
Beeleev, company created in 2013 by Hugues Franc, is an online & offline co-development network of entrepreneurs (Founders, CEOs, Presidents, Business Owners of SMEs seeking cross-border opportunities) who wish to mutually collaborate to realize international business development by sharing best practices and resources.



Beeleev was founded in 2013 to assist Assisting entrepreneurs with these challenges is the Mission of Beeleev, and what lead Hugues Franc to create the network in June 2013. A business world specialist and HEC Lausanne alumni, working at Bull S.A, Cap Gemini and Bossard Consultants, he founded and managed the Réseaux Entreprendre Paris, 92 et 93. - January 2015: 350 members in 24 countries - May 2016: 2700 members in 206 countries Beeleev also has 6 offices throughout the world: Paris; New York City, NY; Omaha, NE; Tokyo; Copenhagen; Montréal.



Beeleev's mission is to help entrepreneurs worldwide. It is an online platform based on collaboration among its members. Beyond that objective of co-development, Beeleev is also involved in helping its members attain visibility. Thanks to its own members and extended networks, Beeleev aims to help Beeleevers (members of the Beeleev platform) find potential synergies between their businesses, and potentially find partners to tackle new foreign markets. Further, Beeleev aims to emphasize the importance of physical meetings in the modern digital, as such interactions are both more meaningful and effective.



In Beeleev's aims of create a spirit of communitarianism among its members, it often organizes local and international Networking Events for entrepreneurs to meet in person. These events range from breakfasts with a small group of entrepreneurs and expert speakers, or bigger events such as cocktails. Beeleev has also organized Learning Expeditions with groups of entrepreneurs to foreign countries. Some Learning Expeditions include: - San Francisco and the Silicon Valley - Berlin - New York - London

More are planned in the near future.