
Alex Cecchetti


Alex Cecchetti (Terni, Italy) lives and works in Paris. His work includes writings, choreography, sculpture, video, performance, and painting—investigating issues as diverse and numbered as the mediums in which they are made.



By the invention of protocols and distinct work methods, the artist manipulates objects, ideas and language and uses them as basic materials for the construction of multiple narratives in which the processes emerge as much as the accidents, as in the performance I Giocatori, where Cecchetti creates a sculptural dialogue with other artists. Some of Alex Cecchetti narratives are developed within the field of dance as The Seven Brothers, a choreography for sleeping dancers or H a choreography for hidden nudes. Alex Cecchetti develops and creates spaces of interconnected creativity, since 2009, the Salon du Mercredi has been gathered in private and public meetings around Europe. Artists, writers, curators, dancers, philosophers are invited around a question to discuss and exchange knowledge with performances and objects.

Alex Cecchetti’s storytelling is a philosophical play with words, where the manipulation of objects, ideas and language makes the invisible visible. Examples of storytelling are the film Theory of Rising, the performance Marie&William, or Louvre, a trilogy dedicated to the museum of the Louvre described as a tour guide of the Louvre without the Louvre, where through techniques of rhetoric, dance, and collaboration the chambers, corridors, and the masterpieces of the Louvre are summoned from the domain of the invisible.

In the catalogue of the 15th Prix fondation d'entreprise Ricard, curator Yann Chateigné wrote "Alex Cecchetti has developed a unique practice, difficult to classify, that could be called art of avoidance: tactical and poetic, aesthetic and materialistic, its system leads to produce specific situations that can exist both inside and outside the traditional exhibitions. His staging of an invisible choreography, exposing naked body in a public space, hidden even to the artist himself, and whose impossible documentation is the final production of the work, reveals a principle of both discontact and shift that is the actual core of his work voluntarily heterogene in its diverse forms, but united in the method. Collaborative, Alex Cecchetti engages the viewer physically and intellectually, in a concrete experience where his work is perceived as a mental thing and the thought as a form. "