreiben : mein Deutsch ist wirklich nicht gut.
Yes, there's no problem for me to draw this scheme as it is quiet simple and the reference is good. I'll let you know here when it will be online.
Grüße. Sting (m'écrire) 14 janvier 2008 à 17:00 (CET)Répondre

Merci beaucoup! You're my man! But there aren't no copyright issues, or should I try to contact Mr. Mott first? I have quite a few of those technical depictions as I am mainly writing on the history of technology. If you don't mind, I'd like to come back to you from time to time with one of those. :-) Liebe Grüße Straßburg Elsaß (d) 15 janvier 2008 à 15:10 (CET)Répondre
Here is the scheme : Image:Pintle_and_gudgeon_rudder_system_scheme.svg
No, there will be no copyright issue as there's no direct use of the original image and the system is well known for a long time. The fact I draw my scheme with the same point of view than the one used as reference doesn't make it a copyvio.
Greetings. Sting (m'écrire) 16 janvier 2008 à 23:09 (CET)Répondre
P.S. : In WP-en article, I think a correction should be made : as L. V. Mott writes (p. 83-84), even if the representation of the system on the church carvings is dated of about 1180, he believes the mounting system itself dates of the early 12th century. I think this date is more important.
Many thanks. It looks fine! 1180 is only included as the Terminus ante quem, I think. I will greatly expand the article anyway, which may take time though, as the subject is a bit complex. Kind regards Straßburg Elsaß (d) 17 janvier 2008 à 03:50 (CET)Répondre

Re : Roman cranes


Hi. The subject is interesting and these three schemes are pretty clear so there shouldn't be big issues creating new drawings of them.
Unfortunately, I'm quiet busy for the moment drawing several maps as well as with real life occupations, so I don't know when I will be able to make them, probably not during April. If you didn't find somebody to draw them for you until then, I will, but the delays may be great.
Greetings. Sting (m'écrire) 31 mars 2008 à 19:23 (CEST)Répondre

Hi. Take your time, I would like you to do the work. Please download the article, because I do not know how long it will remain online. :-) Are there btw other illustrators you can recommend? I have some material on ancient bridges, too. Viele Grüße Straßburg Elsaß (d) 2 avril 2008 à 17:05 (CEST)Répondre
Hi. I already downloaded the document. In general, if you need a work on a photograph or scheme, on can place a request on the Wikipédia:Atelier graphique/Images à améliorer page, which is our graphic lab. There is very competent people over there. Greetings. Sting (m'écrire) 2 avril 2008 à 18:11 (CEST)Répondre
Thx, I am going to ask them. I'd still be happy though if you do the work on the Roman cranes. Liebe Gruesse Straßburg Elsaß (d) 15 avril 2008 à 13:40 (CEST)Répondre
Hello. Sorry, I didn't started yet to work on them because I was (and still) busy with maps. Are you in a hurry ? Greetings. Sting (m'écrire) 24 mai 2008 à 03:16 (CEST)Répondre
No, not all. Real life enjoys absolute priority, especially in summer. :-) Just thought you might have forgotten it. Kind regards Straßburg Elsaß (d) 9 juin 2008 à 15:55 (CEST)Répondre

Hi. I'm happy to let you know that the first scheme of the trispastos is available : Image:Trispastos_scheme.svg. I just made the perspective view as I think, with the color, that it's pretty clear this way. Is it ok for you ? I let you insert it in the article's page. Sting (m'écrire) 10 juin 2008 à 01:27 (CEST)Répondre

And here the second one: Image:Pentaspastos_scheme.svg. Sting (m'écrire) 30 juin 2008 à 23:11 (CEST)Répondre
Again superb! Really great work. I am looking forward to the Polyspastos. Could you integrate your sketches in the French article(s)? I'll do it for the English and German version. Kind regards 1 juillet 2008 à 16:56 (CEST)

Hello. I don't forget you but I must admit I didn't work on this scheme since last time: as usual, I'm strongly requested with maps. About the water clocks, it's another interesting subject but you have seen I've not much time. Btw, I wasn't able to download the PDF file (“maximum downloaded times” limit). Greetings. Sting (m'écrire) 17 septembre 2008 à 15:34 (CEST)Répondre

Hi. I remember I still have the last crane to do but I'm in a « Wikislow » those last weeks, so it may take even more time. I downloaded the file about the water clocks. Greetings. Sting (m'écrire) 13 novembre 2008 à 14:19 (CET)Répondre
OK, I'll try to make it this month. Greetings. Sting (m'écrire) 4 mars 2009 à 21:57 (CET)Répondre

Pages with only {{Traduction}}


Hello. I've deleted your articles with only "{{Traduction}}". I agree with your translation request but it's not useful to keep this kind of page so far the translation. Seb [leouf] 29 novembre 2008 à 18:04 (CET)Répondre

Tuyau romain en plomb


Sorry, but after talking between projet Rome antique's members, we found also a wikilink from italian article, witch is linked to english and germand ones, even if it is not a translation. German, english and french content are nearly the same (fabrication and inscriptions = épigraphie in french article) so we restore wikilinks. Regards Ursus (d) 28 novembre 2010 à 17:11 (CET)Répondre



Bonjour Straßburg Elsaß. Juste un petit mot pour vous dire que Hiérapolis commence par un h aspiré. Il n'y a donc pas d'élision, on dit « de Hiérapolis » et non « d'Hiérapolis ». C'est comme hiéroglyphe, hiérodule, etc., enfin tous les mots qui viennent du grec hieros, sacré. Bien cordialement et bonne continuation. --Jlm7503 (d) 8 avril 2011 à 19:43 (CEST)Répondre